THE OUTCOME/RESOLUTIONS REACHED BY THE CONGRESS: 1. THE ATTRACTION FROM IMO STATE: Following the recent proposal forwarded by the Governor Rochas Okorocha to the Imo State House of Assembly, demanding to accommodate Nigerians from other Region, Tribe and Religion into his Cabinet thereby, making his Regime All-Inclusive. The NPYC found this proposal very attractive, we welcome it in totality because it is in consonant with one of our Cardinal Points; Unity. We wish to commend Governor Rochas Okorocha, for this singular and courageous move because many of our leaders have Preached of Unity with little or no practical to back it up. We wish to call on and encourage the Leadership and Members of the Imo State House of Assembly, to make History by converting this dream into reality. It may be difficult but History and Prosperity with forever remember them. We call on all Well-Meaning Nigerians to support and emulate this singular Act, we also challenge other State Government to duplicate this idea and make it work. 2. STATE OF THE NATION a. ASUU STRIKE: To the NPYC, the treatment “Education” has received in this country, especially since the reception of Democracy, is highly unjust, condemnable and totally unacceptable. Though it takes two to tangle but every responsible Government must be ready to pay the price on an important Sector like the Educational Sector. It is very pathetic that almost 4years of our 14years old Democracy, in the Educational Sector, have been lost to strike and yet no Solution reached. NPYC thereby, call on the Federal Government, to fully implement all the demands of ASUU and put an end to the Strike Action; and also as a perment measure of caging ASUU from embarking on strike any more. b. CRUDE OIL THEFT IN NIGER/DELTA NPYC totally frown at the report as brocasted on both Local and International Media, that Nigeria loses 100,000 barrel of crude oil per day to theft, causing the country to loss revenue in the tone of about $5B annually. This is outrageous, pathetic, set-back and a slap to the Nigerian Government, as this said amount of money alone is capable of tackling and transforming our Educational Sector to international standard. We want the Government to question all the Oil Companies, involved in Oil Expiration, involve capable professionals to trace this fraud, make policies and implementation to stop this, charge and equip the security personals in the Creeks to work harder, put measures to checkmate those corrupt officer that courages Bunkering and finally the Federal Government should charge all those Ex-Militant that were given Billions of Naira to guide our pipelines to go and do the job and shun both politics and their constant empty threat to the Nigerian people. c. INSECURITY: It is very pathetic that a group of citizens could take up Arm against their Government and fellow citizens to such an extreme. But it is more pathetic that the Government have not won the war and as a result have failed in her responsibility of protecting lives and properties of the her citizens The NPYC, are calling on the Federal Government, to Re-Trace and Re-Access all its approaches on this issue of insecurity. We wish to use this medium to call on the Security Agents, to put an end all case of Extra-Judicial killings. We also condole with the families of the deceased, the Arm Forces and their Families for the lost of their men. d. CORRUPTION: We still regret that uptill this moment corruption still remain the worst enemy of our Society and a huge threat to our National Development. President Goodluck Jonathan speech at the NES Annual Conference about all Sectors, being corrupt, including the Nigerian People and the Public Sector which he heads is true, but his Public admittance not mention names for the reasons of avoiding being attacked is a huge set back to the fight against Corruption; as if the President amnesty guaranteed to D.S.P Almeasieye is not enough. We therefore, call on the President to go to the extreme to ensure the war against Corruption is won for our National Development. 3. STATE OF THE NIGERIAN YOUTHS: The NPYC, is very confident that the condition of larger masses of the Youths are still in Sorry-State, full with uncertainty, instability, insecurity, social injustices and the worst still remain unemployment, poor education and poor welfare. It is crystal clear that You-Win, Sure-P and other Empowerment Scheme have all failed, either as a result of the Government not fulfilling their quota, or playing politics with the process, or putting both the Coordinators and Recipients in the wrong hands or not putting enough measure to ensure proper implementation or all of the above. We hereby, call on the Federal Government to Re-Trace and Re-Access her Obligations, Social Responsibility and Promises to the Youths for National Peace and
Posted on: Tue, 24 Sep 2013 15:39:19 +0000

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