THE PROBLEM IS NOT AMERICA, THE PROBLEM IS PRESIDENT BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA, AND THE INSANE LEFT, DELIBERATELY UNDERMINING THE RULE OF LAW IN THIS COUNTRY(Part 1 of a 2-part series) PLEASE BRACE AFTER CHRISTMAS!!! Never before has this country experienced anything like what it is experiencing, now, a lawless sitting President, a lawless Attorney General, lawless Democratic Party officials on the State and local level, a lawless, unresponsive Congress, a lawless Supreme Court, and anarchists who have taken to the streets, all “drum majors,” to one extent or another, for lawlessness, and war against this country. I did say war. People like Al Sharpton, in fact, are actually using war-like language to describe his anarchistic opposition to the legal system, in this country, referring to it as a “battle.” Make no mistake about it; America is under siege! This country is under attack by government officials, and radical elements in the general public, bent upon radically transforming this country, or as Obama said, in 2008, fundamentally changing America. Change has come to America, as Obama said it would, and now it is clear what he had reference to, during his inaugural campaign, when he expressed his intent. If one looks back over Obama’s tenure in office, all one sees is a figure awaiting an opportunity to make a case for America’s fundamental unfairness, to make his fundamental transformation efforts seem reasonable, using the police as scapegoats, six months into his term, just as he is doing now, six years later. You will recall Obama’s initial unmasking in the Henry Louis Gates case, in which Obama revealed himself, before quickly putting his mask back up, by having what was called a “beer summit,” an interesting choice of words because we normally think of a summit as being the highest level of diplomatic or other government officials meeting, representing heads of state. I get that Obama is a head of state, but a summit has to have more than one head of state. What “state,” then, did this police officer represent, at the summit? Yes, inquiring minds would like to know, especially after six years of Obama turning non-racial incidents involving police officers, and others, into racial incidents, to drive the narrative that America is unjust in its treatment of blacks. The problem is racism, Obama would have one know, and Attorney General, Eric Holder, has identified one of its components as “racial profiling.” Does either of these men believe their nonsense? NOPE! In 2008, Obama threw his political hat in the ring, for President of the United States, the highest political office in the land, mind you, with no political accomplishments, never having run anything but his mouth, mind you again, doing so February 10, 2007, while standing on the steps of the Statehouse in Springfield, Illinois. There was intended, carefully thought out, symbolic meaning here. Lincoln had spoken, at this hallowed spot, in 1858, in his campaign for a Senate seat which he lost to Stephen A. Douglass. It was doing this campaign, that consisted of seven debates between Lincoln and Douglass that Lincoln famously stated that a house divided against itself cannot stand. It was a shrewd move on Obama’s part, and that of his political advisors, David Axlerod, and David Plouffe, for Obama to stand at that very site, the pretense being that Obama’s ancestors picked cotton in this country. Any cotton that was picked, in Obama’s case, was picked by his father, in Kenya! It was shrewd, but it was also a move of political deceit. Lincoln’s speech regarding slavery, in 1858, had nothing to do with Obama’s background. Lincoln was not speaking in Kenya, where Obama gets the black side of his racial identity, he was speaking in America, where Obama’s mother was born. Let’s not go off into crazy land, here, claiming the issue is Obama’s non-citizenship standing. Hawaii is the 50th State, one of two non-contiguous States in this country. The overlooked issue is Obama’s racial identity as an American citizen. Obama is a white American, who chose the racial identity of his Kenyan father, rather than that of his American mother. What is a man, with Obama’s ancestral background, doing on the steps of the Statehouse in Illinois, where Lincoln spoke, in 1858, announcing his bid for the presidency, when there is not even a generic link to what Lincoln said, in 1858, and Obama’s racial background in this country? Now that I asked, it is now that I will tell you. Obama was engaging in the first of his many deceits. He, and his team of advisers, had taken note of the political mood of the country, and, more importantly, thought they could appeal to the fundamental fairness of the American people, who would give even a “black” political novice a chance, Obama’s chosen race identity clearly viewed as an advantage. Let me put the preceding a different way. If Obama had been white, he would not be President, and would not have even gotten the Democratic Party’s nomination, in 2008!!! Hillary Clinton’s was, by far, the Democratic Party’s odds-on-favorite, to be the Democratic Party’s nominee, in 2008, and this country’s 44th President, in 2009. Obama’s advisers knew their challenge was to break through the notion of Hillary Clinton’s invincibility, and inevitability, as the Democratic Party’s nominee. None of Obama’s advisors thought Obama’s “race” was an impediment, nor did Obama. In fact, all saw Obama’s chosen identity as a plus. Once Clinton’s momentum was broken, all that remained was for Obama to hide his