THE PASTOR’S AUTHORITY AND THE CHURCH MEMBER’S RESPONSIBILITY Updated and enlarged October 11, 2011 (first published November 22, 2003) (David Cloud, Fundamental Baptist Information Service, P.O. Box 610368, Port Huron, MI 48061, 866-295-4143, [email protected]; for instructions about subscribing and unsubscribing or changing addresses, see the information paragraph at the end of the article) - There are two things that we desire to cover in this article. First, we want to reinforce the scriptural authority of the pastorate while warning about the abuse of pastoral authority. Secondly, we want to remind church members of their God-given responsibility toward pastors. THE PASTOR’S AUTHORITY SOME GENERAL LESSONS ABOUT PASTORAL AUTHORITY Following are some important Bible truths about pastoral authority: 1. THERE ARE CERTAIN MEN IN CHURCHES CALLED RULERS AND OVERSEERS (Acts 20:28; 1 Thes. 5:12; Phil. 1:1; 1 Tim. 3:1; Tit. 1:7). These verses teach that God-called pastors (the same office is called elder and bishop have authority over the assemblies. Other Christians are to submit to this authority. As a church member, pastor-elders are over me in the Lord. When I honor and submit to them, I am not submitting merely to a man; I am submitting to the Lord and Chief Shepherd of the church. Many women could share with us horror stories of how their husbands abused their authority, but this doesn’t destroy the fact that God has given husbands authority in the home. When the wife submits to a husband, she is not submitting merely to a man, with his many sins and frailties; she is submitting to her Lord God (Eph. 5:22). Abuses of pastoral authority do not negate the fact that God has given authority to pastors and that the Bible demands that we submit to God-called pastors who are leading according to God’s Word. Even in cases in which a Christian has been under the influence of an abusive or unscriptural pastoral situation, he or she must maintain a proper attitude in regard to pastoral authority. He should leave such a church, if necessary, and find a spiritually healthy church that is led by God-called men and join it and submit to their God-given authority. A Christian must carefully guard his spirit so that he does not become bitter. He must examine himself before the Lord to be sure that he is not rebellious toward genuine God-given authority. Sometimes we think the problem is with those who have the rule over us when in reality it is with our own stubborn hearts. 2. CHURCH LEADERS ARE CALLED BY THREE DIFFERENT TERMS (pastor, elder, bishop), the terms referring to different aspects of the same office. In Titus 1:5-7 the terms “elder” and “bishop” are applied to the same office. In 1 Peter 5, the same church leaders are called “elders” (verse 1), pastors (“poimaino” or shepherds, verse 2), and bishops (“episkopeo” or overseers, verse 2). Thus the hierarchical form of church government which places bishops over elders is not biblical. A pastor-elder is a bishop, and a bishop is an elder. 3. EACH CHURCH IS TO HAVE ITS OWN LEADERS AND GOVERNMENT (Tit. 1:5; Acts 14:23). Since this is clearly the New Testament pattern, any outside form of control over the New Testament church is unbiblical. 4. EVERY PASTOR IS TO BE GOD-CALLED, SCRIPTURALLY QUALIFIED, and ORDAINED (Acts 14:23; 1 Tim. 3; Tit. 1). New Testament churches are not to be led by unordained men or by men who cannot do the whole work of a pastor-elder-bishop. Every pastor is to be both a teacher, a spiritual protector, and a ruler or overseer (Acts 20:28; 1 Tim. 3:2; Tit. 1:9-11; 1 Pet. 5:1-2). 5. DEACONS ARE NEVER REFERRED TO IN THE CAPACITY OF RULING OR OVERSEEING CHURCHES. The deacon is a servant of the pastors and the church, not a ruler of the church. Church rule by a deacon board is unscriptural and has caused great harm in many assemblies. 6. THERE IS NO SCRIPTURAL SUPPORT FOR ANY OTHER SORT OF BOARD THAT HAS AUTHORITY OVER THE PASTOR OR PASTORS. THE EXTENT OF THE PASTORS AUTHORITY If responsibility implies a corresponding authority, which it does, we can get a clear idea of the extent of a pastors authority by considering his God-given responsibilities. There are three major areas of pastoral responsibility, with corresponding authority: 1. A PASTOR HAS THE RESPONSIBILITY TO TEACH AND SHEPHERD THE CHURCH (Acts 20:28; Eph. 4:11-12; 1 Thes. 5:12; 1 Pet. 5:1-4). Pastors, therefore, have the authority to oversee all aspects of such ministry. They must have the final decision concerning what is taught and by whom, and must judge all things that are taught to make certain it is correct (1 Cor. 14:29). 