THE LORD OF THE MANOR MENTALITY OF THE NORTH The skewed nature of - TopicsExpress


THE LORD OF THE MANOR MENTALITY OF THE NORTH The skewed nature of Nigeria was deliberately crafted to favour the so- called elites of a particular section of the country. This section of the country likes this kind of Nigeria where nothing works, except to feed their laziness at the expense of others. They will stop at nothing, no matter how absurd to maintain the status quo of an unworkable Nigeria. The successive military regimes in Nigeria headed by Northern military oligarchy had perfected the perfidy of structuring Nigeria to favour the core North or what you may call the Muslim North. These they archived by military fiats which were dictated in the Emirs palaces and a voo-doo population figures that were an assault on common sense. And we may not forget to add that while these were going on, their Southern counterpart were neck deep in their myopic view of rationality. It is only in Nigeria that an arid desert is more populated than the savannah and wetlands regions. Perhaps the only fault of Festus Odimigwu was the timing and not the veracity of his message. Furthermore, Nigeria is the only country were national resources are distributed on the basis of land mass rather than demographic considerations. May be you are still surprise at the configuration that threw up 44 LGAs in Kano State enshrined in the Constitution and the paltry 20 allocated to Lagos State, the economic hub and former capital of Nigeria. Lagos State with all its population cannot have half of the number of LGA compared to Kano, says the Northern oligarchy. The North decreed and the rest of Nigeria swallowed it on her knees before the almighty North. Then the haste of inserting it in the Constitution with compounded technicalities of amendment or making a new one. But it appears the chicken has come home to roost with the present generation of the minorities of the North in particular and the rest of Nigeria rising up against the antics of the core North. The present trend in the confab is at least a resistance, no matter how weak, against the slave master/ slave relationship that had existed between the core North and the rest of Nigeria. There is a serious ripple across both the political and religious leadership of the core North on the basis of the resolutions of the confab on 3/7/14. The resolutions are: 1. a march to true federalism with the States as the federating units with their own Constitutions; 2. creation of more States, particularly an additional one for the South East; 3. that local government creation should strictly be the responsibility of States and expunged from the Federal Constitution; 4. that local government should no longer be a basis for revenue allocation from the Federation Account and that only States and the Federal Government be sharing revenue from the Federation Account; and 5. that each State should have its own police. Saturday Tribune of 5/7/14 reports that the governors and political leaders from the North have concluded plans to storm Abuja on Monday, 7/7/14 to arm twist and intimidate the confab into reversing itself and allow the status quo of the overlord of the core North over the rest of Nigeria remains or ask their delegates to the confab to stage a walk-out. The North has a morbid fear for * true federalism * creation of more States in a democracy or military regime where a Northerner is not the Head of State * State police * delisting of the present LGAs from the Constitution and/as one of the bases for the sharing the federal revenue. This fear is because true federalism will expose the laziness and parasitic nature of the Lord of the Manor and curtail the flow of cheap oil money. Creation of more States in a regime other than the one headed by Northern oligarchy, will demystify the myth of Northern population strength and ensure the removal of the undue advantage enjoyed by undeserving parasites. State police will ensure that for instance, a Yoruba policeman can no longer be drafted to die in Borno State over a Boko Haram he does not even know what they are fighting for. Delisting of the LGAs from the Federal Constitution and as one of the bases for sharing from the Federation Account will remove the amorphous allocation of revenue to line the pockets of unproductive set of people who feel that Nigeria is their own to dictate for others. Fortunately, the Northern minorities that have been used as the Northern spider that knit the web of clothes for the North, but must go naked, have decided on this one to tell the core North O.Y.O (on your own). You may fool some people sometimes, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.
Posted on: Sat, 05 Jul 2014 13:15:05 +0000

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