THE ISSUES OF ETERNAL LIFE Pastor Apollo C. Quiboloy And - TopicsExpress


THE ISSUES OF ETERNAL LIFE Pastor Apollo C. Quiboloy And according to the book, there is a story. That is a true story not a fiction in Luke 16:19 to the end of the chapter. It says, “There was a certain rich man which was clothed in purple and fine linen and fared scrumptiously every day. There was a certain beggar named Lazarus which was laid in his gate, full of sores and desiring to be fed with the crumbs which fell from the rich man’s table; moreover, the dogs came and licked his sores. And it came to pass the beggar died and was carried by the angels into Abraham’s bosom. The rich man also died and was buried and in hell he lifted up his eyes being in torments and seeing Abraham afar off and Lazarus in his bosom and he cried (the rich man) and said, Father Abraham have mercy on me. Send Lazarus that he may dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue for I am tormented in this flame.” That’s not fiction. That is not a parable. That is a true story. That’s why I thank the Father Almighty although this message is very heavy, this message will not make you jump up and down. It will not make and create a commotion here. It will not gather a soul or thousands of crowds as I wanted to, because people don’t want to hear that. Many people would like to hear a message like this: “10 steps you will follow to make you rich and successful.” People, when they hear that, they will even buy tickets in order to attend your meetings. Pastor Apollo C. Quiboloy is coming and his message will be, “The 10 steps for you to become wealthy in this world.” People will even buy tickets to attend seminars like that. People will be flocking to hear that kind of a message. But a message like repent, surrender your will, and surrender your being a god… Unless you are really serious about the reality of where you are going after you die, you will listen to this message. I thank the Father you have been listening to my message. That means you are serious. That means you are looking at the perspective of your spiritual life, where you are going to go when you die. I thank the Father you have been listening to my message. That means you are serious. That means you are looking at the perspective of your spiritual life, where you are going to go when you die. I am here so that you will live a physical life full of blessings. Let us face the issues of eternal life first. Jesus Christ said in Matthew 6:33, “Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all of these things will be added unto you.” You know what the Father wants you to be? He wanted you not only to become successful physically, but first of all, He wanted you to become successful spiritually. You have an eternal insurance in your spirit first and then you will enjoy your 70 years of life. All of these things will be added unto you. You are asking for a nice house, a nice job, a nice family. You are asking to be strong, to be able to face the problems of life and become strong in your spirit, in your emotion and in your mind. All of these will be added unto you – first, seek the Kingdom of God. (Matthew 6:33). How do you seek the Kingdom of God first? Come and surrender your will to Him so that your soul will be eternally insured first. So you will not fear death. You will have this joy unspeakable in your heart. (1 Peter 1:8) When you lay down on your bed at night, you don’t fear. Anything that happens, you know you are surely going into the bosom of Abraham to be with God in heaven forever and ever. Then you will enjoy your family, your life and your job. You will have peace, joy and happiness. And that happiness and joy that is in you is not only fleeting, it is not only temporary but it’s permanent because it comes from the assurance in your spirit that when you leave this physical life, you will have a better life to go into because you will be with God in eternity forever and ever. It is the reality that your soul is talking to you and your soul is saying you are only preparing for this physical life, but you are not preparing for the place where you will go. You are only preparing for your body, the physical bodily satisfaction of this life. For your pride, lust of the eyes and lust of the flesh. You are only preparing for that. You are only concerned about that, without being concerned about who you are inside and where you are going. That’s why that is unexplainable and science cannot explain the sorrow that permeates your being and that is found in your subconscious. That’s why when you dream at night, you dream that you always have a nightmare that somebody is always chasing you. Why? There is fear within you. It’s an unexplainable fear, because you are a spiritual being. Your soul is telling you that you are still lost. You have millions of money but you are still lost. You have all the success but you are still lost. You are still out of sync with the Spirit of the One who created you. That’s why you need to find that connection first. This is the reason why I am here. I would like you to be reconnected. I could not say these things without being reconnected first. That is why I am the happiest human being on the face of the earth. And I would like you to be reconnected with God first. So this message of repentance is surrendering your will. When you say, “Father, I surrender to Your government, I surrender to Your rule, I surrender to Your Will, and from now on I will no longer be a god, because Satan Lucifer the devil was the one who made a god out of me. You wanted me to be your temple here on earth. You wanted me to be your residence. I will go back to Your original plan of creating me. I will go back there so that You can now live in me. I will surrender my being a god, I will surrender my will, from now on, not my will but Your Will be done in my life.” Then the Father will erase all the things that you have done in your life before being a god to yourself doing your own will and now you are committed to His Will when you face judgment. And before you face judgment, your soul will already be clapping and be rejoicing inside of you, because even though he does not know this verse, the soul knows that when the time comes for him to face his Creator in judgment, he will be very, very happy to face Him. “Not all that say unto me Lord, Lord, shall enter the Kingdom of Heaven, but they that do the Will of my Father who is in Heaven.” (Matthew 7:21). Look at those people who have sidetracked from the Will of God in their lives. They would say, “But, we have cast out demons in your name, I am a preacher, I am