THE PLAGERISATION OF ANCIENT AFRIKAN SPIRITUAL SYSTEMS The truth is that what you and the rest of the global population have been taught by Europe is really the theological war on the evolution of the spirit, through the idealogy of the externalized savor, as opposed to what the El Muurians and the KaMaats/TaMUURians knew as the internal divine intuition. We have been conditioned and traumatized to supplant our natural abstract metaphysically intuitive inquiring mind with the non-critical, non-questioning, and non-analytical functionalism of the religiously indoctrinated mind. This is a direct manipulation of humanity into belief systems and thought-form structures to worship masters, teachers, priest and gods outside of self. A false paradigm that has denied the truth within oneself, that severs us from our higher soul aspects, enslaves our personal sovereignty, limits our spiritual growth and stops our quantum evolutionary development with source. Where ascended masters, messiahs and deliverers are falsely created to replace the different states of consciousness. Our ancestors used ancient metaphysical allegory to communicate the knowledge and meaning of the ethereal and corporeal laws, processes, principles, functions and relationships. The story of Ausar, Auset and Heru is really about the ascension from the lower self of the sleeping soul to the higher self or the awakened soul to become the highest self - the deep mysteries of the body, soul and spirit. You see, these were cosmic forces, representing the high and lower natures of man. Not literal people. Cosmic melanin reflected in the pineal gland (the black dot, the first eye) and the right celestial sphere of the brain. The divine air of the spirit in the breathing in of Yah and the exhaling of Weh (Yahweh, YHWH). These allegories were later rendered into historical facts by the Priest Class, a artificial, parasitic and vampiric group with no connection to Earth, nature and the righteous way of love. ...we were very fortunate to enter the cave that a friend of ours had discovered a month before. We were the first to enter it. The rock art was totally undisturbed. It looked like it had been painted the week before. Beautiful stuff. You will find pictures of that in the book [Black Genesis, The African Origin of the Pharaohs] by the way. It was very clear that the people were black skinned. They were rather sophisticated. They wore jewelry. They lived in houses. They clearly had domesticated cattle. They had paddocks with cattle. They seemed to be very, very happy. Holding hands and dancing. Wonderful feeling. The question now was,... were these black skinned people the ones who kicked off the civilization in Egypt, and to cut a long story short,... the answer and the evidence is overwhelmingly in support of this hypothesis. The bottomline is that the civilization of Egypt, the origin, its very beginning, [was] a product of a black historic people that lived in the Sahara, for thousands of years before they came down to the Nile Valley about 3,500 B.C. with their cargo of knowledge, their astronomy, their cattle, their knowledge of construction,... and two thousand years later, we have got the pyramids. So, that is the whole story in a nutshell,... - Robert Bauval, Occult Science Radio, 4th of August 2011. Of course, this is quite understandable since what has now been erroneously considered as intrinsic European civilization, science and philosophies is really a cut and paste job out of KaMaat/TaMUURa/ (Kemet/Egypt) echoing back to the El Muurians. You only need to look at the concocted story of Jesus Christ to understand that it came totally from the composite god, Serapis, the Ptolemaic syncretic universal god, who was model on aspects of the pharoanic Ausar (Osiris, Osorapis, Apis), Auset (Isis), and Heru (Horus). Pythagoras mathematics and theorem originated from the Egyptian 3-4-5 rope-stretchers triangle, learned from the priests at Aneb-Hetch (Memphis) and Waset (Thebes, Diospolis), the method used to construct pyramids. Socrates, Plato and Aristotle (so-called founders of Western philosophy) plagiarized the science, doctrines and discoveries of the Egyptian Mystery System, through intellectual theft, deceptively heralding these ideas as the realization of Greek genius. ...The names of nearly all the gods came to Greece from Egypt. I know from the inquiries I have made that they came from abroad, and it seems most likely that it was from Egypt, for the names