2. A PASTOR HAS THE RESPONSIBILITY TO PROTECT THE CHURCH FROM FALSE TEACHING (Acts 20:28-31; 1 Co. 14:29; 1 Tim. 4:1-6; Tit. 1:9-13). Pastors have the God-given responsibility and authority to determine what is taught and preached and by whom, as well as to forbid the brethren from getting involved with false things, such as Bible studies conducted by the wrong kind of teachers, meetings in which unbiblical doctrines or practices are promoted, etc. This includes oversight of the music ministry of the church, because music is part of the church’s teaching ministry (Eph. 5:19; Col. 3:16). A pastor doesn’t need permission from the deacons or the lead families of the church in regard to who he invites to preach or what Sunday School lessons to use, etc. Pastors will stand before God and give account for the church doctrinally, and they therefore have the authority to exercise control in this area. 3. A PASTOR HAS THE RESPONSIBILITY TO OVERSEE THE ENTIRE MINISTRY OF THE CHURCH (Acts 20:28; 1 Thes. 5:12; 1 Pet. 5:1-2). The pastors position of overseeing the church is similar to that of a supervisor or manager. The pastors are not to do all of the work of the ministry--every Christian must be busy in the work of Christ--but the pastors are to train the people for their individual ministries and to supervise the work of the ministry. There is widespread rebellion against and resistance to even the godliest pastoral authority today. Such is the product of the fallen human nature and the result of the spirit of end-time apostasy. I also believe it is the result of Quick Prayerism whereby many church members have “prayed a sinner’s prayer” but haven’t been converted. The old man hates authority; he will not have anyone rule over him. But pastoral authority is God-given, and the one who resists a God-called pastor in his work of leading the church according to the Word of God will answer to Jesus Christ for his stubbornness. Hear the Bible: “Obey them that have the rule over you, and submit yourselves: for they watch for your souls, AS THEY THAT MUST GIVE ACCOUNT, THAT THEY MAY DO IT WITH JOY, AND NOT WITH GRIEF: FOR THAT IS UNPROFITABLE FOR YOU” (Heb. 13:17). The pastors will give account to the Lord for their ministries in the church, and the church members will also give account, and to cause a God-called pastor grief by my carnal stubbornness, unfaithfulness, and disobedience will be unprofitable for me at the judgment seat of Christ. SPIRITUAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE PASTORS AUTHORITY The authority exercised by a pastor, missionary, or other church leader is to be distinctly different from that exercised by leaders in the secular world (1 Pet. 5:3; Mk. 10:42-43). 1. IT IS A MINISTERING AUTHORITY--THE AUTHORITY OF A SHEPHERD (Acts 20:28; 2 Cor. 13:10; 1 Pet. 5:2). The authority of a pastor is for the purpose of building up and protecting Gods people and work. It is not given to him so that he can please himself. The church does not exist to please and glorify pastors; it exists to please and glorify the Lord. 2. IT IS A HUMBLE AUTHORITY--THE AUTHORITY OF A STEWARD (Mk. 10:42-45; 1 Cor. 3:9; 4:1; 12:7; Tit. 1:7; 1 Pet. 4:10; 5:3-5). The pastor is to rule under the direction of the Lord Jesus Christ, by Christ’s mind and will rather than by his own mind or will. To be “self-willed” means to rule pompously according to human thinking and desire rather than humbly according to God’s Word. The church is Gods property; the people are Gods people; the work is Gods work (1 Cor. 3:5-9). Pastors are merely stewards or caretakers. Contrast this type of leadership with the ministry of proud, willful Diotrephes (3 Jn. 9-10). 3. IT IS A LOVING AUTHORITY--THE AUTHORITY OF A FATHER (1 Thes. 2:7-11). The pastor is to have a godly, loving, tender, sacrificial consideration for the welfare of the people. His rule is not to be an overbearing, self-serving type of rule. He rejoices when his children mature and stand on their own feet before Christ. His goal is not to make the people dependent on him; his goal is to mature the members so that they can interpret the Bible properly for themselves and find direction for their lives directly from Christ through the indwelling Spirit. 