THE REUNION OF BLACK FAMILY WORLD WIDE The Slave mas­ters of - TopicsExpress


THE REUNION OF BLACK FAMILY WORLD WIDE The Slave mas­ters of Europe have always described Africans as a peo­ple with under-developed child-like minds, but even though this is not the African’s god-given men­tal­ity, the suc­cess of Colo­nial­ism has depended largely on mak­ing the African child-like men­tal­ity a real­ity. That is why today few Africans under­stand that they are being secretly destroyed by a cul­tural assas­sin who goes by the name of Santa Klaus. Those that profit from exploita­tion of the African take great pride in the job that they have done to cre­ate a crea­ture who is for the most part FUN-ADDICTED AND BELLY-ADDICTED. In this state of mind, that crea­ture will dance and make merry in cel­e­bra­tion of the slave master’s money-making activities. Through­out all the days of his cap­tiv­ity on the plan­ta­tion he has never had a crop that he could call his own. Yet at the end of every crop when the Slave mas­ter is count­ing his bil­lions the slave would cel­e­brate and drink rum in excess and party for days, only to come back after his drunk­en­ness and labor another year for the slave mas­ters con­tin­u­ing enrichment. EXCERPT FROM “NAR­RA­TIVE OF THE LIFE OF FRED­ER­ICK DOUGLAS” From what I know of the effect of these hol­i­days upon the slave, I believe them to be among the most effec­tive means in the hands of the slave­holder in keep­ing down the spirit of insur­rec­tion. Were the slave­hold­ers at once to aban­don this prac­tice, I have not the slight­est doubt it would lead to an imme­di­ate insur­rec­tion among the slaves. These hol­i­days serve as con­duc­tors, or safety-valves, to carry off the rebel­lious spirit of enslaved human­ity. But for these, the slave would be forced up to the wildest des­per­a­tion; and woe betide the slave­holder, the day he ven­tures to remove or hin­der the oper­a­tion of those con­duc­tors! I warn him that, in such an event, a spirit will go forth in their midst, more to be dreaded than the most appalling earthquake. The hol­i­days are part and par­cel of the gross fraud, wrong, and inhu­man­ity of slav­ery. They are pro­fess­edly a cus­tom estab­lished by the benev­o­lence of the slave­hold­ers; but I under­take to say, it is the result of self­ish­ness, and one of the gross­est frauds com­mit­ted upon the down-trodden slave. They do not give the slaves this time because they would not like to have their work dur­ing its con­tin­u­ance, but because they know it would be unsafe to deprive them of it. This will be seen by the fact that the slave­hold­ers like to have their slaves spend those days just in such a man­ner as to make them as glad of their end­ing as of their beginning. Their object seems to be, to dis­gust their slaves with free­dom by plung­ing them into the low­est depths of dis­si­pa­tion. For instance, the slave­hold­ers not only like to see the slave drink of his own accord, but will adopt var­i­ous plans to make him drunk. One plan is to make bets on their slaves as to who can drink the most whisky with­out get­ting drunk; and in this way they suc­ceed in get­ting whole mul­ti­tudes to drink to excess. Thus, when the slave asks for vir­tu­ous free­dom, the cun­ning slave­holder know­ing his igno­rance, cheats him with a dose of vicious dis­si­pa­tion, art­fully labeled with the name of lib­erty. The most of us used to drink it down, and the result was just what might be sup­posed; many of us were led to think that there was lit­tle to choose between lib­erty and slavery. We felt, and very prop­erly too, that we had almost as well be slaves to man as to rum. So when the hol­i­days ended, we stag­gered up from the filth of our wal­low­ing, took a long breath, and marched to the field feel­ing upon the whole rather glad to go from what our mas­ter had deceived us into a belief was free­dom, back to the arms of slavery.” At the end of the 21st cen­tury the ques­tion will be asked WHY IS THE AFRICAN STILL A SLAVE, and the answer will be: HE DID NOT TAKE THE ISSUE OF CUL­TURAL RESIS­TANCE SERI­OUSLY, and each suc­ceed­ing gen­er­a­tion of his chil­dren were care­lessly allowed to fall into the snare of POP­U­LAR CULTURE. Ras Jahaziel
Posted on: Thu, 12 Sep 2013 08:46:16 +0000

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