THE GARDEN OF EDEN…….. Well for many of us it’s more than a - TopicsExpress


THE GARDEN OF EDEN…….. Well for many of us it’s more than a little apparent, obvious & yet startling (in some ways) that THE LAND OF MILK & HONEY has gone sour, dour & is disappearing before our very eyes……And just asking a simple question when did greed, hate, stealing or being a parasite replace giving, loving, working your ass off & caring……..And amongst the many divides in this land, some erroneously believe either this (the myth) is still true ( the way it was) or it simply doesn’t matter anymore…… Well dog eat dog has become more like flesh eating PARINHA’S…… Well one step forward & two steps back….again…. I, me, mine is basically a more, more, more chant…..And then throw in a RIGHT NOW……And they don’t care one iota how they get there…… So Damn The Torpedo’s, they’ll shove it down our throats every time….A society that has no moral compass doesn’t know, doesn’t realize & it will slowly drift to it doesn’t care anymore….Seriously we have raised a generation of narcissistic sociopaths…..Thanks in part to our schools….. No one wants to learn, earn, work, hold their own or much less fold them…. Merritt and valor not only have no meaning they have no place….So with that in mind lying, cheating are the new norm & sadly expected ….And I remind you what we tolerate can & will have consequences …… Sooner or later we have to pay the costs….. We have allowed this GARDEN OF EDEN to turn into a hell on earth…. For if you are a decent God loving Christian you are excoriated, chastised, ostracized & denied your right to believe as you wish (and that’s by design) …..We have replaced God with State…..and IMO we are paying the price for it with the most disgusting (POTUS) government we could have ever imagine……I mean corruption is rampant , morals either non-existent or ignored & money, lust & power rules the day… tell me do you see love , caring and/or believing in present day leadership ??? I don’t! For me the only hope & prayer we have as a people, as a culture & as a nation is in each other…..Searching out those who believe as you do is worth the fight & effort…. That is how this country was founded ….. The lie or life that we see from our front porches, television (MEDIA) is what is wrong with this country…… There is no I in team & while I’m pessimistic (in general) about our future ….I still have to and want to believe….. I was blessed with a good family & I am thankful for my many friends…..The Garden Of Eden will & should always exist in our hearts…. That is where it belongs…..
Posted on: Sat, 29 Jun 2013 02:03:51 +0000

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