THE VOICE OF WEST PAPUA NEW GUINEA OF MELANESIA - THE 2013/ 2014 THE GENEVA INTERNATIONAL HUMANITARIAN PEACE NEGOTIATION FORUM West Papua human rights abuse through democracy- peace-freedom-justice revolution movement through exploration “Geneva Brainstorming Mediation Humanitarian Peace Dialogue-Talks September 1th to 9th September 2013”. The Seeking of Prestigious Humanitarian Universal Peace Dialogue as the core key part of West Papua Democratic problem solution I. Introduction Notice that there is a long terms of a prime - core roots case of the controversial-coercive lie regimes state NKRI which is as a Good Neighbor-Bad Neighbor through the milestones 1945 Sukarno and Hatta declare independence on 17thAugust at that time without or Excluded the Territory of West New Guinea, then in 1965 the National Extremists Army crushes left-wing coup attempt Sukarnos position compromised, then continued to 1969 West New Guinea had being coerced- or forced into or become the controversial-coercive lie regime of NKRIs 26th province after adoption the controversial U.N. resolution No.2504 AS THE LONG TERMS THE DEATH SEED OF DESTRUCTION OF NATION OF WEST NEW GUINEA of 1025 CONTROVERSIAL-VOTES BY adoption of 84 U.N. - with full-manipulation controversial memberships through U.N. controversial supervised 1969 ACT OF FREE NO CHOICE by the most nations were depressing and anxious of dirty political and unclear of world economical commercial interests reasons to retain the controversial-coercive lie regime state of NKRI-Indonesias unclear goodwill which have turned the cynically blind eye to that illegality matters through the cheapest slogan ideas propaganda of a long terms silence-arms political conflicts over the TERRITORY OF WEST NEW GUINEA (NEW GUINEA ISLAND). It was supported by the scandals of controversial-coercive lie regimes state NKRI-Indonesias illegal connivance worldwide organized crimes annexation of WEST NEW GUINEA, and the scandal of worldwide organized crimes connivances collusion with the controversial-coercive lie regimes NKRI-Indonesia. In 1975 the controversial-coercive lie regimes NKRI-Indonesia national extremist forces invade the Portuguese colony of East Timor- which was formally annexed the following year, becoming the 27th province by ONE SINGLE CULTURAL OF ISLAMIZATION –INDONESIANIZTION-JAVANIZATION OVER OTHERS OF NON-NKRI-Indonesia, with No-Mercy, No Forgiven, No-Democracy, No-Justice, No-Freedom, No-Peace, GENOCIDE-THE LONG TERMS MYSTERIOUS EXTRA-JUDICIAL KILLING TO THE PEOPLES OF WEST NEW GUINEA OF MELANESIA AND THE PEOPLES OF EAST TIMOR before freedom in 1999. Today, we may know that Human Rights in ‘NKRI’-Indonesia has been widely condemned abroad for alleged human rights abuse such as torture, summary execution of political prisoners with ‘mysterious killings-the extra-judicial execution of suspected common criminals by ‘NKRI’-Indonesia national extremists hit squads such as the killing of Mako TABUNI in Jayapura and others. II. The brainstorming exploration Through short time of four days ( 3-6 September 2013 ) in Geneva , Switzerland , following the rainfall outlook meeting ( brainstorming ) humanitarian peace dialogue about how media can be used to solve a number of problems and conflicts that have occurred and lasted longer in some regions of the world , then I as one of the invited participants had the impression that the dialogue is the right choice now is to overcome the problem of socio- political conflict and economic , as well as the ongoing culture in the Land of Papua”.. It is so limited time in a meeting facilitated by a trainer experienced in the field of conflict resolution, mediation and negotiation among nations; he also received a number of important knowledge about how to formulate a frame work (framework) of the conduct of the dialogue itself. As well as , how to ensure that the process of dialogue that will take place by always paying attention to the actors involved and engaged with the content or the material to be a dialogue . “Several case examples of how the resolution of conflicts in some parts of the world such as Mali, South Sudan, Southern Philippines and Yemen helped us to understand that in fact every case and has a background of conflict and the issue itself and the involvement of the actors in the efforts to resolve the conflict through the dialogue is on the basis of their interests as well. Day by day, there is still ongoing political conflicts in West Papua So since the