THE TRUTH THAT SETS YOU FREE SCRIPTURE READING: John 14:1–6 KEY VERSE: Matthew 7:13 Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. A highway designed to exacting specifications gives us the freedom to drive. Medicine formulated with precise chemical components gives us the freedom to enjoy its benefits. In every instance the truth—accurate, unbending—is the foundation for lasting success. It is the same with the spiritual realm. The eternal, unchanging, appli–cable, divine truth sets us free to enjoy God and experience His blessings. That truth is Christ and His Word. When you have Christ within and when you abide in (live in, meditate on, internally assimilate) His unerring Word of truth, you are on the road to freedom in your emotions, will, intellect, family, job, relationships, and future. Your constant battle is against the deceiver, the devil. His tactics always are to distort and twist the truth. He is the cursed liar who seeks to enslave the inner person. The devil tells you, “You are no good. God cannot possibly be pleased with you. You will never amount to anything. You cannot measure up to others. You cannot overcome this habit.” This master liar can be overcome only by the truth of God as revealed in His Word and applied by the Holy Spirit. Dear Lord, help me to abide in Your truth. To meditate on it. To assimilate it. I want to be able to overcome every lie of the enemy with the truth of Your Word. Stanley, C. F. (1998). Enter His gates: a daily devotional. Nashville: Thomas Nelson Publishers.
Posted on: Sat, 07 Sep 2013 12:21:19 +0000

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