THE REAL ENEMY WITHIN If your 11 year old daughter is regularly - TopicsExpress


THE REAL ENEMY WITHIN If your 11 year old daughter is regularly raped by organised gangs of Pakistani born Muslim men, should you be concerned? Well if you live in Rotherham, England yes you should be very concerned....About being a racist! Not only that, if you find the house where your daughter is being raped and you go there and try to remove her, the police will be called....And YOU will be arrested! This is how we roll in multicultural England. A green and pleasant land of tolerance, diversity and Pakistani Muslim child rape gangs. Havent we done well? Pat Condell. In this vlog by the popular voice of sanity and reason Pat explains why it isnt just the obvious revolting and evil abusers of the 1400 known girls and boys in Rotherham that are to blame, though they ARE to blame! No, Pat highlights the growing influence of what is ironically a registered charity by the name of COMMON PURPOSE that is spreading like cancer throughout ALL major public institutions throughout the UK. I along with others have written extensively online about the dangers this organisation poses to our country in the hope of spreading awareness. From the BBC to the NHS. From education, policing to Government....Its politically and ideologically driven agenda is the main reason anyone with a differing opinion to that of their Collective is immediately and frenziedly shouted down as a racist, bigot, xenophobe, homophobe or zealot, to name but a few. They are secretive, evil and about as Progressive as the murderous maniacs currently butchering innocent men, women and children by ISIL in Iraq and Syria. Please look into them, learn more. Tell everyone you know and do all that you can to resist this wicked doctrine that infests our great nation. The best part is that they use public money to grow ever larger and are amongst other things....Teaching your children! END COMMON PURPOSE IN THE UK! END IT NOW!
Posted on: Fri, 05 Sep 2014 08:55:40 +0000

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