THE NECESSITY OF DOCTRINAL DEBATES There is really only - TopicsExpress


THE NECESSITY OF DOCTRINAL DEBATES There is really only one interpretation of scripture since Knowing this first, that prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation (2 Peter 1:20). In times of Apostasy like we mostly see today, most Christians are uncomfortable with debate, which has always been one of the chief instruments for exposing erroneous teachings, false doctrines and heresies. Its in the process of debates that absurdities (of the ones in the wrong) are exposed for all right-thinking Christians to see. Such absurdities are often fraught with inconsistencies and outright contradictions. The moment a doctrinal position one has taken, begins to threaten other aspects of biblical doctrine, then its time to drop it. The ability to expound doctrine without posing a threat to the wider system of Christian doctrines is called, ...rightly dividing the word of truth (2 Timothy 2:15). Today we would say, rightly analyzing the word of truth. Popular threatening doctrinal positions are some Christians skewed understanding of love, judging, end-times and Christianity as a religion. Actually my Ecclesiastical boss and I have been planning to organize a TV Doctrinal Debate for the last four years, and having been studying/researching in preparation, in addition to putting together the enormous resources required. One of the safest rules Ive discovered in crafting doctrine is this: one, does it agree with scripture (Old & New Testaments)?; two, does it agree with Church doctrinal history?; and three, does it agree with reason? - with the last two tests always held in subjection to the first. Whenever Christians are not debating, it actually shows evidence of great underlying disagreements and confusions. Why? Because debates serve two main purposes, viz: 1) To clearly expose what is biblical and what is not; and 2) To advance in sound Christian doctrine, since our grasping of truth is progressive. This is why hot concerted doctrinal debates often preceded great revivals. Jesus and His Apostles came debating the (apostatizing) religious leaders of their era. The great Debates between Martin Luther and Erasmus on the doctrine of redemption, and that between John Calvin and Arminius on the doctrine of redemption/election, have become known as the hallmarks of the Protestant Reformation. In fact the Protestant Reformation would have been nipped in the bud if not for the favorable outcomes of these debates. When Christians are confused, debates unsettle them, because it confronts their hidden/pet errors. Popular Televangelists who teach errors – both within and without the country (especially in TBN!) – should be invited for public debates with seasoned Bible teachers (Acts 17:2, 3). Public debates on fundamental theological issues is healthy. Again [it merits emphasis] silence is evidence of confusion. In these public debates the following rules should apply: - Each person should show that he understands his opponents position, by correctly summarizing it. - Each person should tell the truth about his/her own position. - Each person should aim to defend his/her position to the best of his/her ability. - Each person provide historical supports for the development of the doctrine he/she defends. - There shall be no use of abusive language and attack on persons; rather the debate should focus on the doctrinal issue at hand. Then Bible teachers must make it a matter of necessity to learn how to properly exegete a scripture, before applying it. The simple art of exegesis is to first explain what the scripture was saying to the original audience when it was written, who this audience was, in what historical circumstance, and what it would be saying to the modern audience. Then, if time and space permits, an exposition should follow, which is a display of some supporting scriptures, beginning with Christs teaching on it, the New Testaments teaching on it, and then that of the Old Testament. When the foregoing are properly done, the applications to the modern settings would hardly be wrong. In all of these, great humility is required; when youre floored in a debate, be quick to repent and recant an un-biblical position earlier taken. There have even been instances when positions of both sides in a debate suffered humble shifts.
Posted on: Fri, 05 Sep 2014 14:22:47 +0000

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