THE JUDGMENT THRONE OF CHRIST For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, that every one may receive the things done in his body, according to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad (2Cor 5:10). Judgement seat is not just a Judges Bench where a stern jurist sits and decides what kind of punishment to give to each defendant. Christ will sit at the Judgement throne rewarding each individual according to his work. Our work will be burnt as hay .1Cor3:10-15, Mat16:27. Every body will be subject to judgement irrespectful of their nations, tribes, colour and religion. There will be no exceptions .Rom14:12, 1Cor3:12-15. This judgment will occur when Jesus returns for His Church.1Thes4:14-17. Everything will be made manifest. God will examine and openly reveal- Our secret Acts .Mk4:22 - Our Character Rom2:5-11 - Our Words Mat12:36-37 - Our Good Works Eph 6:8 - Our Attitudes Mat5:22 - Our Motives 1Cor 4:5. The believer will have to give an account of the degree of his faithfulness or unfaithfulness to God( Mat25:21-23, 1Cor4:2-5) and of his deeds and actions in light of the grace, opportunity and understanding made available to him(Lk12:48, Jh5:24). The believers bad deeds, when repented of, are forgiven in relation to eternal punishment(Rom8:1), but they are still taken into account when being judged for recompense. He that doeth wrong shall receive for the wrong which he hath done Col 3:25, 1Cor3:15. The believers good deeds and love are remembered by God and rewarded. Heb6:10. Whatsoever good thing any man doeth, the same shall he receive of the Lord. Eph6:8. We believe it or not. One day we shall all appear at the judgment seat. Its high time we live right and accept Jesus as our Lord and Saviour.
Posted on: Mon, 24 Mar 2014 14:20:13 +0000

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