THE REAL STATE OF OUR UNION Tuesday night’s speech, - TopicsExpress


THE REAL STATE OF OUR UNION Tuesday night’s speech, wasn’t a State of the Union address… it was a campaign speech rife with untruths; a partisan pep rally, complete with a smart “---” (insert your own word) attitude, with a dollop of defiance. Nice. Forget his words/attitudes.. let’s look at where they come from: Frank Marshall Davis. Obama’s mentor/influence during his adolescence.. a literal card-carrying member of Communist Party USA. involved in the American Peace Mobilization, with.. Robert Taylor. Valerie Jarrett’s grandfather, who served with Davis on the Chicago Civil Liberties Committee; communists parading as civil rights “progressives”. Vernon Jarrett. Valerie Jarrett’s father-in-law, worked with Davis in the communist-controlled Packinghouse Workers Union. Together, in the 1940s, they served in Chicago’s Communist Party. Harry Canter.. Worked in Moscow, as an official translator of Lenin’s writings. He’d been secretary of the Boston Communist Party, and, ran on the Communist Party Ticket, for governor of MA… while, literally, a Stalin government employee; He then went to Chicago, where he, with Frank Davis, wrote propaganda for the Packinghouse Workers Union, and taught at the communist Abraham Lincoln School. David Axelrod. In the ‘70s, he went to college in Chicago, and worked as a newspaper political journalist there, where he was mentored by David Canter, Harry Canter’s son. The above information was written by Paul Kengor, and published in The American Spectator, in 2012, and in WhistleBlower magazine, in 2014. Paul Kengor is a political science professor at Grove City College, and has authored several books. In this article, Professor Kengor connected the dots for me, much better than I could have: “Frank Marshall Davis mentored Barack Obama. The Canter family mentored David Axelrod, who got Obama elected president. Valerie Jarrett is Vernon Jarrett’s daughter-in-law, and Robert Taylor was Valerie Jarrett’s grandfather. Jarrett is Obama’s top presidential adviser. In other words, Obama’s political ancestor worked with the political ancestors of Axelrod and Jarrett. Oh, and they all called themselves progressives.” He later adds: “This is the fundamental change an uninformed electorate – thanks especially to a woefully biased media – elected in November 2008.” Wouldn’t it have been great, not to mention helpful, if this kind of information had been made available to everyone, by that “woefully biased media”? If not then, at least, by now? And, why didn’t they do that? Why aren’t they doing it now? Could it be that their dedication to an ideology over-ruled their dedication to finding the facts, the truth… their dedication to their job? Perhaps that’s what Obama is all about: His obvious dedication to his ideology, over-rules his dedication to his job? Is that why he’s unwilling to identify our enemies as “muslim terrorists”, keeping Americans in danger… why he blithely damages our country’s economy… why he speaks with “forked tongue”, saying we’re a united America”, while causing division… between government and business, between races, between classes, between men and women, between employers and employees…. Tuesday I heard Chicago politics pushing Humpty Dumpty off the wall. What I know is we’ve elected a new Congress to put Humpty Dumpty back together again. Love ‘em or whatever, let’s give them a chance. The same chance given to Barack Obama. At least.
Posted on: Thu, 22 Jan 2015 02:12:11 +0000

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