THE POWER TO SAY NO This is my ninth month in this program. I look - TopicsExpress


THE POWER TO SAY NO This is my ninth month in this program. I look at myself and all I can say is thank God I was fortunate to be part of this program. We’ve really come a long way with week in week out of studying your messages Sir. I’m almost at the finish line and with my school project on my neck, I was just on the verge of patting myself on the back and saying, “cool down, relax, take it easy with these messages” when God led me to THE POWER TO SAY NO. God is always on time, just when I was about to get comfortable with the good I’ve gotten from this mentorship experience, He shows me that THE WORST ENEMY OF THE BEST IS GOOD. Why have good when I can have best? Why go for bronze, when Gold is up for grabs? Why go for crumbs when I can feast on the table? Therefore I’m saying NO to good so that I can aspire for best. There’s still a whole lot more to learn, to imbibe and to experience and consequent upon that I’ve just activated my hunger mode. LORD, I WANT MORE! THE POWER TO SAY NO The words YES and NO are chiefly the reason you are where you are today. Everything happening to you today and all that has happened to you in the past is because you said yes or no. Day after day we lose so much because we don’t have the power to say no. There’s a place called the valley of decision; most believers hardly survive it because of wrong choice. Some have lost their lives, dreams or future in the valley of decision. Jonathan was one of the greatest victims of this; heir apparent to the throne but he knew by revelation and conviction that he will not inherit the throne. However, he didn’t know how to confront his Dad, Saul about his relationship with David so against his conviction he followed Saul to the grave. Saying no to sin is a message every pulpit resonates and common sense alone should make you say no to something that has proved to be detrimental to your well-being. However, the real issue for me here is saying no to things that are seemingly good. Therefore, it is not just no to sin and unrighteousness that this message seeks to address but saying no to the subtle negotiations that the enemy is making with your destiny. This is the part that really got my attention because when the devil tempts you with sin and fails, he goes away but after a while he returns with juicy offers which often times are difficult to turn down. In fact, some people can even see these offers as gifts from God and something to testify about. NEVER SETTLE FOR ANYTHING LESS THAN GOD’S BEST FOR YOU. After you have learnt to say no to the pleasures of sin, you must also learn to say no to the enemy called average. The worst enemy of the best is good. The devil sends compensations to distract you from God’s best. Learn to say no to all the offerings of the devil whether good or bad. Just an aside, an example that readily comes to mind is that some women want to marry ‘nice’ guys who are not born again (i.e. they don’t have a relationship with Jesus); trust me, that may be ok in the interim but if you accept that offer you have just gambled with your spiritual destiny. If the source is from the enemy, say no because there is a way that seems right unto a man but the end thereof is destruction (Proverbs 14:12). The devil wants to make sure you don’t go beyond a certain level therefore you must realize that the greatest sign of spirituality is hunger. The moment you cease to be hungry for more your growth terminates and your expiration starts. Once you have settled the little foxes that spoil the vine, the next thing the devil supplies you is mediocrity (average). Pharaoh had enticing offers for Moses but Moses turned his back on Egypt because of the superiority of what God had given him. You must learn to say no and turn your back on the victories of yesterday, they are past, don’t dwell there. Don’t stop at a certain level, keep going. Get a higher degree; learn a new skill; carry out a greater project, the list continues, don’t stop. So far in this discourse, we have harped on one fact, i.e. the need for the courage to say no but there is also the aspect of knowing how to say no. Proverbs 15:23 has this to say, “A man has joy by the answer of his mouth, and a word spoken in due season, how good it is!” And again Proverbs 25:11 puts it this way, “a word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver.” There are situations that call for a very blunt no but there are also situations that require the application of wisdom. You can abort your destiny or lose a vital relationship in your life because you have the courage and the boldness to say no but lack the know-how. The story of Jacob and Esau in Genesis 33:1-16 will help us to grasp this. Jacob knew that all he needed was the forgiveness of his brother, nothing more nothing less. But in verse 12, Esau made him an offer by saying “let’s travel together”. Jacob knew he was not in a position to say no but he couldn’t say yes for the following reasons: • They were two prosperous to co-exist. • Esau’s lifestyle was different from his. • He had a covenant with God that Esau didn’t have. • His direction and vision in life were different. Jacob being a wise man said no and made the right choice but he did it diplomatically by giving genuine reasons why he couldn’t accept that offer made by Esau (see verse 13). So the lesson here is always provide a reason for saying no. In conclusion, we must note that different situations may call for different responses but the most important thing is that you will not accept any offer that will impoverish your destiny. You must learn to say no but also learn how to refuse politely. Actions I need to take immediately: • I must say no to the enemy called average. • My goal at every level will be to surpass my previous achievement, to be better today than I was yesterday. No room for complacency. • I must rely on the wisdom of God when diplomacy is needed in saying no. • Are there still things in my life that are lawful but not expedient? If I find the answer to be yes, I must say no to those things. Changes I must make: • I must never get distracted by the accomplishments of today. • Only the best is good enough and I must think in that light. Thank you so much Sir. I’m glad I never said no to your mentorship. Chuma Eziashi.
Posted on: Tue, 10 Sep 2013 06:25:49 +0000

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