THE TRUTH Im about to share with you an event that took place in - TopicsExpress


THE TRUTH Im about to share with you an event that took place in my life about 9years ago. Please, sit back relax and while you reading this, I pray that God will give you better insight about who and what I am. Toy should feel free for comments. I lost my work in the year 2000. Since then the difficult period started. At times I though that I would never ever make it in life again. Being visually impaired made it even worst for me. I never wanted to make use of the state grant but were forced to do so as I had a family. during those four years I literally cry before the Lord. Questioning Him, why this had to happen to me. It was one particular day that I went down on my knees and just started to wept in His presence. Every day I had to wonder where the next meal would come from. At that time living in a container became to much for me. At the back of my mind I always knew, someday God will come to my rescue. His word promise, I will never leave you nor forsake you. I studied the word of Christ during that time. At one stage I thought that I should go fulltime into the ministry just to make money as I noticed many of my fellow brethren made it out there. God then reminded me, he paid the price for all of us and it was free. I then declined and moved on. In August 2005 I was offered a position at the Department of Water and Forestry which I gladly accepted. I was filled with so much joy and my family joined me in this moment of joy. THE WORST In September 2005 my wife was diagnose with severe stomach cancer. I remember it like yesterday when I was called to come in. I went to the doctors room where he informed me that there is nothing they could do for her. No operation in the world could safe her life. I turned to God and said, Lord You gave me a job and now my wife is about to die? At that moment it felt like my body was sinking into a deep ocean and never to return. I looked at my wife and for a moment I tried to be strong, in the end had to give in to my emotions. I wept and told her, I thought that now that I have a very good job things would change for us. The devil has come to rob, and to destroy. As a family we had my and my kids mother only for 3months and 3 days. The night just before she passed away I had to attend a state event but wanted to stay with her at the hospital. She requested me to go, so I did. The night of the 2nd December 2005 I received about four awards. The 3rd December the morning I got up early and went to pay my wife a visit. I informed her about the previous nights happenings and the only thing she could say was. Praise the Lord. If I knew that Saturday the 3rd would be last time that I would ever see my wife alive I would have stayed by her bed side. Late the Saturday evening we received a call from the medical staff that my wife is about to go. Deep inside I kept my emotion for the sake of my two girls. Arriving at the hospital, it was too late, she was gone. To tell you the truth I knew that she was going to leave this world forever. My relationship with Christ was of such nature that He would warned me before the time. The acceptance of her death made it easy for myself. Yes I wept, yes I was angry but not at God, simply because I know He was not responsible for her death. I was able to stand behind the pulpit and deliver a message, I even sang one of our favourite songs. At that moment I could not hold back the tears, I had to let go. I want to tell you today dear friend, if you dont know Jesus as your Lord and King, now is your chance to make way for Him. For those of you that are serving Him, money for the Gospel never and never will become a reality or part of my life. I could have preach during those four years and ease the crisis in my family, but God knew the answer, He knew the outcome. If you just want to take the first baby steps of obedience, believe me Hell do the rest. God loves you and dont ever forget that. Blessings
Posted on: Mon, 13 Oct 2014 06:27:53 +0000

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