THE UNITY AND THE ONENESS IN THE BODY OF CHRIST IS A MUST TO REACH BILLIONS OF LOST SOULS BEFORE THE RAPTURE WILL TAKE PLACE :THE UNITY AND THE ONENESS OF THE BODY OF CHRIST (John 17:17-23) Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Sanctify them by Your truth. Your word is truth. As You sent Me into the world, I also have sent them into the world. And for their sakes I sanctify Myself, that they also may be sanctified by the truth. “I do not pray for these alone, but also for those who will believe in Me through their word; that they all may be one, as You, Father, are in Me, and I in You; that they also may be one in Us, that the world may believe that You sent Me. And the glory which You gave Me I have given them, that they may be one just as We are one: I in them, and You in Me; that they may be made perfect in one, and that the world may know that You have sent Me, and have loved them as You have loved Me.(John 17:17-23) We are called and designed to become oneness in the unity of the Body of Christ in these last days to fulfill the last great commission as written in Mathew 28:18-20 We are also commanded to obey His Great Commandment as written in Matthew 22:37-39. The reality being no unity and oneness in the Body of Christ is because most churches have brought their own Men Doctrine when they meet each other which is happening for a long time. But these two great commandments can be a divine connection for every denomination if we are all working together to fulfill these God’s commandments revealed by the Lord Jesus 2000 years ago. These Two great Commandment and Commission is the strongest way we may be united in Christ from all denominations around the world. Every Denomination has the same mission to obey these two commandments. The Unity and the Oneness of the Body of Christ in the last days must be our priority to help many people to go to heaven and to reach out the lost souls into the Kingdom of God. If we do not believe in the Unity of the Body of Christ then how we can defeat the Kingdom of Darkness while we are not living in the Unity and the Oneness of the Body Christ. Have we do know that the Armies of the Kingdom of Darkness are united to defeat the Kingdom of God while we do not intend to be united. This is really a very funny reality that we face now among all Christians around the world. The Great Commission is the Final Commandment or the second largest Commandment after the Great Commandment. THE GREAT COMMANDMENT IS THE CHARACTER OF THE JESUS CHRIST- LOVE AND THE OPERATION OF THE WOKING OF THE WORD OF GOD AND THE GREAT COMMISSION IS THE CHARACTER OF THE HOLY SPIRIT AND THE WORKING AND MANIFESTATION OF THE HOLY SPIRIT.FAITH WITHOUT ACTION ISDEAD AND BODY WITHOUT SPIRIT IS ALSO DEAD. Why do we exist as a church? This is one of the most important questions any church must answer, why do we exist? When we boiled it all down, we affirmed that we exist as a church to accomplish five specific directives from God. These five distinct purposes are not just unique, they are truly universal in their scope, applying to every local church on the planet. It is our duty to focus on these directives and do our best to accomplish them. They are evangelism, fellowship, discipleship, ministry and worship and we find all these commitments in what is known today as the great command and the great commission. The Great Commandment: Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law? Jesus replied: Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself. All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments. (Matt.22:36_40) The Great Commission: Then Jesus came to them and said, All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me; Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age. (Matthew 28:18_20) 1.To Love God with all your heart is WORSHIP. Worship God in spirit and truth (John 3:24).We have to maintain our personal relationship with God by the helping of the Holy Spirit and to know Him by reading the Word of God and Meditate His Words night and day. 2.To Love your neighbor as yourself is MINISTRY. We should try our best to help the needy, help the poor, to pray for the sick to visit the widow and prisons. 3.To Go and make disciples... is EVANGELISM. We have to reach out the lost souls to bring them into the Kingdom of God. We can use 10 ways how to reach them. To carry the tracts, Social Network, Always have a handy Bible, Sharing your testimony. Go on a Mission Trip, Bible Distribution, Share a movie with your fiend, genuinely care with others, bible distribution make a shelter, door to door ministry to pray for them. 4.To Baptize them... is COMMUNITY OR FELLOWSHIP. We must always have a fellowship with other saint of God or other ministers to share about the great things God has done for us and to encourage each other. 5.To Teach them to obey all things... is DISCIPLESHIP. We have to teach others about all things the Lord has teached the disciples to make them growing in the spiritual maturity in Christ. “A great commitment to the great commandment and the great commission will grow a great church! In Matthew 5:18 it says we are “The light of the world” so we took the word LIGHT to help us remember our purpose and we wrote it into a statement. If we talk about the unity and the oneness o the Body of Christ then this is the Greatest Mission we should accomplish through the Great Commandment and the great Commission to lead the people to Jesus, to involve them in the Body of Christ, to guide them to spiritual maturity, helping them to discover and develop their ministries and to train them to be on mission for God. Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Our greatest desire , is for this Body of Christ to grow in every way possible. First of all, we desire to see growth in the realm of spiritual maturity. The Bible says that Gods desire for us is that we become more and more like the Lord Jesus Himself so our goal is to be a church where brothers and sisters can help one another grow to be like Jesus. Secondly, we want to see the church grow numerically. We long to see more and more people come to know Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and Lord and become a part of our family. Thirdly, we hope that our church and any other Christian organization will grow in efficiency at the tasks it undertakes and this means people growing in commitment to Christ. The more committed men and women are to Jesus Christ, the harder they work at whatever He asks them to do. This will usually result in greater efficiency, if not also, a more fruitful outcome. Finally, we desire to see the church grow in greater ministry and service. Everyone who is a part of the Body of Christ is called to be a minister, a servant. We are asking God to help our church and other Christian organization to think of new and creative ways to reach out to a