THE LAW OF REDEMPTION!!! Leviticus.25:47-49 states - TopicsExpress


THE LAW OF REDEMPTION!!! Leviticus.25:47-49 states that if a man got enslaved, the only person that has the right to redeem him is. 1.His brother.2 Cousin, 3.his uncle or his next of kin. Adam sinned Genesis.3:1-6(any under sin is a slave to the Satan. Such a person can not have dominion. Note-you can only have authority to what you have overcomed). There was nobody in his Linage fit for redemption.(as the first man Adam has no relatives or parents). And the angels themselves are not qualified to be a redeemer(because they have no water and blood in them). For this reason, and nobody was found to be a savior, God who is a spirit now decided to hide himself in a veil(FLESH) took the form of man to pay the price of salvation Isaiah.45:15, Hebrew.10:20, Ephesians.4:4-5, Hebrew.9:14, 2corinthians.5:19. And for this reason, paul called Him(MELCHISEDEC)-meaning a mysterious man or being, without beginning or ending. Hebrew.6:20, Hebrew.7:3. Isaiah also called Him(EMMANUEL) and also the(EVERLASTING FATHER).Isaiah.7:14, Isaiah.9:6.(Note- God created Adam. This shows He is the father and the closest to Adam He was the only fit to be a redeemer). Just as He prepared physical tabernacle for the spirit man to dwell, so He likewise prepared this body for Himself Ephesians.4:4. In other to get water and blood for the sacrifice of sin. Acts 20:28, 1John.5:8. Paul called it a mystery 1Timothy.3:16, so them God is in the person of CHRIST JESUS. Hebrew.1:3, Exodus.33:18-23, 1Corithians.10:4 Exodus.17:6, Numbers.20:11-12, psalms.78:15. More also, we should understand that This man LORD JESUS CHRIST is not a half GOD, but GOD in his fullness, colossians.2:9. Claiming Omipresent John.3:13. The scripture stated that their is only one God, One eternal spirit- John 2:24, Deut.6:4, mark 12:29. That is why when Philip asked Him(JESUS) To show then the father, He made them to understand that HE is the FATHER, SON, and the HOLY SPIRIT. John 14:3-11, colossians. 1:12-27, Philipians. 2:5-10, 1John.2:22-23, 5:20. When He took peter, James and John up to the mountain he removed the veil(flesh) and they beheld his glory-Matthew.17:1-4. But JESUS charge them not to tell any man about that vision until after his resurrection-Matthew.17:9, And in the day of pentecost, peter declared it-Acts.2:36-38. David the psalmist knew the secret- Psalm.91:14, 9:10, John.1:1-2, 1Samuel.17:40-50. David knew His name and prevailed over the philiptines. REVELATION.1:8. The mystery of Godhead in line with the work of redemption. To be continued in the Revelation of GODs Name. God bless your heart!!! Yours in hearvest!!; EBUBE NWADIMA M JONATHAN
Posted on: Fri, 31 Jan 2014 11:01:53 +0000

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