radical past, which he did, and in the process covered up who he was. Obama’s past is more radical than just Pentagon bomber William Ayers. Obama’s background has nothing but radicals in it. Ayers, of course, has been identified as an Obama adviser, who has long held what the left once knew, broadly, as maoist politics -- a view of the world that was opposed to Russian style bureaucratic communism from above, [but] instead advocates of this approach supported sending revolutionary cadre to ‘swim among the masses like fish in the sea. But there were other ex-SDS types around the Obama campaign, in 2008, as well, including Marilyn Katz, who was a public relations professional, head of security for the SDS (Students for a Democratic Society) during the disaster in the streets of Chicago, in 1968. Katz was a close political ally of Carl Davidson, a former vice president of SDS and longtime Fidelista [Fidel Castro admirer], and webmaster for a group called Progressives for Obama, that was headlined by other former 60s radicals like Tom Hayden and the Maoist Bill Fletcher. Davidson and Katz were key organizers of the 2002 anti-war demonstration where Obama made public his opposition to the Iraq war, which explains Obama later pulling troops out of Iraq prematurely, which led directly to ISIS gaining traction in Iraq today. Obama tried to hide Jeremiah Wright, during his 2008 campaign, but when his name surfaced, anyway, and Wright’s anti-American sermons came to public attention, another aspect of Obama’s snow job was required, which necessitated convincing a willing public that he actually didn’t hear what Wright was saying, for 20 years. It was ear muffs all the while. The church, apparently didnt have any heat, in the winter. And in the summer, Obama, apparently, wore ear muffs for the snow he is now giving the country. It was not so much that America was acting gullibly, in 2008, in giving Obama the benefit of the doubt, in 2008, as it was a case of America acting out of its own sense of fairness. But let me back up just a bit here, and say that, in fairness, there is often gullibility because one’s back is not made to bend over backwards, and this is what America had to do, in order to accept Obama’s fiction. America wanted to believe, in Obama, for its own mental health, and racial needs, which explains Obama’s campaign slogan, “Change You Can Believe In.” Obama knew that the change, the American people believed in, was the change he was talking about. That is why he never defined it. Does President Obama believe that America is a systemically, racist society? Nope! If he believed that, he would not have run for President, certainly not at a time when he was given practically no chance to overtake Hillary Clinton, who had a considerable lead in the polls, and was considered the presumptive nominee for the Democratic Party, in 2008. Before Obama showed that a white man, John McCain, couldn’t win, he had to first of all prove that a white woman couldn’t run. We already knew that white men can’t jump, because we had seen the movie. [Talking about “white disability,” by the way, is politically acceptable, just don’t talk about “black responsibility,” for instance, because then you are blaming the victim, and then, what are you, a racist, or is it “Tom”? It has to be either one or the other. The Left simply cannot allow anyone to change the subject from racism, to the Left’s perverted vilification of this country. Nope, wouldn’t work, in the Left’s plans, so its racism, even if it has to be made up, which it is, more so than not, which I will show, tomorrow, in part 2 of this 2-part series. So, what does Eric Holder believe? Does he believe, for example, that this country is a nation of cowards, as he has said [another Leftist attack, in my opinion]? Does he believe that these encounters between blacks and whites, some whites being “made-up whites,” by the way, such as George Zimmerman, indicate systemic racism in the country, where the legal system reflects that racism? NOPE! Holder has not filed a single legal claim against a single legal decision that has been made in these high profile cases, and will not do so in the two cases, presently being bantered about, by useful idiots, in the street, with their hands up, saying “Don’t shoot,” as if they are describing anything that is real. Holder knows what he is doing is legal fiction; his actions, make that, his legal inactions, prove it. Holder’s actions say, what his dishonesty causes him not to say, which is that the Grand Jury was right in both the Michael Brown case, and the Eric Garner case, and a jury got it right in the Trayvon Martin case, and, if not, where are the charges Mr. Eric Holder, the Attorney General, Sir? After six years of Obama’s tenure as President, it should be clear to all that Barack Hussein Obama is a hidden radical, and even a Muslim operative, in the White House, making use of various, radical impulses in the country, to do what Obama said he would do, five days before his inauguration, saying to a crowd of thoughtless cheerleaders, “Fundamental change has come to America.” YIPPEE! [I assume it is time for cheering now.] In case you are wondering, a good rule of thumb, when dealing with people on the Left, is to assume that nothing said by these people is true, even if they have enough fingers to put on every page in the Bible, while swearing that they are telling the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. You should, in my humble opinion, assume, in fact, that you should not take a person on the Left’s word