THE STUPID CUPID Chapter-45 - TopicsExpress


THE STUPID CUPID Chapter-45 [♥] --------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------- --------------------- You are completely crazy. Neil exclaimed. Even after being with me since years you still have any doubt? Myra smiled. Of course not! But I never knew that there is no extent of your craziness. Neil grimaced. First of all I’ve come here to see you and you are scolding me like this. Do you even know what I’ve to do to sneak out. Myra scowled. Haah! Quit it with the dramatics pumpkin. It’s not like you’ve to climb out of your window or something! Neil made a grumpy face. Myra stopped whatever she was doing and looked at Neil plainly while Neil nudged her with his elbow. After a while, when Myra din’t say a word Neil finally caught the look. Shit! No way!!! Did you really? Neil blinked his eyes in disbelief. YES! Myra shouted annoyingly. I don’t believe you. It’s all the way first floor from your room. Neil laughed. No shit, Sherlock! Of course I did. I almost landed safely. It was still 3 feet from where I was dangling in the air. Myra grimaced. Wait. You jumped? Neil asked holding her shoulder. No, no. I just flew my way here. Myra scowled. Don’t you have any brains? What if you’d have fallen? What if something happened to you? You should have run all your way as I can see the rivulets of sweat at your forehead. Why you have to act so dumb PUMPKIN! Couldn’t you wait till morning? Neil yelled frustrated. I was scared for you. You were not picking up the call. Your hand was bruised. Myra spoke lowly. But pumpkin, your safety is much important than mine. Why don’t you understand a simple fact that getting outside at this time was no less than inviting the perverts! Neil shook her shoulder. Myra’s face showed plain dread. Her face became pale and she quivered with fear. The fear was not about something Neil said, fear was seeing him in such a bad temper. But that’s why I dressed up like this. Myra protested. But what if someone has seen you? I agree it catches less attention but still, how can you deny a fact that you are still a girl inside these over-sized clothes. Neil sighed. You are always there for me na. I know if I get into some problem, you’ll rescue me out. Myra gulped. Pumpkin, how would I get to know. Neil spoke scared. I don’t know. You always find me. You always get to know if I’m in any problem. That’s it. No more arguments. Myra grimaced. Don’t trust me so much pumpkin. I feel scared. Neil instantly threw his arms around her shoulder hugging her. Arre, you are the one because of whom I never feel scared and you yourself are scared here. Duffer. Myra draped her arms around his waist burying her head against his chest and impishly hit his back. Don’t ever pull such stunts again. Neil pulled her ear. Ouch. You don’t ever do like this to me. Myra made a puppy face. Achha na. Sorry. Neil spoke. You wait here. I am going to have some water. Myra smiled and left. Myra entered the kitchen to fetch a glass when her eyes caught the bowl of milk lying there. NEIL. Myra shouted. Yes pumpkin. Neil called back and moved towards the kitchen. Myra was standing stomping her feet, her arms were crossed and she was looking at Neil with arched eye-brows. What? Neil frowned. I just left one thing to do on your own and you can’t even do that properly. Myra scowled. Ooops. Sorry pumpkin. I fell asleep. Neil scratched the back of his neck. Don’t act like an innocent puppy now. Drink this. Myra frowned. Aye aye captain! Neil giggled and quickly after warming the milk a little he gulped it down. Good boy. Myra giggled ruffling his hair. By the way, why are we changing roles? I used to babysit you. Neil made a puppy face. Hahaha. I know duffer but sometimes it’s okay to change roles na. Myra winked. Oyi ! Winking is my part! Neil grunted. For now, your part is to go and sleep. Myra wiped off the milk’s cream from above his lips. I don’t want to. Now since you are here and we have met after such a long time, we are going back to our masti. Neil pulled her cheeks. Alright. I don’t have any problem. So what we are going to do? Myra asked excitedly. Let’s just sit in the room and decide. Neil spoke. Wow. What a great idea my best friend Myra grimaced. Have you got any Ms. Genius? Neil asked. Of course not. How can you even expect me to think at this time. I’m feeling all drowsy. Myra yawned. Then let’s just sit and think and shut up your mouth! lazy ass. I’m not letting you go so easily. Neil chuckled. Myra rolled her eyes. Neil walked towards the drawing room while Myra followed him too. How about truth and dare? Neil asked. Have you lost it? It’s 12 am Neil. Lemme sleep. Arggh.. Myra scowled. You are so lazy! Neil pouted. I’m lazy? You are the one who can eat cold food so that you don’t have to do the extra word of warming it. You are the one who could sleep all day just in case you’ve to cook food. And I’m the LAZY ONE? Myra scowled. Myra picked up the cushion and hit Neil on