THE ORIGIN OF THE CHURCH TERM (HYMN) Weve Been Hellenized: - TopicsExpress


THE ORIGIN OF THE CHURCH TERM (HYMN) Weve Been Hellenized: *Hellenize - to make Greek in character; to adopt Greek ideas, or customs; to imitate the Greeks. (See Greek, Greek Love, Gray) hymn (n.) c.1000, from Old French ymne and Old English ymen, both from Latin hymnus song of praise, from Greek hymnos song or ode in praise of gods or heroes, used in Septuagint for various Hebrew words meaning song praising God. Possibly a variant of hymenaios wedding song, from Hymen, Greek god of marriage (see hymen), or from a PIE root *sam- to sing (cf. Hittite išhamai he sings, Sanskrit saman- hymn, song) etymonline/index.php?allowed_in_frame=0&search=hymen&searchmode=none HYMN = HYMEN HYMEN or HYMENAEUS (Hymên or Hymenaios), the god of marriage, was conceived as a handsome youth, and invoked in the hymeneal or bridal song. The names originally designated the bridal song itself, which was subsequently personified. The first trace of this personification occurs in Euripides (Troad. 311), or perhaps in Sappho ( Fragm. 73, p. 80, ed. Neue). The poetical origin of the god Hymen or Hymenaeus is also implied in the fact of his being described as the son of Apollo and a Muse, either Calliope, Urania, or Terpsichore. (Catull. lxi. 2; Nonn. Dionys. xxxiii. 67; Schol. Vatic. ad Eurip. Rhes. 895, ed. Dindorf; Schol. ad Pind. Pyth. iv. 313; Alciphron, Epist. i. 13; Tzetz. Chil. xiii. 599.) theoi/Ouranios/ErosHymenaios.html Etymologies From Latin hymenaeus, wedding song, wedding, from Greek humenaios, from Humēn, Hymen, from humēn, membrane; see hymen,Maidenhead. Hymen(noun)a fold of muscous membrane often found at the orifice of the vagina the vaginal membraneHymen(noun)a fabulous deity according to some the son of Apollo and Urania according to others of Bacchus and Venus He was the god of marriage and presided over nuptial solemnitiesHymen(noun)marriage union as if by marriage The derivation of the word, hymen is a bit more confused. This word for the vaginal membrane could come from hymnos, for wedding song, or from the Greek humen, meaning membrane, or from the god of marriage (Hyman in Greek, Hymen in Latin). Its unsure whether the god took his name from the membrane, or the membrane was named after the god. *Hero - There is a huge difference between the modern definition and the classical definition for this word. In early Greek mythology, a hero is any offspring of a mortal being with an immortal one. The Christian cross and the church (vagina) and the steeple (Penis) Represents one of the sacred marriage symbols. A hymn is a type of song, usually religious, specifically written for the purpose of praise, adoration or prayer, and typically addressed to a deity/deities, a prominent figure or an epic tale. The word hymn derives from Greek hymnos a song of praise. Hymenaios (also Hymenaeus, Hymenaues, or Hymen; Ancient Greek: Ὑμέναιος) was a Greek god of marriage ceremonies, inspiring feasts and song. He was celebrated in the ancient marriage song of unknown origin Hymen o Hymenae, Hymen delivered by G. Valerius Catullus, which both the terms hymn and hymen are derived from.. Ancient hymns include the Great Hymn to the Aten, composed by Pharaoh Akhenaten, and the Vedas, a collection of hymns in the tradition of Hinduism. The Western tradition of hymnody begins with the Homeric Hymns, a collection of ancient Greek hymns, the oldest of which were written in the 7th century BC, in praise of the gods of Greek mythology. African-Americans developed a rich hymnody from spirituals during times of slavery to the modern, lively black gospel style.hymns.askdefine/
Posted on: Sat, 22 Mar 2014 23:45:25 +0000

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