THE STATUS OF IMAM HUSSAIN IN ISLAM: Although there are many - TopicsExpress


THE STATUS OF IMAM HUSSAIN IN ISLAM: Although there are many merits and virtues of the pure household which includes Imam Hussain (Peace be upon him) however some of them will be mentioned below: 1. Imam Hussains epithet is Abu Abdullah and his titles are Al- Rasheed, Al-Tayyab, Al-Zaki, Al- Wafi, Al-Sayyed, Al-Mubarak, Al- Sibth and Al-Shaheed. The most popular title is Al-Shaheed and this is so clear that to this day no Shaheed or Shahaadat is so well known or as popular as Imam Hussains Shahaadat. It is for this reason the quality of Al-Shaheed has become a title and is known for Imam Hussain (Peace be upon him) and when the word Al-Shaheed is spoken it implies Imam Hussain Al- Shaheed-e-Karbala. This is because the title and knowledge have a close connection and this is why the title is also known as knowledge as well. 2. Abu Saeed Khudri (May Allah be pleased with him) narrates from Umme Salma (May Allah be pleased with her) when this verse was revealed: ﺍﻧﻤﺎ ﻳﺮﻳﺪ ﺍﻟﻠﻪ ﻟﻴﺰﻫﺐ ﻋﻨﻜﻢ ﺍﻟﺮﺟﺲ ﺍﻫﻞ ﺍﻟﺒﻴﺖ ﻭ ﻳﻄﻬﺮﻛﻢ ﺗﻄﻬﻴﺮﺍً ـ O Prophets household! Allah desires to remove all uncleanliness from you, and to purify you after cleansing you thoroughly. The Prophet (Peace and blessings be upon him and his family) called Ali, Fatima-tul Zahra, Hassan and Hussain and put a blanket over them and said: ﺍﻟﻬّﻢ ﻫﻮﻻﺀ ﺍﻫﻞ ﺑﻴﺘﻰ ﺍﻟﻬّﻢ ﺍﺯﻫﺐ ﻋﻨﻬﻢ ﺍﻟﺮﺟﺲ ﻭﻃﻬﺮﻫﻢ ﺗﻄﻬﻴﺮﺍً ـ O Allah this is my household, O Allah keep all uncleanliness away from them and purify them. Umme Salma asked: Am I not from them?. The Prophet (Peace and blessings be upon him and his family) said: ﺍﻧﺖ ﺍﻟﻰ ﺧﻴﺮ - You are towards good. (Tafsir Ibn Jareer, volume 22, page 7) It is narrated by Ayesha Sadeeqa (May Allah be pleased with her) she says I saw the Prophet (Peace and blessings be upon him and his family) he called Ali, Fatima, Hassan and Hussain and then covered them with his blanket and said: ﺍﻟﻬّﻢ ﻫﻮﻻﺀ ﺍﻫﻞ ﺑﻴﺘﻰ ﺍﻟﻬّﻢ ﺍﺯﻫﺐ ﻋﻨﻬﻢ ﺍﻟﺮﺟﺲ ﻭﻃﻬﺮﻫﻢ ﺗﻄﻬﻴﺮﺍً ـ Ayesha (May Allah be pleased with her) says I went close to the Prophet (Peace and blessings be upon him and his family) and said O the Prophet: ﻭﺍﻧﺎ ﻣﻦ ﺍﻫﻞ ﺑﻴﺘﻚ ﻓﻘﺎﻝ ﺻﻠﻰ ﺍﻟﻠﻪ ﻋﻠﻴﻪ ﻭﺁﻟﻪ ﻭﺳﻠﻢ ﺗﻨﺤﻰ ﻓﺎﻧﻚ ﻋﻠﻰ ﺧﻴﺮ ـ I am from youre household. So the Prophet (Peace and blessings be upon him and his family) replied Go back you are upon good. (Ibn Kathir, volume 22, page 485). It is narrated by Abu Saeed Khudri the Prophet (Peace and blessings be upon him and his family) said: ﻧﺰﻟﺖ ﻫﺰﻩ ﺍﻵﻳﺔ ﻓﻰ ﺧﻤﺴﺔ ﻓﻰ ﻭﻓﻰ ﻋﻠﻰ ﺭﺿﻰ ﺍﻟﻠﻪ ﻋﻨﻪ ﻭ ﺣﺴﻦ ﺭﺿﻰ ﺍﻟﻠﻪ ﻋﻨﻪ ﻭ ﺣﺴﻴﻦ ﺭﺿﻰ ﺍﻟﻠﻪ ﻋﻨﻪ ﻭ ﻓﺎﻃﻤﺔ ﺭﺿﻰ ﺍﻟﻠﻪ ﻋﻨﻬﺎ ﺍﻧﻤﺎ ﻳﺮﻳﺪ ﺍﻟﻠﻪ ﻟﻴﺰﻫﺐ ﻋﻨﻜﻢ ﺍﻟﺮﺟﺲ ﺍﻫﻞ ﺍﻟﺒﻴﺖ ﻭ ﻳﻄﻬﺮﻛﻢ ﺗﻄﻬﻴﺮﺍً ـ This verse was revealed in favor of five people me (the Nabi peace and blessings be upon him and his family), Ali (May Allah be pleased with him), Hassan (May Allah be pleased with him), Hussain (May Allah be pleased with him) and Fatima (May Allah be pleased with her). (Tafseer Ibn Jareer, volume 22, page 6) . 3. It is said in the verse of Mubahila: Come, let us call our children as well as your children. On this occasion the Prophet (Peace and blessings be upon him and his family) brought Imam Hassan and Hussain with him from which is proved the Prophets (Peace and blessings be upon him and his family) sons are Imam Hassan and Hussain. Thus a lot of detail is present upon this in many Hadiths. The Prophet (Peace and blessings be upon him and his family) said to Usaama Bin Zaid (D.54 Hijri) concerning Imam Hassan and Hussain: They are my two sons and my daughters sons. Also it is narrated by Anas (D.90 Hijri) that he said the Prophet (Peace and blessings be upon him and his family) said to Fatima-tul Zahra: Bring both of my sons for me when they use to come the Prophet used to smell them and stick them to his chest. (Mishkaat Al-Masabeeh, page 571. Zakhaair Aqbaa, page 121) . 