THE MANY REASONS ASUU MUST REMAIN ON STRIKE asuu has every reason - TopicsExpress


THE MANY REASONS ASUU MUST REMAIN ON STRIKE asuu has every reason to go on strike and remain on strike until all conditions are met this time around. it saddens me when i think of the fact that i am currently in a university where, as an expatriate staff, i dont need to buy books from my personal resources, as i used to do in nigeria, to use to teach my students. i simply make requisition for the books i need in each semester, take the requisition to the university bookstore, a quotation is made for the books requested, the hod approves the request, the quotation is taken back to the bookstore and the books are delivered to me paid for with the departmental vote. these books are beside millions of volumes of books and academic journals and other materials, old and current, in the university library that i and students have unrestricted access to. buying of prescribed books by the university for the courses that lecturers teach here is a statutory requirement. again, i dont need to use my personal resources to buy stationeries, like white board markers, pen and pencils, erasers, correction fluid, printing paper, dusters, staplers, name it. i dont have to spend my personal resources to photocopy course outlines, examination question papers and other course materials for my students. these resources are free and every student is entitled to copies of the course outlines; they dont have to spend their money to photocopy them. i am in a university where every lecturer has an office space equipped with a writing desk, three arm-rest chairs, a filing cabinet, a bookshelf, an internet-ready computer and a computer desk, a telephone, an airconditioner, a white board for small group lectures, etc. i am in a university where every student has access to free internet services and university online databases, spacious and well-furnished class-rooms fitted with airconditionaers and modern multimedia facilities. i am in a university where students and staff are not denied their entitlements. i am in a university where students do no have to stand outside or inside to receive lectures. i am in a university where the rooms in students hostels look like hotel rooms, well furnished. i am in a university where students in the hostel do not have to go scouting for water to drink or have their bath with, and they do not have to read with candles. i am in a university where there is no shortage of lecture rooms and where there are no clashes in lecture and examination timetables. all such clashes are resolved before lectures and examinations commence. i am in a university where workshops on various academic and administrative topics are offered to staff and students free of charge. i am in a university where there is a fixed annual schedule for payment of staff salaries, with serious apologies if there is a one hour delay in the payment of salaries. i am in a university where students can do their continuous assessment online and submit online. i am in a university where lecturers and students have access to new teaching and learning methods and technologies. i am talking about a university in an african country, not so rich as nigeria, and nigeria is an african country and part of the ict-driven global economy. there is so much i cant tell you now, as i am leaving the office to attend a departmental seminar. after taking time to go through this, i am sure you will appreciate why asuu does not want to shift it grounds. if i were in nigeria, i would have long gone back to my village to observe the strike, and there i would have remained until the strike is over because i want to return to my country after my programme here to operate in a similar or better environment to impact positively on my students, community and the nation. God bless ASUU! God bless Nigerian Students! God bless Nigeria!
Posted on: Fri, 13 Sep 2013 07:52:03 +0000

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