“THE STELLAR AWARDS GOES TO.........” God is still in the - TopicsExpress


“THE STELLAR AWARDS GOES TO.........” God is still in the business of recycling human lives. I believe God purposely chooses to use misplaced and rejected people. Those who were thrown into a refuse receptacle by closed minds who decided that our dry bones couldnt live again. No worship seminar is needed for someone whose tear stained face has turned from humiliation to inspiration. The greatest place to preach and share the love of God isnt in our great meetings and conventions with swelling crowds and lofty recognitions. The greatest place to preach and share the love of God is in the trenches and hog pens of life. If you want a grateful audience, take your message to the messy places of life and scrape the hog hairs off the prodigal sons and daughters of God who were locked away in the hog pens by the spiritual elite. The greatest voice is the one that comes to us from the grave. Those people whose trials and traumas have exempted them from sharing their contributions with this world. Those people who could express the truth that there is life after death. I pray that God gives you the courage to come out of the grave clothes and go on with your life. It is time for us to redefine and redirect our gaze to find the real heroes of God among us(they may not always be those who we see on television). God purposely uses misplaced and rejected people, and He may be leaning in your direction! “THE STELLAR AWARDS GOES TO........”
Posted on: Sun, 19 Jan 2014 05:23:18 +0000

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