THE PROOF/TRUTH IS IN THE PUDDING -- A TIMELINE OF CONGRESSIONAL EVENTS LEADING UP TO THE GOVERNMENT SHUTDOWN -- EAT YOUR HEARTS OUT DEMOCRATS: Friday, Sept 20, 2013: House passes a CR (Continuing Resolution/Budget) to fund the government including the things Republicans don’t like while at the same time defund Obamacare. Result: House compromised on spending in exchange for wanted House cut in Obamacare funding. Friday, Sept 27: Senate strips the defunding language from the CR and sends back to the House, no changes in spending amount for budget. Result: Reid and Senate Democrats fail to compromise with House on budget, thus not passed. Saturday, Sept 28: House adds two amendments to the Senate “revised” CR to delay Obamacare for one year rather than fully defund it, but also add an amendment to repeal the medical device tax. Result: House compromises by delaying Obamacare rather than fully defunding it. Monday, Sept 30: Senate strips out the two House amendments from the new CR, doesn’t pass budget, sends bill back to House. Result: Reid and Senate Democrats don’t compromise on the federal budget. Same day as above: The House responds by adding language to the CR/budget to delay individual mandate for one year, take away health care subsidies for members of Congress and their staff received from the OPM ruling earlier in the year. Result: House compromises from one year delay in Obamacare to one year delay in individual mandates, and requires that Congress live under Obamacare just like the rest of the American people. Same day as above: Senate votes to table the CR. Result: Reid and Senate Democrats refuse to compromise. Same day as above: the House appoints conferences and sends a message to the Senate requesting a conference meeting to resolve the Congressional differences. Result: House still willing to compromise and reach a resolution. Tuesday, Oct 1, Midnight: No deal reached with Senate and “temporary” shutdown begins. Earlier Tuesday, Oct 1: The Senate votes to table the House request for a conference to resolve differences. Reid and Senate Democrats reject request for a meeting and conferencing on the Budgetary and Obamacare bill. Result: Reid and senate democrats refuse to negotiate or compromise on the House-passed bill. Later Tuesday, Oct 1: House moves to start passing single authorization appropriation bills which need 2/3rds majority in the House to pass. Result: House Democrats refuse to compromise on paying the Veterans Assistance, National Park Service, and Washington DC operatives. END.
Posted on: Sun, 06 Oct 2013 19:02:38 +0000

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