his head hard. Though pillow was not that hard but Neil was taken aback by the sudden attack. You again want to break my head or something like that? Neil scowled. What you mean by again? Myra budged her eyes. Remember on the school picnic, you once threw a coconut on my head. Neil pouted rubbing his head. Hahhaha. I can’t forget that. It was seriously epic. Myra laughed. Ha-ha-ha. Very funny. Neil grimaced. I hated you since the start of that picnic. You snatched my cashews! And to add to its topping, you were made my partner for the trip. Myra grimaced. And then we were on the treasure hunt where you proved me that you were absolutely crazy! I mean I never saw a girl with so much attitude. Correction. A boy in a girl’s body. Neil chuckled. Oyiiii! I love being tomboy! Myra protested. Yeah, I know that. And which task it was, umm. Neil scratched the back of his neck. Arre, we’ve to find the golden own hidden on a tree. Myra replied. Yeah! And we both were short and I was scared of heights so din’t climb it. Neil blushed. And just then I came up with my genius idea! Myra chuckled. Yeah. We wasted half an hour on throwing the coconuts in attempt to let that plastic owl fell down. Neil grimaced. Oh hello! It was that *throwing the coconuts* idea only that finally that own fell down. Myra scoffed. And how brilliant that shot was when the coconut fell back on my head. I swear for a moment I thought I was going to be dead. Neil scowled. Haahahaha. And the first thing I did was rolling on the floor. I literally rolled on the floor. I mean it is not every day that you see a coconut fall on a guy’s head, is it? Myra laughed. Gosh Myra. It was not at all funny. The damn coconut. Curse you woman! Neil sneered. Exactly! Exactly! This is exactly what you muttered that day too! Myra laughed. And you were so so so great that instead of helping me getting up or pressing my head, you were fighting with me how dare I called you a woman! Gosh, you are seriously crazy! Neil face palmed himself. Hahaha. I was almost ready to decant the whole basket of coconuts on your head when you pulled my hand and made me fall too. Huhh you were always a bully. Myra spoke. Were you some less? You dug your nails in my hands when I din’t let you go. Neil scowled. And then remember when we were on the trek and it suddenly got dark due to all the lights gone. Neil laughed. Don’t make me remember it. Myra pouted. Hahaha. You were the first one to yell because you were afraid of dark. Seriously? What were you? Four? Neil chuckled. Arrghh. At that time, I used to be scared of the dark Myra scowled. Just then there was a power cut, Myra who was sitting beside Neil clutched his hands tightly moving closer towards him. Hahaha. Don’t lie pumpkin. You are still afraid of the dark. At least I know this fact Neil chuckled. Shut up Neil Myra scowled hitting him. Hahaha, my super-girl. You can watch a late-night horror movie. You are not even afraid of rats or cockroaches like that. But you’re afraid of dark. How is that even possible? Neil asked. I don’t know. I fear of oblivion. I’m scared of losing myself in the darkness. Myra shuddered. Hey pumpkin. It’s alright. I’m here baby. I won’t let you lose somewhere. Neil squeezed her hand. Hmmm. Myra replied softly resting her head on his shoulder. They talked till wee hours. Neil kept blabbering so that Myra would get distracted from the dark. After a while light too came and they slumbered on the couch itself. After a few hours Neil woke up. He rubbed his eyes craning his neck and checked the time in his phone. It showed 3 am. Shit. Pumpkin wake up. Neil shook her. Mhmm. Myra mumbled and rolled over. Neil almost saved her from falling down from the couch. He chuckled at her innocence. Pumpkin. Mausi is on phone. Neil muttered. What. What. Mausi. Call. Myra sprung up on couch. Hahahahaha. Look at your face. Neil held his stomach laughing. Neil Do you want me to go to jail for your murder? Myra grimaced. Okay okay. Relax my Hitler. Neil giggled. Blabber fast. Myra scowled. It’s 3 am! You should go back. Neil pouted. Shit! I’ve to get back fast. Myra spoke getting up. Hmm. I know. Neil nodded. Good night Neil. Take care. Myra hugged him. You too take care dumbo. Neil smiled. Myra strolled towards the main door, Neil too followed her, stepping out with her and locked the door. What? Myra scowled. Don’t even think that I’m letting you go alone. Neil wriggled his eye-brows. I thought I was going alone. Myra shrugged. Ohh please! Shut up and get into the car. Neil replied. We can go on foot. Myra spoke. Yeah, so that we get robbed midway. Shut up and get into the car. Neil scolded her. Myra pouted and nodded following his instruction. Since the roads were all empty, they reached within 5 minutes. Neil clambered down the car. Shit! I din’t think how I’m gonna climb back Myra made a puppy face. Show me how you climbed down. Neil spoke. Myra nodded and pointed towards the sheet drooping from the window. From this. Myra replied. Seriously