THE VITAL IMPORTANCE OF HAVING AN OPEN AND AN ENQUIRING MIND IN FRONT OF THE CREATOR!!!!!! When I look back at my over 76 years of existence, I can see a progressive pattern through it all. THE SLOW BUT SURE UNCOVERING OF T R U T H !!!!!!!! At each stage the discoveries seem amazing..Let me try, probably very inadequately, to explain.... MY FIRST STEP....Was assuredly the influence of my grandfather Clement Samuel Horne...The father of three, the eldest, MARY Jane, incredibly evil and the great grandmother of our present Chancellor of the Exchequer GEORGE Osborne, a ROTHSCHILD protege, and number three the youngest, Helen Queenie, my beloved mum. CLEMENT was really the only Christian on the block of my immediate ancestors...I firmly believe that CLEM, or granddad as we affectionately called him, is praying for me even as I write this to you my readers now at this moment in time. I am an early riser, 4 am, and usually go very early to sleep..I am often in bed at 8pm after an exciting and exhilarating day out sharing my faith, and after drinking far too much wine in celebration. Half a litre sipped as I and irmgard put together our replacement rosaries ready for the next days action. This is about two to three hours work every evening. MY SECOND STEP...occurred shortly after the death of my elder brother and after my disillusionment with serving my queen and country as an officer in Her Majestys Royal Navy. By the age of 25, I was indeed a lost soul looking for the truth. For further info go to my auto bio that can easily be found on the . Just type in my unusual name...Michael ( nothing unusual about that) and then that is a rare name and then my surname KING, very ordinary.....but when combined with the other two is one of the only ones to be found in a search engine...michael jaffray king......I just rechecked my name on safari search engine and indeed I am the only now I am in the same category as snoop dog or lady ga ga...or ???????whoever. THAT SECOND STEP WAS ASKING JESUS CHRIST TO COME INTO MY LIFE.... MY THIRD STEP...was dropping out altogether from a normal life into a life of total dependence, as a faith missionary, in this absolutely wonderful SAVIOUR THAT I HAD BEEN ALLOWED TO DISCOVER IN JESUS CHRIST. I am still in this Third Step as I is this third step that is absolutely fascinating...We know from our bibles that JESUS Christ is the whole TRUTH.. Just check out Johns Gospel ch 14: v6... Within this third step are some amazing subsection steps that continue until one departs this life into eternal life on one side or the other, which inevitably awaits one..EVERY ONE by the way with no exceptions. I soon found out that I was involved in a deadly war..a spiritual war...CHRIST, versus the devil. Lucifer had lost the first round when I accepted my saviour and Lord into my heart in 1965 shortly after the passing of the famous or infamous statesman Winston CHURCHILL. However in his usual tenacious way he, little lord lucy, was determined to make sure that my life would be as ineffective as possible. He was fighting me at every turn and even as I write this. My life was full of self imposed distractions... The greatest of these was my love for competitive yacht racing..through years and years of practice, I had become reasonably proficient but I soon realised that if I really wanted to follow and obey my new found love and Lord and saviour, He would need my full attention. And so I completely gave up that first all absorbing distraction...Messing about in boats..on the water at every spare moment of my life.. The next step was joining a drop out Christian movement from California hippy movement..THE CHILDREN OF GOD... Here I found a way to follow and obey the written words of my King James Bible like no other organisation on earth offered. It was really absorbing and the founder, himself a drop out helped me to find the next great truth about the real enemy of CHRIST. The Zionists..the JEWS.. THE DISCIPLES OF SATAN...see Johns Gospel ch8:v44...The smartest people on the face of this earth that God Himself had chosen to produce his Son JESUS, the Messiah... Sadly he the leader went off track and the group has largely fizzled out, but did a great job in helping me during my 25 years in the movement to discover that it was and is possible to live entirely by faith in HIM. And HIS PROMISES ... DAVID Berg the founder had repeatedly warned us that this world was and is not controlled by God but by the enemy Satan. This was Gods necessary move to ensure that HIS FOLLOWERS would have free choice and not just be robots with no will of their own. After being ruthlessly thrown out of the movement for being far too radical, I continued the best that I could without this group and eventually in 1995 DAVID Berg died and those who threw me out were themselves left stranded.... In the last twenty years it has been a fight not to get sucked back into the devils system...Most of my contemporaries including those who dealt so harshly with me and my wife have been won back into that very same system and are working at mundane jobs and sadly have forsaken their first love for soul winning and spreading the great news of the Kingdom of God. The next sub section step I owe entirely to the invention of the Internet...the enemy suffered a great blow when his total control of the media and HOLLYWOOD was challenged by the information explosion technology of the WORLD WIDE WEB...WWW. .... HERE I progressed from such system exposing characters like ALEX Jones, to DAVID Ike, to Brother Nathanael, to RT, and to my latest discovery DAVID Duke...... SO HERE ARE SOME NEW, FOR ME ANYWAY, LINKS THAT IS ALL FOR NOW.. IS THIS FINALLY THE END.??? No way HOSAY ...there are still unfathomable depths to be discovered but I do believe that we are nearing the end and will soon see everything revealed when we see JESUS face to face.. My ADVICE.....KEEP HAVING AN ENQUIRING MIND..IF YOU DONT THEN YOU WILL BE LEFT BEHIND....LIKE THE FOOLISH VIRGINS WHO DID NOT BRING ENOUGH OIL TO BE ABLE TO SEE THE BRIDEGROOM ARRIVE AND WERE LEFT OUTSIDE THE GATES OF HEAVEN... GBY KGFG mjk....... P.s. I now realise that have left out my joining the Roman Catholic Church and my devotion to Our Holy Mother MARY, not on purpose but that will require further explanation and maybe we can leave this important step to another post..
Posted on: Thu, 22 Jan 2015 06:43:53 +0000

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