THE REASON FOR THE 2004 COUP - HAITI IS RESOURCE RICH Haitis Oil Reserves now worth $120 Trillion dollars Haitis oil reserves now worth $120 trillion dollars. Haiti is among the one percent wealthiest nations on earth because of its massive untapped oil deposit. wow509 October 18, 2014 - #Haiti #Oil #Resources US to Rewrite Constitution to Better Serve the One Percent - The US installed Haitian Government Rapes Its Own People... Congressman Dana Rohrabacher (Republican). Wash. D.C. https://facebook/video.php?v=831293013570793&set=vb.100000703065297&type=2&theater END DUVALIERISM IN HAITI - NO TO US INSTALLED FACISM #Haiti: Tear Gas doesnt deter marchers calling for Martelly Resignation October 17, 2014 - RT. Please like, share & help circulate https://facebook/video.php?v=860642877287260&set=vb.484017601616458&type=2&theater. via No Shock Doctrine for Haiti (fb page) #Haiti: Martelly Pushes Dictatorship at UN 69th General Assembly September 25, 2014 - DH NEW YORK, USA ( - In his fourth trip to the United Nations General Assembly, President Michel Martelly travels to New York with hopes of pushing a desperate plan for a dictatorship, while back in Haiti, the prospect of a dismissal and impeachment, in January 2015, nears...DH Thousands march on US Embassy in Haiti with signs saying Martelly & Lamorthe, 2 Terrorists Against the Democracy, STOP THEM! November 30, 2013 caribbeannewsnow/topstory-Thousands-march-on-US-Embassy-in-Haiti-18876.html Where is Haitis $14Billion Earthquake Funds?--Republic Reporters https://facebook/video.php?v=860398083978406 ABA Laurent Ti Petion Lamothe diktate (Petition to remove reviled PM Lamothe) https://facebook/pages/ABA-Laurent-Ti-Petion-Lamothe-diktate/562407237204117 Aba Martelly - down with the US occupation, the pillage of Haiti lands and resources, end the missionary NGO invasion. Ezili Dantò of Ezilis Haitian Lawyers Leadership Network (HLLN) Since being installed in 2010 as Haitis President, Michel Martelly has sent Haiti back 30 years politically, to a repressive and corrupt Duvalierist Dictatorship backed up by UN/US guns - (How will #Haiti Reckon the Duvalier Years? Insight from The New Yorker and Reed Brody: - Haitians wants Change....back to representative Fanmi Lavalas Government that 91.7% of the Haitian electorate voted for in 2000, that was removed by the US, France & Canada on 29 Feb, 2004.* Martelly suspends Democracy - Elections in Haiti have been Delayed for 3rd year (since Nov 2011) *MINUSTAH subverts democracy. Together with the U.S., Canada and France, MINUSTAH fixed elections that excluded 80% of the Haitian electorate installing a far-right Duvalierist, Michel Martelly, into power in May 2011. via Toronto Haiti Action Committee https://facebook/pages/Toronto-Haiti-Action-Committee/140839939337146 ******************************* Former president Jean Jean-Bertrand Aristide is under political pressure in Haiti. Sep 2, 2014 Democracy is in danger in Haiti. Former President Jean-Bertrand Aristide is under political attack of the Martelly-Lamothe government and the international community for he is too popular in the country. So, we request people around the world and human right activists to focus on Haiti. We need your help to protect democracy in Haiti. https://youtube/watch?v=FrIboJaRQow Haiti Justice Alliance ******************************************* US Puppet President Martelly Says He Will Arrest President Aristide!!! Jul 8, 2013. Long before Michel Martelly became president he made a promise that the day he becomes president of Haiti he will lock up Jean Bertrand Aristide. Will we live to see this day??? https://youtube/watch?v=TCoVgGztriw Duvalier: Dead? Duvalierism Pt3 Lives on in US installed Martelly regime #Duvalierism must be recognized as Black Nazism repressing the Nation of Haiti for the same Colonial Powers Haiti defeated in the 1804 Haitian Revolution. It lives in the increasing rule by decree without parliamentary input, and federal government appointments to replace locally elected officials. It’s embedded in a Martelly administration filled with Duvalierists including former Haitian army officer David Bazile the Interior Minister, and Magalie Racine, daughter of former Tonton Macoute militia chief Madame Max Adolphe, the Youth and Sports Minister. Public Works Secretary of State Philippe Cinéas is the son of longtime Duvalierist figure Alix Cinéas. In addition Duvalier’s son, Nicolas, is a close Martelly advisor... Canada Haiti Action Network (CHAN) Haiti: Relief and Reconstruction Watch Aristide Foundation for Democracy Kodinasyon Depatmantal Lwes Fanmi Lavalas. Organisation Politique Fanmi Lavalas Bri Kouri Nouvèl Gaye - Under Tents Haiti Ezili Dantò - Ezilis Haitian Lawyers Leadership Network (HLLN)
Posted on: Mon, 20 Oct 2014 05:21:57 +0000

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