THE SIGNIFICANCE OF THE MONTH OF APRIL ACCORDING TO THE JEWISH CALENDAR THAT GOD HONORS THE MONTH OF NISAN(APRIL)5774 - Part 1 By Apostle Vincent Pool In the Hebrew Calendar, we are in the month Of Nisan. It is the 1st month, the beginning of months, the beginning of Gods redemptive cycle, or yearly blessing cycle. The redemption of Gods people was so important in his heart and mind that he literally changed the calendar(This month was originally the 7th month), so that his people could start the sacred year in a redemptive cycle(Exodus 12:2) This month is connected to the tribe of Judah. Judah is the 4th son of Jacob and Leah. Judah means praise This is the month of redemptive praise. We must be totally focused on praising God as we begin our walk in this new season of the redemptive cycle of God. Judah is the tribe that leads in praise and warfare. It is also the tribe that the Davidic line of Kings descended from, and the tribe of the Messiah himself. Remember Christ is called the Lion Of The Tribe Of Judah! This symbol represented the Kingly authority and leadership anointing that rested upon this tribe. Judah is the total embodiment of praise! There are two names in scripture that are interpreted praise. There is Judah, which means praise from the heart, which is the purest form of praise. Then there is Judas, which means praise from the head or intellect, a feigned or learned form of praise (Matthew 15:8). Judah portrays Christ, or literally paints a picture of Christ, and Judas betrays Christ, or literally sets up or gives birth to an anti-Christ system or structure. We must be careful to allow our praise in this season to be birthed out of, and totally submitted to the heart of God. Praise is how we enter the presence of God, and also how we receive prophetic warfare strategy in order to victoriously war for our promise in this season. Our defining strategy in warfare is always to begin with praise. In the setting up of the camp of Israel, the Tabernacle(which housed the presence of God), was set in the middle, with three tribes camping on each of the four sides. The camp of Judah, which includes Issachar and Zebulon, always camped on the east side, which was where the entrance to the Tabernacle was. So we can see that God established the pattern of praise leading the way into his presence, from the very beginning.
Posted on: Tue, 01 Apr 2014 13:25:09 +0000

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