THE LOSING BATTLE. The misfortune that befall the - TopicsExpress


THE LOSING BATTLE. The misfortune that befall the county government of isiolo is not by chance but by designed. The owners & beneficiaries are county representative that never voted for Governor Doyo neither for Speaker of Assembly. The group of eight councillors(4 meru,3 turkana & 1 samburu) spearhead by Paul mero meets and create non existing fear in Governor Doyo administration that Speaker is planning to impeach him and they have decided to throw there support behind him and even ready to impeach speaker to get rid of him with his financial backup. The Governor get into there trap without consulting or summoning speaker. Then the cushitic speaking councillors split into camp Doyo and campTupi with corner tribe to be deciding factor. Both camp were outdoing each other with goodies for this 8 mcas. The schemer paul mero turn out to be brighter than both doyo n tupi, his deciding factor team turn out to be harvesting team by sustaining endless battle in the county. They impeach tupi unprocedural so that matter will end up in court to hold Doyo at ransom, All case in court from isiolo to meru to nyeri to nairobi is filled under paul meros name and act as broker between county government and advocate(over 20 millions used) and also to prevent negotiation between borana fighting camps. Governor Doyo was threaten with impeachment if he dares to reconcile with tupis camp. They demand funds and contract of there choice and temporarily take over the governors power since they are the ones gives direction. They get larger share of employment opportunities in the county governmt both temporary n permanent. When muslim clerics intervine both camps to resumes duties, these same councillors surrendad to tupis camp to negotiate for assembly employment, they were reward with 10(5 meru, 5 turkana) position out of total of 17 position. They start questioning Doyos budget deficit and even plan to summon n sack minister so that they will also have one or two of them as oppose to current situation. Then for budget to be approved they must get 5 director from Doyo n they got it very fast and at the moment they are very busy collecting signatures within turkanas and merus to dissolve the only borana county, they belong to no camps but to the highest bidder. According to them they are planning to sustain this wrangles until electionering year. Our senator is the person who enjoy this fist most, the senior most politician remain mum when the county is burning for lack of leadership and funniest of all he support both camps and yet his man clerk position triggers the war. The councillors allied to him are also major beneficiaries interms of cash, contract and Directors position negoatiated. Lets all stand up to condem Doyos and Tupis action for letting us down, Let them solve there differences unconditional. Lets withdraw our support from both camps to give dialogue a chance. Lets force them to reconcile, Lets them put borantiti first. Lets make cease fire our daily discussion in every sitting. BORAN RAFAA THAMAQA HAPPY NEW YEAR 2015 TO ALL ABALIBE.
Posted on: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 16:23:21 +0000

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