4. IT IS A LIBERATING AUTHORITY--THE AUTHORITY TO BUILD UP NOT HOLD DOWN. “For though I should boast somewhat more of our authority, which the Lord hath given us for edification, and not for your destruction, I should not be ashamed” (2 Cor. 10:8). See also Ephesians 4:11-12. The church is not only a head; it is a body. A godly pastor is not in the church to hinder the Spirit’s working through the body of believers by exercising an oppressive type of “pastoring” that cripples individual vision and initiative. His role in the church is rather to build up the body so that it propers spiritually and all of the various gifts are functioning and Christ can be Lord throughout the entire body to freely accomplish His work. Godly pastors have the goal of maturing the flock so that they can participate in the work of the Lord to the fullest extent possible. They do not want to tie the saints down but to liberate them to their greatest potential in Christ. Too many pastors are so jealous of their authority that they hinder and cripple the work of God by turning the ministry of the Lord into a “one man show,” and the people rise only to the level of his servants and never mature to the true liberty in Christ that we see in Scripture. Brethren, these things ought not to be. THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN PASTORING AND LORDING “The elders which are among you I exhort, who am also an elder, and a witness of the sufferings of Christ, and also a partaker of the glory that shall be revealed: Feed the flock of God which is among you, taking the oversight thereof, not by constraint, but willingly; not for filthy lucre, but of a ready mind; Neither as being lords over Gods heritage, but being ensamples to the flock” (1 Peter 5:1-3) Pastors have real authority in the church, but it is a different kind of authority than that exercised by worldly lords. Note some of the differences: Scriptural pastors love the flock and lead by compassion, but lords typically despise compassion; they don’t encourage; they merely demand (1 Thess. 2:7-8). While a pastor certainly has the authority to demand (Titus 2:15), it is a different kind of demanding than that of a worldly lord. Scriptural pastors lead by example, but lords merely make demands with little or no concern that they must exemplify what they demand (1 Pet. 5:3). Scriptural pastors know that the flock is not their own, but lords feel that they own the people and thus can control them according to their own desires (1 Pet. 5:2, 3 “flock of God” “God’s heritage”). Scriptural pastors care more about the welfare of the saints than their own profit, but lords rule for personal gain and typically are not afraid to abuse the people (1 Pet. 5:2). Scriptural pastors are humble and do not consider themselves greater than the flock, but lords exalt themselves high above the people (1 Pet. 5:2 “among you”; 1 Pet. 5:5). Scriptural pastors aim to build up the people and free them to do God’s will, but lords want to control the people and hold them down (Eph. 4:11-12; 2 Cor. 10:8). The Greek word translated “destruction” in 2 Corinthians 10:8 is also translated “pulling down” (2 Cor. 10:4). “But Jesus called them to him, and saith unto them, Ye know that they which are accounted to rule over the Gentiles exercise lordship over them; and their great ones exercise authority upon them. But so shall it not be among you: but whosoever will be great among you, shall be your minister: And whosoever of you will be the chiefest, shall be servant of all. For even the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many” (Mark 10:42-45). MISCELLANEOUS SUGGESTIONS TO PASTORS 1. Never forget that the people are not yours and that you will give account for the way you treat them (Acts 20:28; 1 Pet. 5:1-4; James 3:1). A pastor can have his way in the church in this present world even if he is wrong and sinning, because there is no higher earthly ecclesiastical authority than the assembly; but he will stand before the Great Chief Shepherd and be judged for how he acted. He must not forget this. “If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are” (1 Corinthians 3:17). 