THE LIVING TRUTH As I hurried upstairs towards my “Man-Cave” - TopicsExpress


THE LIVING TRUTH As I hurried upstairs towards my “Man-Cave” the doorbell rang. So, of course being within 10 feet of the door I turned and opened it. Standing in front of me were two nice looking very well dressed young women. “ Hi my name is Peggy,”(and pointing beside her), “and this is Sue. We’re Yaweh’s Witnesses from The Only Way Church and we are here to tell you about the living truth and how to become whole. I laughed and said,” this is too much – Peggy and Sue – Peggy Sue do you know that this is a Buddy Holly song”. And of course me being the jovial man that I am I broke into song and sang a brief chorus of the song: “Peggy Sue, Peggy Sue, Pretty Pretty Pretty Pretty Peggy Sue. I love you Peggy Sue - Prettiest Girl I ever knew” They looked at each other seriously and then at me and Sue said,” Yeah we get it” As She handed me a magazine she said, “ sir would you like a copy of our magazine, The End Of Times”? I’ll tell you, I was so tempted to invite them in and tell them all about the Light of Virtuous Entities, the Wholeness Paradigm and Multi – dimensional reality. Actually I remembered many years ago I invited some Door Preachers into my home. I then started preaching to them about Karma, Reincarnation, Ascended Masters and the fact that they had their own “Mighty I AM Presence”. I told them all about their own seven chakras and the fact that they both had a human aura and a lower electronic belt. And I think I asked them as they scrambled towards my door if they would like to know about the “Comte de Saint Germain – The wonderman of Europe.” because I would really be happy to tell them the “Good news” of the violet flame and how they could learn how to balance their personal and planetary Karma. They seemed in a hurry to leave but as they opened the door I pulled out from my wallet a small “I AM Presence” chart, and as they walked out the door, I made sure both received a chart with my phone number on the back so that they could call me any time if they wanted to learn more about the “Teachings of the Ascended Masters”. I did wonder why they didn’t call because surly everyone wants to know the “real living truth”. Sir! “ Oh My, I’m sorry, my mind must of wandered a little bit”. “AH…Ahhhhhh, just a moment, I’ll get my wife” “KATIIEEEEEE!, some people at the door for you”. As we passed on the stairs she said,” boys need to be tucked in”. “I can do that”. Katie sat for three hours listening to Peggy and Sue talk. The boys were tired and went to bed easily. I went into my room to meditate. Later Katie came in and said,” those young girls from the Only Way Church sure know a lot about the bible” “Yeah but do they really know about the “Living Truth” and does following their way make you whole?” “Oh Paul you’re so negative, I’m going to bed.” “ Nighty Nighto Sweetie, do you want to hear about the “Wholeness Paradigm” James Mahu talks about?” “No, not right now” How about this free e-paper I’m holding that I got off the Wingmakers site called, “The Living Truth”? “Maybe later”. As she headed in the opposite direction down the hall I couldn’t help but think how we really are all on our own separate paths, discovering and trying to identify our truth. We really are Sovereign Integrals as James Mahu calls it. I picked up the e-paper titled the Living Truth and began to read: The Living Truth Lyricus INTRODUCTION The Living Truth The Lyricus Teaching Order uses storytelling to convey its teachings more than books, discourses or lectures. Stories are very powerful tools in the spiritual works since they have facets of interpretation and creative flex that makes them wonderful tools to interact within a group. In the case of the Lyricus stories, they are holographic as well, being able to be understood simultaneously on many levels. This story is transcribed by James. THE LIVING TRUTH In a far away corner of a world quite similar to earth, a student in a university lived, studying music. He was a solitary type, good natured and always sought to do the right thing. His name was Alija, and it was his purpose, as given to him by his father, to compose inspirational songs. Alija’s dream was to compose a song that was so beautiful and stirring that̶ solely through its musical tones̶. It would attract a spiritual Master to whoever played it. For many years he labored on this song in his room late at night while others slept, but only after he had completed his other lessons and responsibilities. One night, when the winds went still, he stumbled upon the portion of music that had eluded him, and he was now certain that his song was complete. He played it tentatively to himself one time. Nothing happened. Then a second and third time, trying subtle changes to his fingering technique. Still nothing. On the seventh repetition, he finally lost himself in the song, and when he did, a silent cloud of golden particles began to swirl in his room, out of which a translucent human figure slowly emerged. Alija was startled at the growing presence, and stopped playing his song for a few moments, but noticed that as he did, the emergent form began to fade into the soft candlelight of his room. He quickly regained his composure and resumed his playing, and promptly, to Alija’s joy, the Master he had so wished to meet, regained a material presence sufficient