THE PERSISTENCE SPIRIT IN PRAYER (An Exposed on the book of - TopicsExpress


THE PERSISTENCE SPIRIT IN PRAYER (An Exposed on the book of Isaiah 40 on prayer) Isaiah 40 describe to us God’s comforts to his people (verse 1-2),makes a prophetic mention of Jesus making straight in the desert a high way for our God (verse 3).Note this became fulfilled in Matthew 3:3 and Mark 1:3 when it was quoted. This is what Jesus came to do, to turn every desert to a highway for our God meaning a platform where the glory of God is display and heard. Studying verses 4-5 confirm just what I said, verses 6- 8 validates the durability of God’s Word, his never ending unfaithfulness. One striking word here is the blowing of the Spirit of the Lord. if the spirit of the Lord bloweth on grass(meaning man) and he fades, He can also blow on another man and he becomes a glory. Studying this careful will open your eye on the breath of the Lord is often at work when there are praying people, the next verse explain this. Watch verse 9. O Zion (remember you are Zion Hebrews 12:22-24 confirms that), that bringest good tidings (this letting us know the mind of God on how your life should be, you are to produce good fruits-a life of glory), get thee up into the high mountain. A mountain in the bible signifies a place of prayer or prayer. It is a replica of prayers. Why do I believe so, because of the activities that surround the individuals that were associated, seen or went to the mountain. Studying the life of Moses and Jesus, mountains where associated with their place of prayers. Logically it is the highest peak from the creation of God on earth, so also in the spirit realm prayer is the highest peak in gaining communication with God Continuing from there will make you see what you are to do in prayers. 1. Lift up thy voice with strength 2. Lift it up, be not afraid 3. Say to the cities(that is to the world, make boast of your God)behold my God (This is an act of total assurance that my God is my deliverer) When you pray, God wants you to be persistence, showing absolute trust on him; making bold your confessions in your prayers. Many may ask you have been praying and praying but where is the result? Just tell them they are coming. The results are coming, when? Soon! When you talk this way always, verse 10-30 reveals what will happen to you afterward. God becomes to boast out himself through you. His Glory becomes your life. Verse 31 is the big picture of all this coming to pass; it let us know that it requires the waiting upon the lord to achieve all this. The waiting of the Lord is a sure stand in the assurance that God has answered my prayers therefore I walk as though he has done it. Remember He told you what to do why you wait on the high mountain in verse 9, making a surely and absolute trust on God by Vocalizing it. This is when they ask you where is the Job, the husband, the car, the house, the wife, the money etc. Your respond should be God has giving them to me, my angels are bringing them. When? Soon! Through this you lay hold to the absolute trust on your God . May God bless you Get more information about THE INCREDIBLE GOD on
Posted on: Mon, 08 Sep 2014 03:00:45 +0000

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