THE NORDIC INSTITUTE BUSINESS-ENTERPRISE MENTORING PROGRAMME ----------------------------------------------------- Intro Growing a successful business is difficult at the best of times, and you’ll often find you need a wide range of skills and experience. It can bring new challenges, from staffing, or where to get hold of new capital through to managing cashflow, or finding new markets and getting your products or services out to them. That’s where the Business Mentoring Programme comes in, matching experienced mentors with ambitious businessmen and women. Our mentors have a genuine desire to make a difference to your business – they volunteer their time and are committed to sharing their skills, knowledge, experiences and contacts with you. Through individual businesses success, the nation’s economy grows as a whole. Mentored companies turnover more, produce more and employ more people, without costing the business anything. Being part of the Business Mentoring Programme means the transfer of knowledge, skills, experiences, and networks of contacts will impact directly on the success of your business, help your profits grow and continue to improve the performance of Scottish businesses and the overall economy for the future. --------------------------------------------------------- Mentors If you want your business to grow ten times in size, who better to help and guide you than someone who has already made that journey and has grown a successful business themselves? Mentors are experienced businessmen and women who have a wealth of experience and are more than willing to share that with you.? An experienced mentor can help you boost profitability and productivity, enter new markets, launch new products and improve customer service. Business mentors understand how difficult it can be to run a business, and how lonely you can sometimes feel. Mentors can help you stand back from your business and look at the “big picture”, identifying strengths, weakness, opportunities and threats. They can offer helpful advice, caution against potential pitfalls and build your confidence in your own abilities. Mentors will meet up with you to work on specific objectives and activities, but just as importantly, will also be only a phone call away to lend support, or when you just need someone outside the company to talk things through with. And don’t forget that mentors almost always have a great network of contacts, friends and colleagues built up over their working careers that can often open doors for you and help you to grow the business. Mentors can work with you and your business on a one-to-one basis or as part of a small group of three mentored companies We continue to provide larger mentored groups of eight to ten companies to resolve common issues, sharing knowledge and resources under the guidance of an experienced mentor. Whatever you choose, you’ll definitely benefit from the support and experience of a successful business person. The Nordic Institute
Posted on: Mon, 10 Mar 2014 12:43:40 +0000

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