THE VALUE OF FAITH If you believe your background will keep you - TopicsExpress


THE VALUE OF FAITH If you believe your background will keep you from moving forward with God, then you dont understand the value of faith. The thing God is asking from you is faith. God only honors faith. If you believe Him, He will move in your life according to your faith and not to your experience. The thing that moves God is faith. God wants you to believe Him. Make a decision and stand on it. Faith is a fact and faith is an action. God wants your faith to be developed. Regardless of your position and your past. God raises people up equally. Faith is an equal opportunity business. No matter how many mistakes you have made, it is still faith that God honors. You see, you may have blown it, but God is in the business in restoring broken lives. Today, with faith in your heart, you can face any trouble that you encounter. Trouble is only a challenge to spur you on to achieve the best that God has to offer if you have the faith to believe!!! The richest spiritual experience I have ever known have not been in vaulted cathedrals surrounded by stained-glass windows, but in the filthiest prison cells. Take the first step in faith. You dont have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step. Thats the thing about faith. If you dont have it, you cant understand it. And if you do, then no explanation is necessary. Those that truly find God in the turmoil of prisons insanity are those that are most likely to succeed. Thank You, Jesus, that faith is not an emotion that I need to work up inside of me. Instead, it is a gift You give to me as I commit myself to You. Help me grow each day in faith. Amen. If you need to brush up on faith read Hebrews chapter 11. Proverbs 1:7 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge. MEL/1/2014 — feeling free.
Posted on: Sat, 15 Mar 2014 09:57:27 +0000

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