THE NATION: PART 4 OF MULTI-PARTY LEADERS DEBATE (Sat 9 Aug 2014) Colin Craig was exceptional. Notice the sour grapes from TV3 after having been forced by the High Court to include the Conservative Party leader (Colin Craig) in this debate after having excluded them earlier. Audience feedback from Kiwiblog below: “Metiria Turei came across as a typical sanctimonious Green. I was surprised the commentators didn’t pick this up. She consistently smirked and giggled a policies she disagreed with and gave Colin Craig the ‘speak to the hand’ when he interrupted her. Imagine the reaction if Colin Craig had done the same thing to Turei and held up his palm to her? Oh the hypocrisy!” ........................................................................................... “Yeah, Turei’s sanctimonious I AM THE RIGHTEOUS speak-to-the-hand to Colin Craig was ugly, but the commentators bagged her for that. Dunne was great taking on Peters and persisting. It was a good look at all the Leaders together, which is why Colin Craig should have been there (but disappointing he had to fight to get fair treatment)..............” ........................................................................................ “..............One more participant made little difference to the format. TV3 claimed lack of time for all was a reason to exclude Craig but then they included a one minute filler of two guys yapping and then ten minutes of unnecessary pundit opinion. They would have done better giving the party leaders a bit more time each..............” ......................................................................................... “Craig won easily. The other lot were tired and dreamers. Craig was fresh and tackled anything thrown at him. Dunne showed he is a spent force and doesn’t represent anyone.He is looking for something to replace common sense to save him. Whyte was like a startled possum. Winnie was OK. Say no more about the Greeny. Hone was quiet for some reason but same old from him.” ......................................................................................... “Craig the most dignified; Turei the most irritating; Whyte the most uncomfortable; Peters the most vacuous; Dunne the most irrelevant; Harawira the most racist; Flavell the most desperate” ...................................................................................... “Of course Craig should have been in the debate and good on him for making the point, shame it had to be in court, but what else would have prevailed. Absolutely the right attitude to wish to be included in the debate, regardless of the tv channel and moderator!!!” ...................................................................................... “The MSM love the fact that National is as left as Labour, and the MSM will therefor protect National from the Conservatives and ACT, so as to maintain socialism in NZ. Mr Craig is coming to terms with the piss poor behaviour of the MSM I believe, and he will take every fight to them as you have just seen by his court action. Whyte appears he would do the same if he had to going by his “you’re all communists” statement. I currently have friends and family visiting QLD, and they are all from the SI. They say that the Conservatives are being talked about more and more for the party vote in CH-CH and Nelson — AND —- people are very pissed off with the way the MSM treats Craig. Craig will get 5%.” .......................................................................................
Posted on: Mon, 11 Aug 2014 21:30:44 +0000

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