2. Treat the people as you would want to be treated (Mat. 7:12). Think back to the time before you were a pastor. Are you treating the people now as you wanted your pastor to treat you then? Were there things the pastor did that discouraged you rather than built you up then, and are you repeating those same mistakes in your own ministry? Were their questions that you wanted to ask and should have been at liberty to ask but were afraid to ask? 3. Treat the people with equality (1 Tim. 5:21). Be very careful about exercising favoritism. Treat the people with equality in regard to enforcing standards for workers. Don’t let some of the standards slide with some because they are your pets. Treat the people with equality in regard to exercising church discipline. Don’t let it be said that you were harsh toward some in the church and lenient with others over similar matters. I know of pastors who have disciplined their own sinning children, and that is an example to emulate. 4. Aim to build up the people and then to give them liberty to do God’s will (2 Cor. 10:8). A pastor should have the goal of treating church members as he does his own children, maturing them in Christ so that they can stand on their own feet and make good decisions and follow God’s will, not wanting them to be perpetually dependent on his microscopic involvement and control. A wise parent even allows his children to make mistakes along the way, knowing that they must learn how to do things on their own and that they will not always get it right the first time. Should that not be the pastor’s heart, as well? 5. Encourage the people to have a personal vision of God’s will and to bring forth new ideas for the Lord’s work (Eph. 4:11-12). The only thing the pastor should discourage is sin and false teaching. Don’t let it be said that the pastor discouraged people to have a vision and to exercise their gifts freely within the boundaries of Scripture. 6. Aim to produce many leaders who will work alongside of you to multiply the ministry (Acts 13:1; 20:4). Everywhere in the New Testament we see a plurality of workers and leaders, both in individual churches and in missionary work. Wise pastors will not fear sharing their authority and ministry with other godly men so that the Lord’s work can make good progress. 7. Resist the temptation to be proud and to exalt yourself (Mark 10:42-45). The position of a shepherd is a lowly one. The pastor has authority but it is the authority of a servant under a Master and not a lord in his own right. The pastor is a spiritual ruler and leader, a bishop, but he has a unique relationship with those whom he rules. He is a shepherd but at the same time he is one of the sheep! While the church members are likened at times to sheep and have some of the characteristics of sheep, they are not exactly like the animals by that name because they are not dumb beasts and they do not exist for the shepherd’s profit and pleasure. Each church member is not only “a sheep” but is a child of Almighty God, a member of the “royal priesthood,” and a free citizen of that “holy nation” (1 Pet. 2:9). Church members are not only likened to sheep but to members of a body, and the pastor must ever be mindful that their one true Head is not an earthly pastor but the Lord Jesus Christ (Eph. 1:22; Col. 1:18). 8. Receive criticism in a godly manner. The flesh hates and despises criticism. The flesh is always right and becomes puffed up if anyone challenges it’s fleshly wisdom. But godly wisdom is not that way. James 3:17 says it is “easy to be intreated.” When people approached Christ and asked Him things, He didn’t lash out at them or become angry and resentful. The pastor must have a humble attitude and not forget that he is not an authority unto himself and that he certainly does not know everything and is not always right. Also, it is the nature of the flesh to grow cold toward those who try to reprove us and who do not agree with us, but the pastor must not be that way. God has taught us to love even our enemies, not to speak of our own dear brethren in Christ, yea, our own church members, who do not agree with us on every point (Rom. 12:16-20). 9. Don’t be afraid to lead but be sure that you are leading by the clear teaching of the Bible and not by your own thinking and human tradition. If you don’t have a “thus saith the Lord” for the things you are doing, you are on dangerous ground. Your authority is not your mind or what you learned at Bible College or what you learned from your first pastor; your sole authority is God’s Word. The pastor is not to be “self-willed” (Titus 1:7).
Posted on: Thu, 26 Jun 2014 01:04:38 +0000

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