THE LITTLE self IS BUT A DOOR TO THE LARGER SELF By the Maha - TopicsExpress


THE LITTLE self IS BUT A DOOR TO THE LARGER SELF By the Maha Chohan The flower and fruit of the unfolding soul potential cannot be known until consciousness has expanded; and this cannot take place until faith is made active through works in the life of the devotee of Christ. The unfettered power of the Holy Spirit that drives back the dark clouds and highlights the bright ones is beheld through eyes of universal vision. Without the vision of the omnipotence of God man feels alone—separated from life and at odds with the world around him. And then there is the matter of platitudes, which because men have heard them before, lose the appeal of newness. Hence they have a tendency to reject Truth because of its garments as they often do one another, this is folly; for if one will look carefully he will see that it is the Spirit that giveth Life and the letter that killeth. It is not enough that men have heard a piece of music or an old saying before; until the alchemical keys contained therein have served their purpose in unlocking the light of the soul, men can well stand to hear them a thousand times. And this applies particularly to the Holy Scriptures and the slokas of the Vedas. By much hearing and little doing, men have indeed seared their consciousness; and their points of receptivity, like nonresilient fibers, no longer have the play of vibrancy and life within them. Renewal is needed—renewal of the mind and of the marvelous faculties of spiritual attunement and discernment. In his false sense of the miraculous as something that happens to him instead of something that he causes to happen, man often believes that God is the only initiator of Good and that he must wait for the Spirit to provide the impetus that will swiftly dissolve the morning mist and reveal the sun shining in his strength—and of course He shall; but he quickening process is greatly enhanced by the exercise of man’s own initiative and free will correctly applied. It may seem to some as though we were constantly prompting our students in the form of a shallow preachment. On the contrary, we are providing simple yet profound patterns of instruction based on both known and unknown laws in such a way as to make them acceptable to mankind’s current modes of thought. Thus, whereas there is nothing new under the sun, all things are thereby made new. Man is not going to get out of the universe, even by the process of physical self-destruction. Both here and hereafter he retains his God-given right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness; but he should understand that the little self is but a doorway into the larger Self, and he must seize the opportunity Life affords during his appointed cycles to master energy and circumstance so that he may consciously enjoy the gift of dominion. So many make the mistake of substituting for self control the control of other selves. It would seem they think that by manipulating others and persuading them to do their bidding, they thereby gain superiority over men. O dear hearts, won’t you see once and for all that this is putting the cart before the horse!. It is a complete reversal of the intent of Heaven for every man’s home rule. He that would rule a city must first rule himself. Man must be willing to subdue his human self in its old mayic (illusory) patterns and reach up for the freshening winds of the Holy Spirit. Man is cleansed by water, by air, and by fire. This triangle of purity is used to aerate the mind of wrong thoughts; to flush out the emotional body, to relieve it of the sense of drudgery and age-old hatreds, of crusty concepts about people, places, conditions, and things; and, above all, to let the fire of the spirit of man, as a part of the living nature of God, consume from the etheric body and the soul every vestige of impurity—cause, effect, record, and memory. We are announcing new classes of instruction to be given in our spiritual retreat here in Ceylon to which the sincere among mankind may apply. Although attendance is by invitation only, disciples in embodiment who aspire to the purification of their consciousness by the Flame of the Holy Spirit may, as they fall asleep, simply express to the inner Christ Self and the guardian angels their desire to be taken to our temple. Those who are worthy will be drawn in their finer bodies and placed in graded classes according to their attainment. Some will retain in their outer mind the instruction they receive and a knowledge of their contact with our Brothers; for others the memory of the inner experience will not come to the fore of their consciousness, but they will evidence greater self-control in their feelings, more abundant illumination in their mind, and a tethering of their being to that sincerity of soul which seeks to know the will of God and believes that the Father intended from the beginning that they should become victors over self and circumstance. The molding of a better world by the spiritual processes of molding better individuals is the work of the Brotherhood. Benign, true, and pure, the motives of its members are to produce the longed-for kingdom of heaven, first in the consciousness of the individual and then in humanity at large. Let not your hearts be troubled, then; neither be afraid when confronted by the specters of mass confusion arrayed before you in the daily newspapers. I do not say that the facts, however sordid, should not be brought into the open and that mankind should not be alerted to current dangers so that precautions might be taken. I do say that a great deal of news reporting today is tailored for mass consumption and mass manipulation. Then again, when men desire to produce certain political or economic trends, they often announce their intentions beforehand. Their tactic is to test the opposition. If public reaction is not too great, they take it as a sign that they can safely get away with their manipulation of the masses. One day they will cope with those who have become wise as serpents and harmless as doves. I know of no men upon the planet more formidable than the men of the Spirit; for they, as mankind say, have no axes to grind. Their one desire is to see the kingdom of God manifest upon earth, to multiply mankind’s opportunity for education in heavenly things that he might improve his lot both spiritually and materially. Wise is the chela who begins, then in full faith to pursue the understanding that will give him the advantage over every mortal condition through purity of thought, word, and deed. Armed with this knowledge, which we shall outline in the new classes at our retreat, he will not glory in earthly things, but in heavenly things; and he will express mastery over both. His logic, superior to that of the dogmatists of the world, will develop through unity with the Holy Spirit; and through the Holy Spirit he will gain intimate contact with the Father and the Son. I await the gradual yet potentially swift expansion of the Light within the children of God upon the planet. I await with a cosmic excitement their mounting interest in the things of the Spirit that is turning men toward God. Let us hope for each man, for only hope and faith will precipitate the longed-for charity of God to a waiting world.
Posted on: Sun, 05 Oct 2014 23:49:08 +0000

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