lost and hurting world locally and globally until we can work together to in the Body of Christ for the coming Great Harvest around the world. How we can accomplish the two great commission through five commitments: Worship, minister, evangelism, fellowship and discipleship which we can make it happened through the Fullness of His Word and His Spirit. This is the time we should read the Word of God everyday. To read it from the book of genesis to the book of revelation. we should ask the holy spirit to transform the words into our spirit during our fellowship with the Word of God. The more the Word of God transform to your spirit the more the life of Jesus residing in your spirit. We must see how Joshua lives and King David lives to always live according tom the Words of God and the guidance of the Holy Spirit which is the same thing we should do in these Last Days to enable us to accomplish the Great Commandment and the Great Commission through the 5 commitments which we have talk about. Being full of the Word of God and Full of the Holy Spirit, we can minister like Jesus did 2000 years ago to cast out demos,heal the sick and raise the dead. When we are Full of His Words and full of His Spirit, the we become the light of the world and the salt of the world and they will come to know Jesus because they see the life of Jesus living in us. THE CONCLUSION OF THE MESSAGE IS THAT THE GREAT COMMANDMENT AND THE GREAT COMMISSION IS THE UNIVERSAL CALL FOR EVERY BELIEVER , HERE WE RECOMMEND THERE ARE 11 EFFECTIVE WAYS TO SPREAD THE GOOD NEWS: Sharing your faith with others can be done in many different ways. We should all be willing to give an answer to those around us as to the hope we have in Christ (1 Peter 3:15). Here are some effective ways to spread Christianity to those around you. My prayer is that you not limit yourself to just these suggestions. Use them as a launching pad to other creative ways of sharing your faith. 1.Carry Tracts Have tracts with you that you can give out any time you have an opportunity. There are tracts that are general in nature, but you can also find a variety of tracts that are situation appropriate. By this I mean you can get tracts that are written for waiters and waitresses, various holidays and events, as well as location specific tracts. Try to carry a variety of tracts in your purse or car so that you are ready to give one to those you meet. Leave tracts in public place like the restaurant and coffee shop or on public transportation. When you return a book to the library you can leave a tract in it. Don’t stuff every book on the shelves with tracts. That can be considered vandalism and poor taste. But putting them in some of the books you return can be a witness to the librarian when the book is processed. 2.Social Networks Share your faith on Twitter and Facebook by including an occasional Bible verse. Share with others what that verse means to you and why it is important in your life. You can do this without being “preachy.” Even as a Christian I sometimes skim over Bible verses from friends who spam their own social feeds with them. You should include enough other content that the Bible verses fit well with the information you are providing. This will make the verses stand out and give you a chance for further interaction. 3.Always Have a Bible Handy You should always be ready to share your faith with those who may ask. You can get a small New Testament to carry with you at all times. There are many Bible apps on smartphones for various platforms. This allows you to always have a Bible with you. 4.Share Your Testimony Look for opportunities to share your testimony with others. One of the most effective witnessing tools you have is your own Christian testimony. Telling others how God changed your life gives them a chance to see that God is real to you and that you want them to have the same relationship with Him that you have. You can write out your testimony so that you can share a copy with a friend or even strangers. You can include a copy of what the Lord has done for you in your annual Christmas letter to your family. 5.Bible Distribution There are different groups that hand out Bibles at special events. Ask your pastor if he knows of an opportunity in your area. The pastor I worked with in Mexico was saved as a result of a Bible distribution ministry. Someone slipped a copy of John and Romans under his door one afternoon. He read that Bible and sought out the missionary so that he could learn more. That pastor is now involved in a ministry to distribute Bibles in millions of homes in his region of Mexico. 6.Go on a Mission Trip You can go on a mission trip within your state or in another country. Even if you can’t speak the language well you can show God’s love with those you meet. You can use an interpreter to share the story of why you traveled so far to share Christ with them. 7.Share a Movie With a Friend Have you watched a good Christian movie lately? Try watching the movie together instead of giving it to your friend to watch alone. This gives you a chance to answer any questions as they come up. You also have a shared experience to talk about when other questions arise. If something in the movie applies to a current conversation you can say, “it is kind like that time so-and-so did this in the movie.” Then you can use that as an opportunity to share more about the Lord. 8.Include Tracts in Correspondence When writing Christmas or birthday cards to your friends and family include an appropriate tract for the occasion. These work well in sympathy cards if done tastefully with the right tract. You can even include tracts with payments you mail each month. 9.Genuinely Care for Others Comfort your friends and co-workers with God’s love when they go through hard times. If you are loving and caring to your friends they will come to you when they have problems. Maybe you have recently read a Bible-based article that speaks to the problem your friend is facing, share the article with them. When they know you care they will gladly accept your offers of help. 10.Local Shelters There are many food and homeless shelters around the country which need volunteers. People who come to these shelters are expecting to have the Bible taught to them. This makes them a willing audience to hear you tell about the Lord. Sit down with those around you and share what Christ has done in your life. There is no need to be judgmental. The fact that you are there and offering to help shows them that you have at least a small level of love towards them. In a loving and kind way make a connection and take the opportunity to spread your Christianity. 11.Go to the Houses around you to pray for the sickness. May the Lord God bless you all until the second coming of our Lord Jesus, Amen.
Posted on: Thu, 27 Mar 2014 13:25:56 +0000

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