THE THINGS THAT BREAK MY HEART After a soul searching - TopicsExpress


THE THINGS THAT BREAK MY HEART After a soul searching conversation with my daughter, I have decided not to ever breed Aza again. The highs and los of this pregnancy, the completely unbelievable fact that Aza began telling me on day ONE that she was pregnant and through different phases of this was more human than canine, yet suffered so much for most of 63 days, the valleys that she and I walked through yesterday -- are not forgotten, even by the kick butt gorgeous boy laying at her side this night. I breed for the absolute perfection of the passion. I do this with all that I am, all that I have. But, I do not do it, so that I can disappoint the people who believed in me and in Aza. I cried today and in my decision to accept deposits, I caused others to cry today. Not ok. Not ok to know that my hunch for hours yesterday -- that one puppy could be most large -- and indeed was what caused Aza to be frantic, to ever do it again. I am so full of confidence in myself that I was absolutely sure there were 5 puppies. I had money on 3 deposits and one refund. Thats a pile of change. Now I am going to take Aza out of the running after two years of time and money into her. As I have mentioned prior, if it were profit driving me, I would have been bust a long time ago. We keep going somehow. Shall I sit on the street and sing? I am pretty good. :)) THANK YOU, and from the bottom of my heart again I say to all of you who cheered Aza on, thank you so much. We will retire her and keep her sanity. We will also entertain inquiries for the perfect and right placement for her. I am not promising to place her; I am promising to consider it. Good night BARK CREEK family, special corgi dreams for each of you.
Posted on: Thu, 10 Jul 2014 03:51:37 +0000

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