4. Hafiz Ibn Kathir writes the Prophet (Peace and blessings be upon him and his family) said: Hussain is from me and I am from Hussain, whoever loves Hussain may Allah love him. (Al-Bidhaya Wal Nihaya, volume 8. Tahzeeb Al-Tahzeeb volume 2, page 326) 5. Imam Ahmad narrates from Abu Huraira (May Allah be pleased with him) he said: We was praying Isha Salaah with the Prophet (Peace and blessings be upon him and his family), when he prostrated Hassan and Hussain climbed on his back and when he lifted his blessed head he softly held them and sat them on the floor. When he prostrated again they both climbed upon his back again and he never finished his Salaah until he sat them upon his thighs. (Al-Bidahya Wal-Nihaya, volume 8 6. When this verse was revealed: Say you: I ask of you no wage (for this invitation to the truth) but love for relatives. (Surah Shura, verse 23) Ibn Abbas (May Allah be pleased with him) narrated the companions asked the pure Prophet (Peace and blessings be upon him and his family) who are youre close relatives whose respect and love is compulsory upon us?. So the Prophet (Peace and blessings be upon him and his family) replied: they are Ali, Fatima, Hassan and Hussain. It is also narrated by Ali (May Allah be pleased with him) he said every Muslim cares about our respect then he recited this verse: When Ali Bin Hussain (Zain-ul Abideen) was captured and was being taken towards Shaam in the way a Shaami saw him and said: it is good you people are finished. So Imam Zain-ul Abideen (Peace be upon him) replied, have you not read the Holy Quran?. He said Yes then Imam Zain-ul Abideen said have you not also read Surah Shura: Then the Shaami asked, Are you the close people? and Imam Zain-ul Abideen answered We are them. (Al-Sharaf Al-Maubid, page 74)) 7. Ali the lion of Allah has narrated the Prophet (Peace and blessings be upon him and his family) said: Before all to enter heaven will be me, Fatima, Hassan and Hussain. I said to the Prophet (Peace and blessings be upon him and his family): Where will be those who love us?. Then the pure Prophet replied Behind you. (Al-Mustadrak, volume 3, page 164) It is also narrated by Ali I complained to the Prophet the people are jealous because of me so the Prophet (Peace and blessings be upon him and his family) said: Do you not like this that among four men to enter heaven before all you are the fourth these four are me, you, Hassan and Hussain. (Musnad Ahmad Hanbal, page 624) . 8. It is also narrated by Abu Musa Al Ashari (D. 44 Hijri) that the Prophet (Peace and blessings be upon him and his family) said: On the day of Judgement Me, Ali, Fatima, Hassan and Hussain will be beneath the domes throne. (Kanzul Amaal, volume 12, page 103) It is narrated by Ali (D.40 Hijri) the lion of Allah the Prophet (Peace and blessings be upon him and his family) said: there is a place in heaven which is known as Wasila when you ask something from Allah then ask (the place of) Wasila for me. The great companions asked: O the Prophet (Peace and blessings be upon him and his family): Who will stay with you?. The Prophet replied Ali, Fatima, Hassan and Hussain. (Kanzul Amaal, volume 12, page 103) 9. It is narrated by Yahya Hazarmi he says I was travelling to Sifeen with Ali the lion of Allah, when he reached Neenwa he said O Abu Abdullah (Imam Hussain) be patient at the side of Firaat. I said, What have you said?, Ali the lion of Allah replied The Prophet (Peace and blessings be upon him and his family) said I was informed by Jibraeel (Peace be upon him): Hussain will be killed on the side of Firaat and I was shown the dust of its place. (Khasaaise Kubra, volume 2. Tahzeeb-ul Tahzeeb. volume 2, page 347) Abdullah Bin Abbas says we never use to doubt in this that: Hussain Bin Ali will be killed in Thaf (Karbala). 10. Khateeb with his chain has narrated from Ibn Abbas he says Allah revealed to the Prophet (Peace and blessings be upon him and his family) that in return for Yahya Bin Zakariya (Peace be upon him) I killed 70,000 people and for your daughters son (Imam Hussain) I am about to kill 170,000. Haakim has also narrated this in his Mustadrak. (Tahzeeb ul Tahzeeb, volume 2, page 354) By Abdulmujib Usman Attijjeniy
Posted on: Sat, 09 Aug 2014 10:25:08 +0000

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