THE GREATEST TRIBULATION OF DAJJAL!!!!! PART EIGHT The Prophet(saw) said that THE MAJORITY OF THOSE WHO WILL GO TO DAJJAL WILL BE WOMEN !!! ..UNTIL A MAN WILL GO HOME TO HIS MUM,DAUGHTER,WIFE AND SISTERS, AND HE WILL LOCK THEM UP Because of the Fear that they will go out to Dajjal!!!.., When the Prophet(saw) said HE IS NOT YOUR LORD he has in perfection physically!!,Morally!!, Ethically!!, Everything you can think of but for his followers hes perfect!!!!,But we can see his imperfection(True Muslims),One of them is Fear,the dajjal actually is scary!!,hes very very Fearful!!!,hes very Proud!!!,Boastful!!,hes very Egotistic!!...Did you know he would go to a Bedouin whose parent are dead and he would say to him IF I CAN BRING YOUR PARENT BACK TO LIFE, WOULD YOU TESTIFY THAT I AM YOUR LORD ???? the Badouin will say Definitely Yes!,..Dajjal will make two Shayteen would take the Form in the Appearance of his Father and Mother!!,and they will say to him Ya Bunay!, (My Beloved Son,Follow Him Because he is ur lord) .The Man will Follow the Dajjal!!!!.In other Circumstance we see the fact that he doesnt have the same kind of strength to alleo others!!,The Prophet(saw) for example spoke about a man who will go out to the Dajjal (This is a Very Beautiful Hadith), he will first be confronted by the Army of the Dajjal, and when he gets to them,they will Question him WHAT DO YOU WANT TO SEE??? and the Man will say I WANT TO SEE DAJJAL and the Army will say to him DO YOU NOT BELIEVE IN OUR LORD??? and the Man will say I DONT BELIEVE IN YOUR LORD!! after saying this, they would want to kill him,the narration states that, when the army realize the way and manner the man said I Dont Believe In Him!!, One of them will tell the others HASNT YOUR LORD PREVENTED YOU???? EXCEPT ONLY HE CAN KILL SOMEBODY ?????? so they will give me Permission to pass and he will go to the Dajjal and he will say to him I TESTIFY THAT YOU ARE OF WHOM THE PROPHET(SAW) SPOKE OF and the Dajjal will say DO YOU NOT BELIEVE IN ME ???? and he will say YOU ARE THE LIAR!!, THE IMPOSTOR!!,FALSE!!,FRAUDULENT!!, YOU ARE SIMPLY AN ILLUSION!! he is indeed Illusory!!!,his power is Temporary!!,its very finite!!,.DO you know what Dajjal will do dear reader ??????????? Will continue later
Posted on: Wed, 05 Mar 2014 10:35:34 +0000

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