THE ROAD TO HELL IS PAVED WITH GOOD INTENTIONS! You know that saying. It never sises to amaze me at what people will do. I just found myself in a weird situation...I was reading on a fb friends page that she was going to have a permanent cosmetics party at her house. That stopped my dead in my tracks!!!!! Maybe this was wrong of me..but instinct took over and I posted on her page how crazy that was by the person actually doing the procedures. It is so unprofessional to offer your services as a party type situation. You cant control sterility, disposal of the needles, cross contamination, lighting, party guests touching things, bumping you, the list goes on and on. Would you actually have a doctor punture your skin or perform a procedure on you at a house party? This is serious business sticking needles in someones face. Anyway needless to say I am minus 1 fb friend and on a technicians hit list. Please everyone this is no joking matter. I cant tell you how many people have come to me for repair or in hopes of repair after doing something so foolish as going to a home permanent make up party or K mart blue light special shopping. This is your face!!!!! Look for the best and expect the best from your artist. Home parties are not it. Please do your homework because most of you dont do this for a living and dont know what is right and wrong information. Start with Board Certification!!! KY & IN have no you have to make sure the person you were thinking about going to took that extra step to get accredited. You will either see the initials D.A.A.M, F.A.A.M or C.P.C.P If you dont then they arent, and you can double check their credentials by going to or & for answers to all of your questions about how to get a healthy and beautiful outcome. They have info on certifications, legalities, pre & post care...everything. They are the gold standard in organizations governing my industry. That way when you speak to me or someone will know what is true and what is false and what is being misrepresented.
Posted on: Mon, 31 Mar 2014 21:00:03 +0000

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