THE LEGIONS TERRORIST OF RELIGION DEVIDE AT IMPERA OF YEMEN PENINSULA AND DPRD BY HABIB MUHAMMAD RIZIEQ SHIHAB FROM YEMEN WITH MR. M TOUFIK AS THE CHAIRMAN OF CENTRAL JAKARTA LEGISLATURE OF INDONESIA ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Already often provocation mode or that we called as Devide at Impera always happen and rampant in Indonesia. The first Devide at Impera was happening at a time when the colonial era by many country who was coming in Indonesia that was Europe land. At that time in Indonesia was The era of kings and judges. Which was the provocation and divisive always occur between the kings and princes that related in any racial and ethnic and clans as well as between them, in fact they are still in one family and one nation as the simply beauty of Harmony respectfully in the splendor of emerald equator. And a more troubling trend was at that time the people of Indonesia are still blind about the values of colonization and devastating effect of which occurred at that time. Likewise, how the lack of experience and reference of how to provide resistance wisely and diplomacy at that time. In which we can not deny when at that time many kings and judges as well as the poet, writer and wise people live in harmony, abundance, prosperity boundless. Until finally the invaders and many colonizer were coming and ended to all the splendor and the pleasure and fame of the diversity values of harmony which once the pride and part of a prosperous life in Indonesia at time. After few decades when everything was done. A good thing is, at that time all the building and all the art never faded and did not destroyed by them, so that during Soekarno time, we can see how lovely the magnificent of art and also the culture and tradition still happening and coloring lovely in the splendor of emerald equator. Then suddenly it is not so the Islamic was arrived in Indonesia that anti with all the culture and tradition so far. So that they issued regime to destroy all the splendor of emerald equator in all any culture and tradition so far by using the anarchist role play. So that is why not many the building of art was buried and many the culture was destroyed and never happened. Until the Suharto regime come out and issued the policy to use and attached all the religion in all any ID card and Official Forms to reduce the anarchist action that was happening and orchestrated by The Colonist clans as well. It was not end in that Suharto time. Again The Indonesia was shaking with rising and how massive the Terrorist that happening, which was orchestrated by Malaysia and Brunei Darussalam to destroyed the Economic Tiger in the splendor of emerald equator. They were joint and cooperative that The Indonesia Economic should be shut down no matter how much the price that need to be paid. That is the reason they sent their terrorist to come to Indonesia and indoctrinate the local people to attack the sovereignty of Indonesia and also spread the issues to local people to fight each other and killing each other who are not Islam, and they washed brain the local Muslim to kill their brother and sisters who are not Islam and also who are The Islam sectarians. Simply everything just to destroy the diversity value in hoping the economic fallen and destroyed so that the nation of Indonesia living in poverty and narrow future. And many destruction was costly that should be paid because how the destruction so far not only in material but also in economic psychology that not few all the investor and all the actor of economic going hopeless and there is no chance at all to continue to stand in the Indonesia at that time and so as the result, the economic matter was decline sharply and the people living in anarchist, fighting each other, and killing each other and many thing happening which is racist and discrimination massive and rapidly and All the economic was destroyed by Malaysia and Brunei Darussalam. It was so costly, because it was long time duration that passing down almost 10 year. The provocation or The Devide at Impera to destroy the economic also happening right now which is as the second round of flee. That before was orchestrated by Malaysia terrorist and Brunei Darussalam provocateur and now the Terrorist modus also come out from The middles east, in where they are showing clearly and already planned and engineered by many middle east country. And