an evangelist, I am popular in the whole world, but I have done so many wonderful works in your Name.” (Matthew 7:22) “I have made many people rich with my message, 10 steps to become wealthy and 10 steps to become successful. I have done so many wonderful works.” The Father will tell them in those days, “Not all that say unto me Lord, Lord, shall enter into the Kingdom of Heaven, but they that do the Will of my Father who is in Heaven.” (Matthew 7:21) They will be the one to come into the Kingdom of Heaven. And He will say to them, “Who are you? I don’t know you; depart from me, you that work iniquity.” (Matthew 7:23). Isn’t that very shocking? You think you are saved but you are not because you have put aside the essential and important eternal issue of salvation which is doing the Father’s Will. You are no longer the God, He is now the God. You will interpret the Word of God according to what He said. According to Him, “Love God with all your heart, with all your mind, with all your soul and with all your strength. Love your neighbor as yourself.” (Luke 10:27) When you are the god even when your neighbor is very close to you, you don’t care about him, you don’t know him. When you follow Him and He becomes the God again, He commanded, “Love your neighbor as yourself.” And He went further than that. He said, “Love your enemy.” (Matthew 5:44). When I am the god, how can I love my enemy? I will kill my enemy. I will not love my enemy. But according to Him, when He is the God, you will love your enemy. How do you love your enemy? Will you go to the door of the house of your enemy and knock on his door and when the enemy comes out, worship him and embrace him and say, “I love you, you are my enemy.” You don’t do that. When you love your enemy that means not hating them. Pray for them that despitefully use you and bless them that curse you. (Matthew 5:44). When you are a god to yourself and you made your own heaven, you will say, “I will not love those who are not members of my religion. I will even kill them.” That is not what He said. His Will says, “Love your enemy and do good to them who persecute you and despitefully use you.” (Matthew 5:44) He is now the God. That is His interpretation according to Him and this is what I am bringing to the whole world today. When you begin to do that, you will unload a lot of anxiety, sorrow and sadness in your life. That’s why true happiness will now come to you. If you have bitterness, resentment and you are full of hate; you have hated somebody and you have not forgiven the one you have hated, hate is still with you. When you hate somebody and have not yet forgiven that somebody that you have hated, you have put him in prison house. Your own prison and you are guarding that prison. You have a prisoner inside and that’s why you have to feed the prisoner inside. How many did you put in your own prison and how many are you feeding every day? Those are monkeys you are feeding. You are going to care for that grudge and resentment. Please unlock the door of your prison. Let all the prisoners out. Don’t take responsibility for those. Forgive. So, when you sleep at night, you can now sleep soundly. Wow, your ulcers are going to be gone in a week. Your heart problem is going to stop. Your high blood pressure is going to go down. You become healthy again, and the worry lines on your face will vanish one by one. You are becoming younger by the day. Be forgiving. Don’t put grudge in your heart. Don’t worry about your enemy – release them, forgive them, don’t hate them; and don’t put resentment in your heart. Then real joy, real peace and real love will come to you because love and joy will make you shine. That’s why the Word of God in John 10:10 says, “The thief cometh not but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy.” The enemy, Satan Lucifer the devil came forth to steal your joy, steal your love, steal your peace. Kill your love, kill your peace and destroy everything. But the Word of the Father says in continuation of that verse, “…the Son of God came to give life and life more abundantly.” There was one very rich man in my city. He was very, very rich since he was a young man. But at a young age, he already struggled in life until he became successful. But He was a chain smoker and he cannot stop smoking. So, that became his vice. Now, he became so successful, he had a hotel and had big businesses. In other words, he became a billionaire. But he got sick and went to the doctor and was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer. While lying on his death bed, he was crying and he told one of his friends, “Why? Now that I have the fruits of my labor since I was young. Now that I am a billionaire, I have lots of money, but I am here dying and I cannot stop it.” He died a very, very lonely man. When he died, the casket was simple. I didn’t know if he was wearing coat and tie. But in the Philippines when somebody dies, we always let them wear Barong. Barong is the formal wear in the Philippines. That’s what we wear when we die and also that’s what we wear when we have big events. It’s equivalent to the coat and tie. You know when they let you wear Barong when you die, it’s cut at the back. That’s all that you have. Then after death, you will face judgment. And then that is when the eternal issues of life will come rushing, “Did you repent? Did you do My Will?” You are ignorant about all of these. You don’t know anything of this. And you will face Him. Like this old rich man. He said, “Please send Lazarus over here, that he may dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue, for I am tormented in this flame.” (Luke 16:24). And then Abraham said, “Son, in your lifetime, you enjoyed the good things of life and Lazarus the evil things. Now He is comforted while you are tormented and besides there is a gulf fix between us. Those that are there cannot come over here and those that are here cannot go over there.” (Luke 16:25). When you die, your destiny is final. No amount of masses and no amount of offerings you give will be able to save you. Look at the Will of the Father. The will of man says, “When your loved one dies, pray for them because they will transfer from purgatory to heaven.” The Will of God says, “When you die, destinies are final. There is no transferring of places.” And the rich man said, “If that cannot be so, Father Abraham, please send him to my father’s house on earth.” Because I still have five brothers there, they might die and come in this place of torment. (Luke 16:28).
Posted on: Mon, 08 Dec 2014 10:11:55 +0000

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