THE TELEVISED PLIGHT OF I.S. HOSTAGE JOHN CANTLIE Obvious as it is to the villages most gibbering idiot, journalist John Cantlies continued existence is hampering the RAFs green light on offensive operations in Iraq, yet watching the nightly news one could be forgiven for thinking the earnest anchors have not a clue he - or taxi driver Alan Henning - remain alive. Asking in incredulous tones why our six valiant 30-year-old Tornado airframes have failed to unleash their cluster bomb cargoes upon the vile IS they seem unaware how, upon the first inkling of British strike power involvement, Jihadi Johns fondly handled blade would be immediately employed to tragic effect. With woefully accurate, insightful calculation, correspondents speak of Cantlies subtle attempts to undermine the message he is reading under duress, eagerly pointing out inflections and intonations in his delivery as if they themselves were among the IS intelligence staff managing Cantlies courageous discourse. Had John managed somehow to blink the co-ordinates of his geographical position, I fear fellow journalists, in their desperation to be first, would have gleefully announced his canny deception. Certainly, thanks to the Telegraph and the Mails special forces experts IS commanders will by now have dispatched their minions to the high ground, searching for concealed SAS reconnaissance units. Cantlie, with his bearing, enduring his torture as he is, with rare stoicism, is deserving of a Victoria Cross. We should all do our utmost to will his safe return, whilst keeping schtum about the minutiae of his predicament. Only HIS words can help him and Alan now.
Posted on: Tue, 30 Sep 2014 00:37:03 +0000

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