the first country that showing clearly is from The Yemen terrorist by using and issue the regime of Discrimination and Racist role play to that should be raised again to break out all the splendor of emerald economic in Indonesia. In where they are using their expat people who are living in Indonesia to coup and terrorized some municipality by using washed brain to all the local people to attack their own authority and their municipality that should be shut down and destroyed. Simply because right now many middle east direct the eyes that happening in Indonesia economic and how the economic policy endorse lovely in harmony without any discrimination at all. And Indonesia is the first country in the world that having break through and can leave their narrow economic period to come out and build the economic culture that right now massive and rapidly. So not few as well many middle east right now going to have jealous and envy with how is going on right now. And also how closer right now the Indonesia and China in relationship as one economic and one prosperity to make IMPOSSIBLE IS NOTHING IN THE SPLENDOR OF EMERALD EQUATOR. That is why many regime of Middle East people to attack the splendor of economic in Indonesia right now is massive by Arab people through the Yemen regime by using the Devide at Impera of Yemen Terrorist by Muhammad Rizieq Shihab as the first leader of Arab as the leader and who are accommodating all the coup and all The Religion Devide at Impera by using the Religion to attack the Economic of Indonesia. Simply because middle east know well with how the diversity so far, so that is why The Yemen terrorist by using the Religion is very simple how to break the diversity in Indonesia. That is the reason after The Muhammad Rizieq Shihab then He spread the rumors and planted all the value of hatred as a brain washed regime to all the people of Indonesia. In hoping all the splendor of culture and tradition in Indonesia were destroyed and Indonesia living in Anarchist, Racist, discrimination with the narrow minded and living in poverty endlessly so that the people of Indonesia can be easy to slave them such as Malay Terrorist that orchestrated in Indonesia. Even the Malaysia can do it, but unfortunately the spirit of diversity in Indonesia really though and unshaken at all. That is the reason HABIB MUHAMMAD RIZIEQ SHIHAB FROM YEMEN WITH MR. M TOUFIK AS THE CHAIRMAN OF CENTRAL JAKARTA LEGISLATURE OF INDONESIA WERE COMMITED WITH THEIR PEOPLE AS THE TERRORIST TO ATTACK BY USING THE REGIME RELIGION OF DEVIDE AT IMPERA IN INDONESIA EARNESTLY TO COUP AND DESTROY THE VALUE OF BHINEKA TUNGGAL IKA IN WHERE THE VALUE OF DIVERSITY INTO UNITY SHOULD BE REMOVED AND KICK OUT FROM THE SPLENDOR OF EMERALD EQUATOR. SO THAT IN HOPING ALL THE RELIGON WHO ARE NOT ISLAM AND WHO ARE THE SECTERIAN OF ISLAM SHOULD BE KICK OUT OTHERWISE LAWFUL TO BE KILLED AS THEY ARE NOT THE TRUE ISLAM. AND AFTER THEY OCCUPYED THE JAKARTA CITY AND THEIR REGIME ALSO WILL ATTACK ALL THE HOLY HOUSE AND ALL THE OFFICIAL DOCUMENT WILL BE BURNED AND ALL THE PEOPLE WHO ARE NOT ISLAM WILL BE KILLED AND LAWFUL THEIR BLOOD TO BE SPILLED IN JAKARTA WHO ARE NOT FOLLOW THE TERRORIST OF YEMEN BY LEADED OF HABIB MUHAMMAD RIZIEQ WITH HIS FRIENDHIP MR. M TAUFIK WHO IS DPRD DKI JAKARTA THAT ALREADY BRAIN WASHED BY HIS PEOPLE. AFTER THEY OCCUPYED THE CAPITAL CITY OF JAKARTA THEN THEY WILL SPREAD THE ISSUE AND ALL THEIR REGIME IN INDONESIA ENTIRELY TO KICK OUT AND TREAT ALL THE PEOPLE WHO ARE NOT ISLAM SHOULD BE SLAVED AND LAWFUL TO BE KILLED NO MATTER HOW AND WHAT. EVEN THOSE PEOPLE ARE STILL IN FAMILY. That is the reason right no all the Indonesia was terrorized and colonized by their regime and not few people of Indonesia living in discrimination mindset and racist that massive and rapidly in all any respect and field so far. And many people always accusing each other and pointing each other and not few as well destruction, burning and many corruption happening that massive and rapidly till right now happening endlessly TO DESTROY AND SHUT DOWN ALL THE SPLENDOR OF ECONOMIC IN OCEANIA EQUATOR OF INDONESIA.. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- @PYRIGHT. BHINEKA TUNGGAL IKA AS THE FIRST PRIORITY IN ALL ANY SERVICES AND OFFICIAL MATTER IN THE SPLENDOR OF EMERALD EQUATOR
Posted on: Sun, 16 Nov 2014 00:24:34 +0000

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