of all the gods have been known in Egypt from the beginning of time... - Herodotus, Ancient Greek historian. The Egyptians - not the ancient Greeks - were the true fathers of medicine, according to a study that pushes back the origins by at least a millennium. Scientists examining documents dating back 3,500 years say they have found proof that the inception lies not with Hippocrates (460BC-370BC) and the Greeks but in ancient Egypt and the likes of Imhotep (2667BC - 2648BC), who designed the pyramids at Saqqara and was elevated to become the god of healing. - Roger Highfield, The Telegraph. Deep in the heart of Africa lies Wakanda, an advanced and unconquerable civilisation. A family of warrior kings possessing superior speed, strength and agility have governed this mysterious nation as long as time itself. The latest in this famed line is young King TChalla, the great hero known worldwide as the Black Panther. Now outsiders once more assemble to invade and plunder Wakanda, led by the deadly assassin Klaw. - Black Panther Comics. Even the current Priest Class at the Vatican originated from the Shemsu-Heru, the Followers of Horus, an ancient priesthood dating back to the ElMUUrians. History reveals that there were at least three popes of Rome in antiquity of African ancestry, Saint Victor I (189-199 A.D.), Saint Miltiades (311-314 A.D.) and Saint Gelasius I (492-496 A.D.). This original priesthood of black nobles, kings and priestess brought the primordial holy science teachings of astrotheology in astronomy, agriculture, architecture, science, mathematics and artistic techniques. All of the ancient sciences, religion and philosophical writings were based on one grand cosmological unity, with a legacy extending back to to KaMaat, ElMUURia and Sirius. Ancient stone tablets, scrolls and manuscripts hidden within the underground vaults of the Vatican and European controlled museums states that the Earth was once inhabited by one people, from ElMUURia and originated from one source Sirius; whose remnants can be found in the floors of the Atlantic Ocean, under the ice of the Antarctic and the North Pole, in the waters off Cuba, in the waters off the Gulf of Mexico, as well as off the coast of Japan and China. Remnants of a great global catastrophe, the survivors of this cataclysm were the indigenous peoples. The libraries of Alexandria show that all of the ancient religious philosophies were based entirely on this metaphysical allegory of the spirit and the structure of the universe. This science has been mutated by the diverse and corrupted theological derivations of Christianism, Islamism, Judaism, and New Ageism; a direct result of conquest and warfare against the original focus on cosmic law. So, out of Alexandria, they, Priest Class, skillfully interpolated the externalized savior into these ancient teachings; warping and contorting the story of Krishna from the Dravidian manuscript, Heru from the KaMaats/TaMUURians, Hesus from the Druids, Orpheus from the Etruscans, Mithras from the Krists (Persians), Bel from the Chaldeans, and countless other stories into Serapis and then eventually into Jesus Christ. Gerald Massey, the English poet and Egyptologist documented numerous similiarities between Jesus and other innumerable ancient dieities. The Christian myths were first related of Horus or Osiris, who was the embodiment of divine goodness, wisdom, truth and purity...This was the greatest hero that ever lived in the mind of man -- not in the flesh -- the only hero to whom the miracles were natural because he was not human. - Gerald Massey, The Natural Genesis. The redemption through the ancient sciences of the cycles of spiritual rebirth from materialism, was replaced with the literal blood sacrifice and vicarious atonement of a fabled personal external savior. The early paintings and sculptures illustrated the physical representation of this metaphysical allegory in the black Madonna (Auset-Meri, Auset, Isis) and black baby (Heru, Horus). It was a common practice among the early Christian Fathers and Saints to lie and deceive, if their lies and deceits helped the caused of their Christ. - T. W. Doane, Bible Myths and Their Parallels in Other Religions. The transition from the paganism for which the name Isis stood was a stealthy and insensibly prolonged blending ... – R. Witt, Isis in the Ancient World. Source: The Cosmic Spirit
Posted on: Wed, 29 Oct 2014 12:53:25 +0000

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