THE RISE AND FALL OF THE ROMERICAN EMPIRE – Part VI The identification of the four beast empires predicted to rise in the prophet Daniel’s 7th chapter, have more details embedded in them, which have yet to be covered in the present series. Thus far, we’ve restricted the study to the two parallel accounts, examining the two quartets presented in Daniel’s 2nd and 7th chapters. In these two timelines, which are separated by the cross of JESUS CHRIST, the Spiritual parallels are striking, as we’ve sought to show by comparing the two quartets of kingdoms. Babylon, Persia, Greece, and Rome in Daniel 2 in the Old Testament timeline -- imaged as the statue dream with components of gold, silver, brass, and iron, is prophetically paralleled by England, Russia, Germany, and America in Daniel 7 in the New Testament timeline – imaged as the lion, bear, leopard, and diverse fourth beast. Most expositors recognize the Babylonian statue sequence follows two empires which came and went before the time of Daniel. They were Egypt, and Assyria, so the Gentile kingdoms in view total six. The common denominator was a series of interactions with the earthly kingdom of Israel – which terminated with the Southern portion of what was Israel, in the land of Judaea, in the days of the Roman Empire. The dissection of the nation occurred during the Assyrian conquest, which was extensively covered in historical books in the Old Testament. In one telescopic perspective, there was an interesting parallel between Gentile kingdoms two and three, in that after God divided Israel in the North (which became known as Samaria), and Judah in the South (which included Jerusalem), the Assyrians from the North conquered the Northern Israelites, and then the Babylonians from the South conquered the Southern Jews of Judaea. Further, the kingdom of Assyria had distinctive links to the kingdom of Babylon, as the Northern Gentiles subdued the Northern Israelites, and the Southern Gentiles subdued the Southern Judaeans. The Assyrians had a time of repentance, as their king heeded Jonah the Prophet’s warning of a coming judgment, and led his people to repent before the LORD: “And God saw their works, that they turned from their evil way; and God repented of the evil, that he had said that he would do unto them; and he did it not” (Jonah 3:10). Likewise, the Babylonians had a time of repentance, as their king recognized Daniel the Prophet’s warning of a coming destruction, after it happened: “Now I Nebuchadnezzar praise and extol and honour the King of heaven, all whose works are truth…and I praised and honoured him that liveth for ever…” (Daniel 4:37, 34). Predictably, both Assyria and Babylon ultimately turned away from their brief recognition of the LORD’s pre-eminence, and both ultimately received a deadly wound. What is particularly interesting is actually related to the count of the kingdoms, in that Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Persia, Greece, and Rome clearly constitute six dominions of man, apart from His uniquely chosen, the people and nation of Israel. From the earliest time, God purposed Israel to be His chosen vessel in interacting with the nations – with the latter known in Scripture as the Gentiles. “You only have I known of all the families of the earth…I will also give thee for a light to the Gentiles, that thou mayest be my salvation unto the end of the earth” (Isaiah 49:6). This prophecy in Isaiah addresses Christ, who is the light that shines from within Israel; but as Israel was chosen by God to be the Spiritual body of Christ, the distinction is blurred. Thus, when the LORD intervened in Israel’s wayward history in order to deliver His promised redemption to His chosen, as well as the much larger body of the Gentiles, He telegraphed when it would occur to the astute prophet Daniel. After describing the latter four kingdoms of the Gentiles in Daniel 2 (Babylon, Persia, Greece, and Rome), God pronounced these four empires would precede His kingdom: “And in the days of these kings, shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom, which shall never be destroyed: and the kingdom shall not be left to other people, but it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand for ever” (Daniel 2:44). This precise sequence conclusively tells us the Kingdom of God will be the seventh kingdom, as it will follow the six Gentile kingdoms being addressed. It can hardly be considered a coincidence that the seventh is widely associated with the Sabbath, or the LORD’s allocated time of rest. The concept of the Sabbath extended not only to the last day of the week, but even the land was given a Sabbath, to say nothing of an extended Sabbath which occurred every seventh Sabbath. Unfortunately, those who insist on the necessity of Sabbath keeping in the Old Testament sense, have missed the magnificent rest which is associated with the redemption of the Saviour. The New Testament speaks eloquently on this subject, and tells us the Old Covenant specifics were “shadows” which anticipated the substance which was to be delivered by Jesus Christ. “Now all these things happened unto them for ensamples: and they are written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the world are come” (I Corinthians 10:11). In recognizing the pattern of six Old Testament era Gentile Empires counting down to the Kingdom of God in Christ (the seventh), as paralleling six Christian era Empires, we find extensive Scriptural comparisons between the ancient quartet, and the Christian era quartet. However, as previously noted, Babylon, Persia, Greece, and Rome are kingdoms three, four, five, and six – following Egypt and Assyria -- but preceding the seventh, the Kingdom of God. Since we have repeatedly focused on how England, Russia, Germany, and America parallel kingdoms three, four, five, and six (Babylon, Persia, Greece and Rome), the question of the identity of the Christian era parallel to Egypt and