THE POWER OF MUSIC in Prayer Written By Pastor Dr. Andrews - TopicsExpress


THE POWER OF MUSIC in Prayer Written By Pastor Dr. Andrews L. Ewoo Posted on: January 3rd, 2013 by admin 1 Comment THE POWER OF MUSIC in Prayer James 5:13, 14. Written By Pastor Dr. Andrews L. Ewoo Music has been defined as “natural sound that is pleasant to the ear.” There is power in music. Music can bring healing. Music brings consolation. Music can make you cry. Music can make one dry his tears. Music can also lead you into sin that you never thought of. Music can make you be possessed by an evil spirit. In the Bible, music was appointed to be used in the temple: 2 Chron. 29:25. Music was used as an effective way of bringing healing to a mentally troubled King Saul. See 1 Samuel 16:14-17. Music was used at the consecration of Solomon’s Temple: 2 Chron. 5:11- Music was used in the coronation of kings: 2 Chron. 23:11,12. Music was used at laying the foundation of the Temple (Ezra 3:9-10). Music was used in the commemoration of great men (1 Chron. 35:25). Music was used in funeral ceremonies (Matthew 9:23). Music was used in war against enemies and we can do the same. When the enemy brings nightmares in your dreams, get up and sing a song of victory. Music was used in celebrating victories, Exod. 15:20; 1 Samuel 18:6-7. Christ used music to encourage Himself and the disciples just before he left for the Garden of Gethsemane. (Matthew 26:30). It is believed by scholars that they sang Psalm 116. Ellen G. White said: “God is glorified by songs of praise from a pure heart filled with love and devotion to Him.” 1 T 509. Remember, Judas was part of the apostolic choir that sang that song, yet he went out to betray. Music is acceptable to God only when the heart of the singer is sanctified and made soft and holy by the words of the song. “It is detestable to God when the heart of the singer is after his idols:” EV 510. “Satan has no objection to singing if he can make that a channel through which to gain access to the minds of the youth. Music is one of Satan’s most attractive agencies to ENSNARE souls. When music is allowed to take the place of devotion and prayer, it is a terrible curse.” 1 T 506. Let me caution you about the kind of music you play at home. Music can invite demons into your home and life. See Daniel 3:3, Eccl. 2:8,11. In Zephaniah 3:17, we are going to be welcomed by God into heaven with music. Before we enter heaven, the angels of God are going to sing a welcome song. I cannot wait to hear that song. When we arrive finally in heaven, we are going to sing a song, the song of Moses and of the lamb. Christ will sing with us the song of salvation. See Revelation 14:3 Play good music in your home. Play music at dawn as you meditate on the word of God. Play or sing godly music when you are discouraged. Play or sing godly music when you feel discouraged like Jesus felt after the Lord’s Supper. There is power in music. Use music in your devotions. Pause in your prayer and sing a song. Make music part of your prayer life. There is power in music. Use it!
Posted on: Tue, 13 Jan 2015 10:08:05 +0000

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