on anything, unless, of course, it is your Mother. People on the Right lie, too, but on the Left we are talking about everybody. Anything said, by anyone on the Left, a general rule should be, again, in my opinion, and, of course, with deep humbleness, to ask for at least three witnesses, and if all three are Democrats, ask for a polygraph exam. My knowledge of such is not just book knowledge, mind you. I have some experience with these political knuckleheads. I have this one liberal associate, for example, who, when he starts talking, I always lean forward to watch his mouth, until his lips stop moving, and when they stop, it means he has stopped talking, which it then becomes my turn to talk, with me saying, as nice as I can, “You made that up!” It is a kinder, and gentler, way of saying, “You are lying!” Sometimes, he will see me staring at his lips, and because he knows me, he knows it is not because I am waiting for a kiss. In such cases, this associate will catch himself in mid-sentence because he knows I have already detected that he is lying, or, to be even more kind, and more gentle, he knows that I taken note of the incontrovertible fact that he is alienated, disengaged, loosened, liberated, from the truth. It’s not his fault, really. This guy gets his information from MSNBC, CNN, The New York Times, and The Washington Post, listed in descending order from the biggest Leftist liars, to the less biggest Leftist liars, which is contradictory language, I know, but necessary because I am discussing the Left, where new uses of language are needed. I suspect that, in a galaxy so vast that it would take a person 100,000 years to traverse at the speed of light (186,000 miles per second), there is a slight possibility that there might be at least one honest Leftist in the universe. The problem is that I live on this side of the Moon, the offspring of two earthlings. If any honest Leftists existed in this part of the Milky Way Galaxy, I would have met one by now. Women are from Venus, and Men are from Mars, and here I was stuck with two parents from Earth. I’ll try to get a grip on this disability, in 2015. Right now, my focus is on the nation’s attention span, which has been guided toward Leftist reality in the Michael Brown, and Eric Garner, cases, in Ferguson, Missouri, and New York City, respectively. It is alleged, by the Left, that the race of these two individuals caused their deaths, with President Obama actually insinuating that their “crimes” were a combination of walking [Note: in the middle of the street] while black, in Brown’s case, and standing on the sidewalk, while black, in that of Eric Garner. Attorney General Eric Holder, of course, had to add his two cents on the Left, saying both were open and shut cases of racial profiling. [I will also take up the issue of “racial profiling” tomorrow because I will be saying again, humbly, of course, that it is impossible to racially profile; the Left made it up.] Now, consider that 60 people testified before the Grand Jury, concerning what they, allegedly, saw, on August 9, when Michael Brown was killed. I said, allegedly, because some of the eye-witnesses, proved not to be eye-witnesses but Leftists who were, you guessed it, lying about being eye-witnesses to the event. But OK, let’s go with 60. So, with 60 witnesses, claiming to have seen the incident, let’s overlook that at least five jurors came forward to say that officer Wilson’s recall of what took place is what they saw. Let’s strike that from the record, and say that 60 people claimed to have been there on the scene, as the time of Michael Brown’s death. So, where, then, were these Leftists in Los Angeles, at the time, the ones with their Hands Up, walking around saying “Hands Up, Don’t Shoot”? In fact, how does one explain people, in Ferguson, burning and looting, who never claimed to have seen anything, who were out there, in the street, burning the community down after listening to Al Sharpton who didn’t even arrive in Ferguson until after he saw cameras heading to the city. Sharpton, who is a Leftist, verbal, bomb-thrower, who uses his mouth to incinerate whole cities, came into the Missouri city, lying as usual, holding his hands up, as if he was there when Brown was killed. The man, who gave us the Tawana Brawley case, a fraud perpetrated by Al Sharpton, in concert with Attorneys Alton Maddox, and Vernon Mason [the latter never practicing law again for their fraudulent behavior], and engaged in another fraud, in which Sharpton again falsely claimed Duke Lacrosse players had raped a black stripper, it was that Al Sharpton who stood in front of a crowd of morons, holding his hands up, murdering facts, as usual, saying that Michael Brown had his hands up when he was killed. The Leftists’ narrative goes something like the following, since thinking on the Left is unofficially outlawed: Michael Brown was on his knees, begging for his life, his hands up, pleading with a white police officer not to shoot him, dead, which was in vain because, while he was down on the ground, in a kneeling position, pleading for mercy, in the middle of the last “please, please, please” begging, which Al Sharpton would have learned from James Brown when Sharpton was working with the “Godfather of Soul,” one heard “bam, bam, bam.” It was yet, another brother whose plea bargaining on the street, fell on deaf ears. Now, for a little traveling music! (Tomorrow, part 2, “What’s the Left got to do with it?”)
Posted on: Fri, 26 Dec 2014 18:23:17 +0000

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