THE MANIFESTO I.P.I.D INITIATIVES FOR AFRICAN INTEGRATION AND DEVELOPMENT The modern world presents us with a sequence which we do not find the real identity of Africa. This movement (globalist) that was supposed to speed up the development process, however, appears to our eyes away from the essential, namely the happiness of being in its aspirations. This irreversible process of globalization which specifically requires the African passive actors and spectators are subject to undergo profound, rapid structural changes and binding. Our salute necessarily pass through this balance is to get our foot in the tradition, the foundation of all development and rest of our body in modernism. This change requires us and the only way of survival for a smooth integration into the larger system that wants supranational. We shared in Africa between our collective will to go to development by breaking down artificial barriers that the colonizers have bequeathed to us, that is to say, a true integration source of unification. Another group contained compact on itself, nationalist, ignoring the essential elements of competition in the third millennium. Our collective memory must constantly remind ourselves that large companies are built in the diversity of their component so that all links are essential links. Wisdom invites us to ask ourselves now on our ability and our real synergy and new contribution to our continent, almost forcing us to pause and focus on introspection and observation of the world which is constantly changing. Our ambition Millennium our country should not be at a much less significant superficial level conflict, but on the contrary, be part of a dynamic beyond the temporal considerations, events. No one can ignore the fact that our community feels more than others, in the third millennium, the need to have a clear his destiny and will plan its actions over time vision in setting clear and distant targets determining by what means and how to achieve them. A kind of act of anticipation of a special nature, with normative and strategic dimension. Does not it would be reasonable to identify all the targets set by our fathers of Independence that have not been achieved in key areas. This is the place to express our gratitude to these pioneers who marked the struggle for emancipation and colonization. As paths traveled. At the point of our generation which it first "generation sacrifice" we would like to say this, not collective suicide because he who commits suicide is a coward. We must soon face obstacles with dignity as the sum of the checks contest to perfection. We have only the will, the means to act effectively and guide the course of events, especially in defending the universal values of freedom, tolerance, justice, sharing and equality simply? In affirming our human dignity, all over Africa and spreading around us the critical and innovative analysis of the ills that plague our community, without any discrimination or exclusion, We shall raise awarenesses beneficial, seine emulation of the new generation of leaders. We must not react to events but to act sooner pillow sustainable development, we will be and bring to the world and our continent, it is the harsh reality of the spot men proactive, reliable and able to overcome the passions, of free men, demanding of themselves before being other. These are the sentiments that inspire the founders of the Pan-African initiatives for the integration and development. We want the support of all our struggle is ours, that unify our dear continent Africa, live African, play forward our best score in the concert of nations.
Posted on: Fri, 07 Jun 2013 19:21:48 +0000

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