THE RENAISSANCE OF MILITARY DICTATORSHIP IN EGYPT! When Ghammal Abdul Nasser,then a young military officer with his versions of Arab socialism.toppled the king of Egypt for compromising and complacent of slavery of Egyptians in their homeland. He Nationalised the Suez canal,build Aswan dam,repelled Israel aggressions in fact he gave back Egypt to Egyptian. Nasser is not only seen as a hero of Egypt but a father of pan arabinism.he also a mentor and a roles model to the entire Arabs world. The bath party he founded spreaded to Iraq,Libya and Syria.a remnants which can be found in Syria of today. Nasser styles of leadership base on principles of justice and equality catapulted Egypt to prospertiy,and a strategic global player,especially his abilities to built high Aswan dam amidist rejections from the west to lend him a hands and their open antagonism to his policy of nationalism. Nasser laid the foundation of modern day secular Egypt,with one party structure he was able to monopolized and successeded in suppressions of the oppositions the left-wing conservative and islamist notably the Muslims brother hood founded by famous Muslims clerics sheikh Hassan Albannah. Nasser achievements in the diverse sectors of Egypt cannot be over emphasized. But with all this achievements and his open disdain for dictatorships little he knows he was sowing the seeds of another form of dictatorship. With the demised of Nasser,another military officer emerged,who in a dramatic turns of events,took back Egypt to the west,reconciled with Israel, signed the contraversial camp David accords.there by mortgaged the future of the Egypt. A situations that courses furore throughout the world. Camp David accords is the singular most important factor that determined Egypt politics and policy.part which includes provides more than fifty parcents funding for the Egyptians returns for the seige on rafah border crossing and the soffacations of the Palestinians.this what many view as the genesis of military indespensibilty in the corridors of powers. For they are the beneficiary of the accords thus automatic costodians of the covenants. Anwar Sadat paid dearly with his life for the mistake,which was considered by many as a blatant betrayal of the Arabs creeds. He was assassinated by a fellow military officer Khalid Islam buli,while observing a parades at National day ceremony. The death of Sadat paved way for the emergenced of his deputy. Hosni Mubarak a veteran air force officer.who clamp dawn Egypt with clenched iron fist for more than three decades. Mubarak was swooped out by the popular peoples uprisings the Arabs springs amids fanfare and pigentries.ushering in the unbeatable Muslims brother hoods as the only alternative to anarchy. Hoping that the military jinx was broken,but this expectations was short lived by a sefterfuge orchestrated by the west in conjunctions with their favorites to bounced back to power. This sinister motives became more glaring by barning the Muslims brother hood and its designations as the terrorist organizations,un lawful arrests and detentions of many journalist and political activities including foreign journalist from aljazeera and other news media.under the pretexts providing a flat form for aidings and abatements of terrorism. However in what was term as the biggest executions sentences ever witnesses in the recent history over five hundreds members of Muslims brother hood were sentence to death,for charges of terrorism. This ugly and brazen violations of human rights reminds the despicable atrocities of Mubaraks era and signaling the reincarnations of another despotic and dictatorial regime. The recent pronouncements of Abdul Fatah alsisi to declared his candidacy for the coveted office of the prisidents,created a situations of despair and nostalgia as to the future of Egypt in the hands of yet another tyrants. Whats intriguing is for how long this mentality of only the military have the abilities to provide leaderships in Egypt will last? Whatever its the struggle for free and egalitarian Egypt continues and for Egyptians is not yet uhuru. ,
Posted on: Mon, 07 Apr 2014 20:15:39 +0000

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