for Alija’s recognition and sufficient also so that the Master could ask: “For what purpose have you summoned me through this music?” Alija instantly answered, but kept playing his song: “I have questions for you, many questions about how the heaven’s work and how I can achieve greater knowledge of the universe and soul.” The Master smiled, and in a solemn tone replied, “There is nothing I can tell you, unless what you seek is united with how you find the living truth inside you.” Alija, upon hearing this, was surprised, as this was a Master of great wisdom and knowledge, with a reputation of understanding the full breadth and depth of the soul’s true nature. But because he held such respect for this Master he considered the Master’s words, and, still playing his song, asked: “How do I find this living truth?” The Master held out one of her slender arms and spoke with surprising intensity. “Stop playing this song!” Alija was afraid to stop because he knew the result would be that this Master would disappear and his access to all knowledge would vanish into thin air. He kept playing, overlooking the Master’s demand. “Why do you want me to stop playing something that I have created for you?” “Stop this song,” the Master once again replied, but this time disinterestedly. Alija, realizing that he wasn’t going to get any other answer, followed his Master’s request, and, as he did so, the Master’s image softly fell away into a swirl of golden light. Abruptly he was alone inside his small room. His own breathing, the only sound; his candles, the only light. Alija felt rejected and distraught. He had finally achieved what he thought his purpose was, only to be told to stop by a venerated Master. But Alija had invested thousands of hours in his plan, and so he decided to play his instrument again, reasoning it was all a test of his resolve. Once again on the seventh repetition of Alija’s song the Master appeared, but this time with a not-so-subtle look of disappointment. Alija was quick to say something: “You suggested... earlier, Master, that unless my question was related to how I find the living truth you couldn’t instruct me. Well, perhaps this is how I find it. I worked for many years on composing the perfect song to attract you so I could learn from you. I don’t have the answers inside me as you propose. I’m a composer unsuited for the high atmospheres of philosophical inquiry. My mind works differently...” And then like a soulful epitaph, Alija added, “I hear music, not knowledge. Not words of wisdom. Music... just music.” The Master’s countenance softened, as she could tell the student was sincere, and in that sincerity he obliged the Master to respond. “You are diminished in your understanding of your eternal spirit. That is all, and yet it is everything. It is a condition that besets everyone who is honored to wear a human form in the fields of time-space. Why should you be any different?” Alija listened, thinking the test was going well since he received a response. “I do not boast that I am any better than another,” he offered, “it’s just that my thirst for knowledge of the soul is stronger felt. Is this wrong, Master?” Alija continued playing his song, thinking that at last he was making an impression on this Master. Perhaps the doorway to knowledge would soon swing open for him. “You have both a biological and a spiritual dimension,” replied the Master. “Do not forsake your biology for the pursuit of the spiritual, because it is through your biology that you bring forward the spiritual̶ creating the living truth in your human form. And this living truth might be music or it might be a talent in horticulture or a capacity to inspire people or a dream of understanding some aspect of science that has been shut-off from human eyes. Whatever form it takes within you, do not disown this of his restless state. But he had learned something two nights earlier that changed him, and tonight, beneath the faintest of lights, he had found the living truth in the medium that he understood best: music. - THE END - © 2008, All Rights Reserved This last paragraph that mentions the biological and a spiritual dimension – wow that’s a key. The “Wholeness Paradigm” we are multi dimensional beings. If we have a soul and this soul is inserted into a biological soul carrier, our physical body, how do we navigate this physical world to wholeness. Is it by following the doctrine and dogma teachings of a particular church, like the “Only Way Church” and obeying the tenants of the belief systems that Peggy and Sue were promoting through their interpretations of the bible, or is by understanding and integrating our sovereign individuality and working with that,” Wholeness Paradigm”?. Now I understand the need for the “Wholeness Navigator” James talks about. We all need to learn how to find the Living Truth inside of us. I put the E-paper down and thought about my “Wholeness Navigator”. Appreciation, Compassion, Forgiveness, Humility, Understanding Valor. Light of Virtuous Entities surround me. Understanding and compassion to all those who are stuck in a belief system that keeps them tied to the mind/body prison and their heart and head separated. Blessings, Blessings, Blessings. I fell asleep and there was Cultura,- holding a baseball bat. Oh, Oh.
Posted on: Tue, 02 Jul 2013 04:03:05 +0000

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