Sherlock? Neil grimaced. I din’t find any other better option. Myra made a puppy face. Okay, let’s do it. Neil replied. Neil went down the window staring upwards. He was taller than Myra. So he got an idea. You stand on my shoulders and this way, you’ll reach that sheet’s end. Neil spoke. Have you gone mad? Myra yelled. Ssshhh. Hush. You’re too loud. Neil spoke. Are you sure? Myra blinked. Cent percent. I’ll manage, you’re indeed very light. Neil nodded. Okay. I hope it doesn’t hurt you. Myra spoke lowly. It won’t pumpkin. Now come on quick. Neil kneeled on the floor. Myra stood behind him and with hesitation she put her one leg on Neil’s shoulder. Neil gripped her ankle tightly. Myra got a little confidence and supporting her hands against wall she placed her another leg on his another shoulder. Neil grasped her another ankle too. Slowly and steadily Neil got up the ground while Myra stood on his shoulders and he held her ankles securely. You’re fine? Myra asked softly. Absolutely. You’ve not got any weight pumpkin. Neil smiled. Neil moved closer towards the door while Myra kept balancing herself. Finally Myra could easily reach the sheet’s length. She grasped it tightly and tugged at it to assure that it was still tied. She then gently lifted her legs off from his shoulders. Neil stood down there hoping she would make it upwards. Myra rested her legs on the wall and started climbing upwards. Suddenly she felt a tug over the sheet and realised that the knot was getting lose. Oo O. Myra muttered and in a spur of moment the knot tied upwards on the window released and Myra started falling on her back. In time before she could reach the ground, Neil caught her in his arms. The sheet fell on their heads while Neil stood there with Myra is his arms. She landed the same way he has lifted her up at the home. Myra’s eyes were squeezed shut. Her breathing was erratic with escalated heartbeats. The soft moonlight peeping from the soft sheet fell over her face lighting her. She looked utterly cute as well as beautiful. Neil’s eyes were fixed on her lips which were wet maybe because whenever she was nervous she would lick her lips. Her cherry lips were shining in the glint of moonlight. You are safe pumpkin. Neil smiled speaking softly. Myra gently opened her eyes and looked at Neil. She realised that she landed in his arms or he was quick enough to catch her in time before she could fell on the ground. She adored his little dimple. His dark was half covered in moonlight and half in dark. She could simply look at his perfection in awe. I told you! You are always there to save me. Myra grinned. Dumbo! Neil chuckled. I’m fine piggy. Put me down. Myra giggled. Yeah! Neil spoke and landed her on the ground. Bed sheet. Myra chuckled looking above her head. Full too filmy! Neil laughed putting off the sheet. Now how I’m going up. Myra made a sad face. Ummm. At which time does the milkman come? Neil asked. Morning. 5 am. Myra replied. Cool. Get into the car now. You’ll get into the house by time. Neil jerked his collar. Okay. Myra shrugged. Neil and Myra get inside the car. Neil sat at the driving seat while Myra stood beside him at another seat. Myra and Neil again started talking. They almost spent their 2 hours talking when Myra sighed the milkman. Get ready. When I’ll call you, go inside the house. Neil spoke and clambered the car. Neil paid a few amount to the milkman and asked him to deliver the milk himself. He nodded. Neil draped his cloth around his head and covered his face with some cloth. He rang the door bell. Myra’s mausi opened the gate and stood there with the milk bowl in her hands. She yawned sighting the milkman. Who are you? She asked. Madam ji. Me bhaiyya’s small brother. Bhaiyya, ill. He replied. Okay. She said. Madam ji. Bhaiyya asked me to give you extra 1 litre milk today. Can you bring bigger bowl? Neil spoke. Umm. Okay. Wait a minute here. She spoke and quickly paced inside the house. Meanwhile, Neil called Myra and motioned her to go inside the house. Myra quickly tip- toed inside the house climbing the stairs. She moved her way towards her room and stood at the window. Okay madam ji. Neil spoke and quickly poured the milk in the bowl and left. Myra’s mausi din’t complain about anything and took the bowl inside closing the door behind her. Thank you. Myra mouthed. Anytime. Neil mumbled softly winking at her. Love you. Myra grinned giving him a flying kiss. Love you more. Neil laughed returning her flying kiss. **To be continued** Okay reviews please! I hope you din’t feel bore of NiMy conversation 5 more parts guys! Excited about the ending? Well, payal maam din’t planned to end the story in 50 parts but since people wanted it to go up to 50 parts. So she decided to write 5 more parts! Of course, it has a happy ending! Stay tuned to know more. Author - #Payal_Kedia Page Link - facebook/ *copyright reserved* #shivS
Posted on: Sun, 14 Dec 2014 17:09:28 +0000

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