THE POSITION OF IMAAM MALIK ON THE NUMBER OF RAKAH OF TARAWEEH Imaam Shaafi’ee narrates the hadeeth, which is in Imaam Maaliks Muwatta from Imaam Maalik himself and says, (Akhbarana) informed me Maalik from Muhammad bin Yoosuf from Saa’ib bin Yazeed who said Umar bin al-Khattaab commanded Ubayy bin Ka’ab and Tameem ad-Daaree to lead the people in 11 raka’hs. (See Sunan al-Kubraa (2/496), Sharh Ma’anee al-Athaar, Kunzul A’maal (8/263), Aathaar as-Sunan (pg.255) of Nimawee Imaam Ibn al-Arabee Maaliki (the author of Ahkaam al-Quraan and not the Kaafir soofee Ibn Arabee) said after bringing the various reports of the number of raka’hs for Taraaweeh says, “The correct position is that Taraaweeh is 11 raka’hs. The Messenger of Allaah (Sallalahu Alayhee Was-Sallam) prayed 11 raka’hs and the origin of more raka’hs is not established. Then why should not this be adhered to, the limit to which was adhered to in the time of the Prophet when the Messenger of Allaah’s prayer as 11 raka’hs in the month of Ramadhaan or in any other month, hence following him is obligatory.” (A’aridhal Ahwadhee Sharh Jaami at-Tirmidhee (4/19). Shaikh Allamah Ainee Hanafee mentioned the position of Imaam Maalik himself was that he prayed 11 raka’hs. (see Umdatul-Qaaree (11/127). Imaam Suyootee mentions the position of Imaam Maalik and says, “Allaamah Jauree informed us concerning Imaam Maalik that his statement was 11 raka’hs of Taraaweeh was beloved to him because Umar (Radhiallaahu Anhu) also gathered the people to pray 11 raka’hs and the prayer of the Messenger of Allaah (Sallalahu Alayhee Was-Sallam) was also 11 raka’hs. Another narration mentions 13 raka’hs with witr, now I do not know where these additional raka’hs have come from.” (al-Masaabeeh Fee Salaatul-Taraaweeh (2/77). Imaam Ibn Taymiyyah also mentions 11 raka’hs to be position of Imaam Maalik (see his Ikhtiyaaraat ilmiyyah (pg.38) Imaam Badee ud deen Shah Rashidi says after mentioning the above statement of Imaam Suyootee, “We find the following things from the words of Imaam Maalik, (1) The Imaam (Maalik) held the position of 11 raka’hs and not 20. (2) This amount was beloved and favoured with him (3) This number (of 11) was also acted upon by Umar. (4) This is the number which Umar gathered the companions upon and this is what the Ijmaa is upon. (5) This is also the number prayed by the Messenger of Allaah (Sallalahu Alayhee-Was-Sallam) (6) There is no evidence as regards to an increase to 11 raka’hs. (7) According to Imaam Maalik this increase (ie more than 11) is something new and created in the religions. Therefore the claim of Ijmaa is incorrect and the attribution of 20 raka’hs to Umar is also incorrect.” (Tanqeed as-Sadeed (pg.267-268) As for the narration of 39 from Imaam Maalik from Ibn al-Qaasim (in Mudawwanah) Then firstly clearly contradicts the more authentic narration from Imaam Maalik mentioning 1 raka’hs. Secondly although Ibn al-Qaasim was trustworthy, the issues he narrates from Imaam Maalik need to be looked into because Imaam Abu Zur’ah said, “The People talk about (negatively) the issues Ibn al-Qaasim mentions from Maalik.” (Kitaab adh-Dhu’afaa (pg.534) TAKEN FROM al––Qaul aass--Saheeh Fee Masalatut--Taraaweeh
Posted on: Mon, 15 Jul 2013 17:31:52 +0000

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