Assyria looms. In fact, although I initially perceived this to be relatively unimportant, I later learned the mechanism in which the last of the ancient set of kingdoms transitions to the first kingdom of the Christian era set, provides us with critical information related to what is to come in our time. The short version is, the first kingdom after the arrival of Christ was the Holy Roman Empire – which is to be distinguished from the pre-Christian Rome of Julius Caesar – who died in March of 44 BC. This distinction hints at the unusual connection between Papal Rome and the Egyptian pantheon – as both kingdoms were the first of six in each timeline. The second kingdom in the Christian era was Imperial Spain – and it serves as a transition between the Holy Roman and the first of the modern era quartet, which is Britain. Spain also provided a demarcation point between the pair of Roman Catholic powers of Rome and Spain – and the change which shifted world history during the Protestant phase, which occurred as the quartet of England, Russia, Germany, and America emerged. A historical analysis of Spain as the parallel of Assyria shows striking similarities as well. The Assyrian conquest had become an unstoppable machine, and no power could stand against them. At the apex of their strength, as the Assyrians sought to eliminate any potential pockets of resistance, they threatened the hugely outmatched city of Jerusalem – but the Assyrian dominion came to an abrupt end when their vaunted land based military power was devastated through an external intervention, orchestrated by the LORD, in which the Assyrian army was decimated: “Then the angel of the Lord went forth, and smote in the camp of the Assyrians a hundred and fourscore and five thousand: and when they arose early in the morning, behold, they were all dead corpses” (Isaiah 37:36). Fast forward to the vast might of Philip II, and the overwhelming superior seaborne forces of the Spanish Armada – which were brought to bear against the virtually bankrupt, tiny Protestant power of England. Further, the fate of Britain looked dark indeed, as the nation was being administered by an untested queen, named Elizabeth. The rest is history, as an unusually violent weather system unexpectedly damaged the Spanish Armada. At the time, the intervention was deemed to have been supernaturally driven, as the English, devoutly reading the Scriptures, were miraculously delivered from the power of Papist Spain, and a new era began. -- James Lloyd [Next: More on the transition between timelines] _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ This essay continues the revelation of the identities of the Christian era powers seen in the book of Daniel. Yet to come is another probe of how the land based empires in the Old Testament timeline – personified by Nebuchadnezzar’s statue dream, are paralleled in the kingdoms rising from the sea – as illustrated by the beast kingdoms rising out of the sea in Daniel 7. Further, the Assyrian Conquest is significant, as historical revisionists, seeking to discredit the fact the Scriptures show Assyria dominant over its predecessor, the Egyptian realm, have obscured the record. For an accurate rendition of how the Assyrian dominion rose to power, but was supernaturally destroyed in its siege of Jerusalem, see the book THE ASSYRIAN CONQUEST. God has revealed the New Testament Gospel has been steadily leavened, and true discernment in the realm of the Spirit, which is the place where our lives in Christ continue after our physical existence comes to an end, is regularly addressed on the James Lloyd radio broadcast The Apocalypse Chronicles. Timely installments of the program may be played on demand at CHRISTIANMEDIADAILY.COM. The Communique E-letter is periodically sent out to various Internet groups, and email lists on a sample basis, however, only those signed up for our Internet Forums will receive each important issue. 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In addition, we publish Streamwars, a newsletter documenting the march of the nations to a one world government. The Winter 2015 issue of the Apocalypse Chronicles newsletter (in print, not online), scheduled to be released in January 2015, features another look at the Romerican Empire, and the fate of our nation in the days to come. Entitled Monster, it is breakthrough material. Meanwhile, the November 2014 issue of the Christian Media CURRENTS featured another look at The Triuniverse, with an emphasis on Prophetic Parallels and Role Reversals in prophecy. The October 2014 issue of the print periodical Streamwars printed an expanded edition of the political publication, featuring a lengthy article on the emerging threat of militant Islam. Entitled Isis and Us, this material diagnosed the Spiritual manipulation targeting believers, via the atrocious activities of the Moslem zealots. In addition to the above periodicals, we also publish The Eclipse, which analyzes the exotic aspects of this world. The February 2015 edition of the Eclipse features a stunning look at The Mystery of Thirds – revealing fascinating information about the architecture of the powers of the heavens. Last but not least, the most recent edition of the Sound Body periodical is all about Waging War On Aging, and how science is beginning to understand how cells can be stimulated to re-grow, through a miraculous systemic cycle called methylation. This naturally occurring bio-chemical process can be encouraged to return people to abundant health. Complimentary copies of each of these printed publications are available by sending your name and postal mailing address to james@geomedianetwork with a note mentioning your primary area of interest. Each of the Christian Media produced publications also has a radio presence. 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Posted on: Tue, 06 Jan 2015 22:53:45 +0000

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