THE POWER OF PRIDE MONEY AND WEALTH HAS STAINED CHRISTIANITY The story of Elisha, Naaman and Gehazi is quite relevant in the 21st century. Not to mention that the Bible informs us that “. . . whatsoever things written aforetime were written for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope” (Romans 15:4). So the below account is to be learned from and to have hope in the Scriptures. For brevity purposes I will attempt to summarize 2 Kings 5 and reference Luke 4:27: • Naaman was a mighty, highly respected Captain of Syria’s army who was a leper. • The Prophet Elisha gave instructions to Naaman how to become healed. Naaman became angry and his PRIDE did not allow him to OBEY the words of the prophet and he stormed off, full of rage because he thought the prophet’s instructions were ridiculous. • Naaman’s servants were able to win the heart of their leader and convinced him to OBEY the prophet. Naaman OBEYED and followed the prophet’s instruction by dipping in the muddy Jordan 7 times and his skin became “. . . unto the flesh of a little child.” • He rushed back in a last attempt to GIVE MATERIAL things to the prophet. The prophet refused. And Naaman departed in peace back to Syria. • Gehazi, the prophet’s servant could not stomach rejecting MATERIAL stuff and MONEY and Gehazi ran down Naaman and brokered a deal for some of that stuff he tried to give to the prophet. Gehazi LIED to get WEALTH and MONEY. • The prophet IMMEDIATELY discerned Gehazi’s heart and actions and pronounced a transference of sickness ONTO Gehazi and the Bible says, “And he went out from his presence a leper as white as snow.” Along with the wealth Gehazi received, he also became leper and received an incurable sickness for the remainder of his life. The Most High CANNOT be bought. He IS NOT the one who inspires entertainment in the house of worship. He has COMMANDED HIS people to not bring things of the world INTO the house of worship and call it worship. The blatant disregard of Elohim’s Word and way has left MANY Christian churches in the following state: • Spiritual LEPERS, like Gehazi and HUNGRY for WEALTH and MONEY. They even SPEAK to MONEY trying to get wealth. • DISOBEDIENT to the true prophet and have sought to do their own thing. • Have $ signs for pupils and hands open for “I receive that,” all about “I,” a characteristic of Lucifer (Isaiah 14:12-15). • Like Naaman, require a DEEP cleansing but refuse to dip 7 times in the spirit of the Lord. • FULL of pride and refuse to turn to The WHOLE Scriptures. The prophet Elisha, being a TRUE example of an uncompromising, fully persuaded Man of God refused the following; WITHOUT hesitation or second thoughts: • 10 talents of silver (by today’s standards, about $182,000.00 dollars). • 6 thousand shekels of gold (by today’s standards about $2,390.000.00 dollars). • Clothing fit for a king – silk and other fine materials. In the final analysis, Elohim was REMOVING the spirit of pride from Naaman, hence the required humility to dip in muddy Jordan. Naaman was THE CAPTAIN AND NOT a servant. Apparently, Naaman was HIGH MINDED and needed to be brought down to the state of humility, while retaining the gift of leadership. Elohim made him a humble servant out of a mighty leader. Naaman quickly learned that Elohim CANNOT be bought, IS NOT concerned about WEALTH and uses His prophets to proclaim truth who WILL NOT compromise, under ANY circumstances. Can you imagine that kind of money offered to a preacher today? All spiritual leaders who bask in their wealth and boast of their million dollar homes and million dollar private jets, while the people are spiritual lepers, continue to distribute NOT THEIR MONEY and WEALTH, but THEIR spirit of leprosy. And for the reader who would say, yeah, but your example is all Old Testament, we are under a New Covenant. Here is what the set-apart Apostles had to say: • 2 Timothy 2:14-26 – A charge before the Lord to not strive about words to no profit. Study to be approved unto GOD. Shun profane and vain babblings. Your word will eat as a canker. GOD’s foundation stands sure. Purge yourself of certain vessles and become a vessel of honor and sanctification meet for the MASTER’s use. FLEE youthful lust. FOLLOW righteousness, faith, charity and peace. AVOID foolish and unlearned questions. DO NOT strive, but be gentle, APT to teach, patient. That GOD will give repentance to the ACKNOWLEDGING of the truth. Be RECOVERED OUT of the snare of the devil. (a quick summary – but read if for yourself). • James 5:3 “Your gold and silver is cankered; and the rust of them shall be a witness against you, and shall eat your flesh as it were fire. Ye have heaped treasure together for the last days.” Both secular and Bible Concordance pretty much define canker as the same: noun \ˈkaŋ-kər\ - Something that causes bad things to happen. Any of various plant diseases 1 a (1) : an erosive or spreading sore (2) : an area of necrosis in a plant; also : a plant disease characterized by CANKERS. 3. a fungal disease of woody plants that causes localized damage to the bark 4. an ulceration (especially of the lips or lining of the mouth) 5. a pernicious and malign influence that is hard to get rid of BIBLE CONCORDANCE DEFINITION: KJV Strongs G1044 matches the Greek γάγγραινα (gaggraina) canker* AND G1044 occurs in 1 verses in the KJV. From graino (to gnaw). “A gangrene, a disease by which any part of the body suffering from inflammation becomes so corrupted that, unless a remedy be seasonably applied, the evil continually spreads, attacks other parts, and at last eats away the bones.” Apply that definition to the book of James chapter 5 and verse 3 – THAT IS YAH’s assessment, NOT mine. That is YAH’s Word, NOT mine. “Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy.” Jude 24 TjD in 4 D
Posted on: Wed, 14 Jan 2015 01:18:30 +0000

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