THE MAN ON A MISSION..... It was the last week of - TopicsExpress


THE MAN ON A MISSION..... It was the last week of December, a friend asked her to accompany her to see a friend who just returned from the States. Little did she know that this is the story of her life. She followed her friend to the popular 5 star hotel in city center to meet the new guy. They patiently waited for him at the lobby. He came downstairs and welcomed them. Her friend introduced her to the guy and the story begins. They instantly connected. He couldnt take his eyes off her and she couldnt stop thinking about him. Hes tall, handsome, and has a great personality that’ll make any woman fall for him. It was love at first sight. It’ll be difficult for anyone to not believe they are meeting for the first time. After 3 weeks of friendship they decided to start a relationship. After a few months of dating, the wedding invitation was sent out. Their wedding was the talk of the town despite the short notice. She went to church for a beautiful thanksgiving service; praising and thanking God for finally giving her the man of her dreams. He filed for her residency and after few months, her documents were ready. The day she left to join him was a memorable day in her life. With tears in her mother’s eyes, she prayed for her daughter to have a blissful matrimonial journey. She advised her never to depart from God. Her matrimonial problems started the very first day she arrived in the United States. She was expecting her husband to pick her up in one if his luxury cars and take her to his mansion as he always claims. Instead, he picked her up in a rental car and took her to his shared apartment in a very congested area of town. She couldnt believe her eyes when she got into the apartment. She was surprised upon noticing the type of life her husband is living abroad. The pain becomes unbearable when her husband told her that there are two other families who will be sharing the 3bedroom apartment with them. Although, she is not from a rich family in Nigeria, but her standard of living was better than this. She has a decent job with a private bank, a beautiful 1bedroom flat on the island, and a small car to cruise around town. She decided to give all these up in order to join her husband who claims to be an executive with a financial company on Wall Street and promised her a better. Not knowing that he is a security personnel in one of the 4stars hotel in the heart of town. When things get bad, they sometimes get worse. She was thinking of going back home, face the shame, and start her life afresh but the 2months old pregnancy made it very impossible for her. She’s scared of being a single mom and raising her unborn child alone. She was looking forward to a beautiful life with her beloved husband and kids. However, her dream is fast becoming a nightmare. What was once a blessing is fast becoming a lesson of life. Every single story by her husband is turning to lies. She felt used and fooled in the name of love. Despite these problems, she never stopped going to church. She will wait after the service to seek advice from her pastor. The pastor gave her the courage never to give in to life’s obstacles. He told her that everyone in life is fighting a war and that whoever said he/she has never lied before is definitely lying again. He told her many stories from the Bible about great women who did great things to support and save their homes. The pastor who increased her faith in the LORD inspired her. After a few months, she started getting used to it. She was stronger and made up her mind to save her home. She forgave he husband and made him promise never to lie again. But it’s really hard to change a man who has another thing in mind. She wants a bigger place with more privacy because she’s about to put to bed. Unfortunately, her husband income is not enough to rent a bigger place. The husband told her the only way is for her to get a part time job to support him and despite her situation she agreed to it. Her husband got her a job at a nursing home not too far from home. He got her a new job and insisted her paycheck comes directly to his personal account. As a faithful wife she reads no meaning to that. After 3 paychecks, they were able to get a bigger place in preparation for their first child as husband and wife. Sadly, one night she had a miscarriage and lost her child. It was a very painful experience that almost got her insane. Her husband stood by her and helped her recover and face life again. One day he woke her up in middle of the night and told her he has something very important to say. He told her how much he loves her and how she meant the world to him. He told her sweet words that made her so emotional. He told her it would be better if she starts nursing school so that they too can live the American dream and build a good future for their unborn children. She agreed to it and within a few months she applied for student loan was already in school. She does the nursing home job at nights and goes to school during the day. It wasnt easy but she was very determined and endured all obstacles along her way. After 3yrs of hard work and dedication she became a certified Registered Nurse. She became a role model and a source of inspiration to everyone who hears what she’s been through. She got a well paying job in the city hospital and things start changing for them. This arrival of prosperity was the beginning of their end .... Her husband turned her into a money making machine and milks her like a cow that must produce milk come rain or shine. He is always encouraging her to pick up more hours at work,even when she,s weak and tired he wants her to go to work. He made sure her salary goes into his personal account and advised her to get a 4hours daily job after the regular 12hrs shift she does every night. They relocated to another state, got a new house and 2brand new cars on loans .He pays back the mortgage and car note from her salary every month. He stopped his security job and starts a car business,living a fake life of make belief. Everybody thought he was the breadwinner not knowing his wife is his source of income. She remain loyal and faithful because now they have two kids together. Despite her efforts and faithfulness,he still feels she is not doing enough. He becomes very insecure because she is making more money than him. He tried everything to control a woman who is faithfully in love. She works very hard but had nothing to show for it. She cant even buy anything for herself without his approval and soon people starts noticing that something is wrong. It wasnt long before she realized that her husband was using her as slave. She opened her own account and stopped using his personal account. She took back the control of her life and the husband became mad. He started the blame game. He says his wife is an ingrate because he dedicated his whole life to his wife to be successful in life..... I asked him what were you doing with your own life while she was going school. To be continued........Akin Al-Ameen®™2014.....
Posted on: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 06:28:18 +0000

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