THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN RELIGION AND REVOLUTION Understanding the nature and scope of the relationship between Religion and Revolution will not only give ourselves a clear perspective about what Religion really is for, but also will enable ourselves to welcome and be the host of Social Revolution that is the key property of this Nature. Our narrow-mindedness has put a block between our understanding of true nature of Religion and also its ultimate destiny, a Revolution that will take place for the Liberation of not only a single self but our collective soul, the Man Eternal. The misunderstanding about Religion lies in our conception of un-changeability of Religion and in another misconception of sudden leap of Change through Revolution. Nature herself has graduated to this state in a changeable manner. Religion is nothing but Philosophical interpretation of the Laws that lay behind the Evolution of Nature in the light of Human Consciousness and its necessities. As the occurrence of our present physical world is not a result of sudden act of God, that is un-changeable in nature, thus the Law of Nature and its interpretation must accept change. Religion must admit that Change is the Law of Nature. Without accepting this law, our Religious preachers will not be able to answer the causes behind the changes of Human life. If God has suddenly made this world out of his will, and in practical experience we see that the physical world is full of inequality, violence and misery; we must admit that God must be an insane who has no feelings or understanding of pain and misery. Thus, this statement of ‘Nature is a sudden creation by His Will’, not only dishonours a blissful Creator, but leaves no hope for Liberation from this hell, and also disrespects Humanity and its virtues. As we are Rational Beings, this thought of sudden creator makes ourselves Nonbelievers of the existence of an Evil God and turns us into atheists. The main problem is that, these types of nonsense biases not only stop until the boundaries of Religious Philosophy, but also turns its face to Revolutionary ideologies. The mainstream doctrines of Social Revolution turn into dogmas like the previous Religious preaches, when it take no time to investigate about the true characteristics of Religion, and declare all the Religions in the world as an opium to humanity. Thus, Religious biases become Revolutionary biases in turn, causing harm to the basic object of both, Religion and Revolution, i.e. the Liberation of Mankind. Revolution is not a one day process. It is not the Change of Power from one social order to another through ballots or through bullets. A mere change of power cannot manifest an all-pervading change in all spheres of Human Life, including her Socio-economic, Political, Philosophical, Ethical, Cultural, Educational, Religious and Aesthetical spectrums. These few sides of Human Life noted here also cannot be the only spheres; they are only some example of Human Expressions. What should be the goal of this Revolution? What should be the mark of Human Liberation? We may only suggest that, this will be “the establishment of a pacific society, where each and every individual shall have the right ‘de facto’ to realise his or her own self, realise the goal of his or her life and shall have the opportunity to achieve that goal, in accordance and keeping balance with the Nature.” Mere freedom of will is not enough if anybody cannot turn his or her will into course of action to achieve that goal. Mere right to work, food and shelter is not enough if anybody has no right to think freely and express that thinking. Again, as we the individuals live in a Human Society, where everybody has the same rights as we have, if one thinks to destroy any other’s will or action, it cannot be tolerated. And if anybody tries to put his thought or action on ourselves we should have , and ethically we always have, the right to condemn these types of destructive will or action by our own or collective efforts. We, the present living humans, are not the sole proprietor of this Earth. Every living or non-living creature has its own right and role in this planet. The future generations, which are yet to come and took our place, also shall have their rights and roles in this Earth. So, we do not have the right to interfere into the rights and role of both of them – the living or non-living creatures and the upcoming generations. If we will not control our greed over this planet, we, ourselves, will become the players of Destruction. And, as our Gita preaches us, we will not be able to escape from the grips of our own destructive Karma. And if we today not stop ourselves from playing insane games with Mother Nature, our own children, and our own civilization will be punished for our cause. No dogma, whether Religious or Revolutionary, will come to save us. Therefore our efforts should not only be limited to the making of a Liberated World of All Humans, but also keep balance with the forces of Nature. As neither bullets, nor ballots can resist the powers of Nature. We may conclude that, Freedom of Man is not a Philosophical Necessity but a Practical Course of life. This only be possible through realisation of true potentials of collective force of Human Society by Religion and will be achieved only through a successful Revolution. That, Revolution is not a one-day process of Change, it is the expression of Humans’ Collective Realisation of Possibilities, and as Human Society is a chain from one generation to the next, Revolution, i.e. Realisation of True Potential of Each & Every Member of Human Society, is also a never-ending process, that could not be achieved without proper realisation of Self by each and every individual through Religion. And finally, Religion and Revolution shall go hand-in-hand in accordance with the forces of Nature; otherwise they will not only harm each-other, but also delay the Liberation of Mankind, and also cause the loss of Human Civilization from this Earth. Br C.U. 25/01/2015.
Posted on: Sun, 25 Jan 2015 09:58:46 +0000

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