beginning of this section must be discussed and reconciled between the parties hereto and or involved in the conflict “ Affirmed, in an effort to encourage the Indonesian – Papua humanitarian peace dialogue, engagement parties concerned since today is very necessary and important to always be discussed, such as by LP3BH who led by Christian Warinnusy in Manokwari. Hopefully, all parties will play from now as one of the human rights advocacy organizations to promote the empowerment and education with the community in Papua about ways to build peace through dialogue and negotiations. This struck us as important, because with a good grasp on the neighbor Papua humanitarian peace dialogue and negotiation, then later all their efforts in addressing the rights and socio- political can be traversed by peaceful means, not by building and maintaining a more conflict much harm to many people in the Land of Papua and Indonesia as well as in the world. In addition, all parties must be aware, that the dialogue is a way of solving a problem that is very democratic, because it has been embraced and practiced in a variety of cases, and conflict in various parts of the world and is universally accepted, recognized and respected to be used, including in the case of the current ongoing conflict in Papua between Papuans and the Indonesian Government. III. AN IMPORTANCE OF HUMANITARIAN PEACE DIALOGUE BETWEEN TWO PEOPLES OF JAKARTA-NKRI AND WEST NEW GUINEAN OF MELANESIAN (WEST PAPUA OPM COMMUNITIES BASED IN-EXTERNAL) IN WEST NEW GUINEA OF MELANESIA OR SECURE PLACES BY PEACEFUL MEANS THE SAKE OF PEACE IN PAPUA. The importance of Humanitarian Peace Negotiation dialog forum ue between Jakarta -NKRI-Indos...... and Papua - WEST PAPUA NEW GUINEA OF MELANESIA . Kebadabi introduction by Pastor Neles Tebay , Pr (Kebadabi in the language of the Mee people means “ he who will open doors and paths” – Neles kebadabi Tebay is indeed a person who open doors and shows the way, Fr Prof.Franz Magnis-Suseno SJ ) in a roundtable discussion with guests from Norway reveals that the dialogue between Jakarta and Papua s important to hold , its known or it’s to be remembered so far that there is no single model of conflict resolution in the offer . The Conflicts that being fuelled emerged, spoiled, and developed in 1963 to the present as a time bomb, which will be popping up all the time. Government is not able to resolve the issues among other problems Papuan history, human rights abuses, marginalization, poverty, education and health issues as well as problems threatened indigenous cultures. These issues were never looking for the best and settlement solutions between indigenous Papuans and the government. While not resolve the Papuan problem, conflict and violence is increasing in Papua. The victim of the problem is the people of Papua (the Papuan and non- Papuan), OPM and the Indonesian military (TNI and Police) are both victims in Papua. Thus, the dialogue was essential to resolve the Papuan problem for peace in Papua. Peaceful means in solving a problem is yearning all Papuans. Special Autonomy “Autonomy which has nearly 11 years of grazing in Papua , is deemed to have failed , it is because the Papuan officials are more affected than the indigenous people of Papua . Likewise unilaterally made the bill Autonomy Plus in Papua, while the problem in the past has not been completed properly Autonomy in fact more and more conflicts and violence in Papua. What is the meaning of dialogue? The Concept of Dialogue in the emergency zone conflicts such in the West New Guinea of Melanesia or West Papua and others that according to Father Neles when he explained what it is about the dialogue to the Bishop of Oslo Norway Dr . Gunnar Stalsett President Religious for Peace : European Council of Religious Leaders and Stig Traavik Norwegian ambassador during a visit in Hall Seminary in STFT - Fajar Timur , Abepura - Papua since 11 September 2013 . Dialogue is a good way of communication between the two sides in conflict especially between Jakarta and Papua. Jakarta and Papua have always maintained their own concepts without finding a way out of the conflict and violence in Papua. Therefore, by looking the today of present effort of dialogue as a means to bring people meet together from the two nation’s sides between Jakarta- R.I. or ‘NKRI’-Indonesia and Papua. However, initially as a stigmatizing political dialogue of the separatist Free Papua Movement “OPM “. Even a bit of a misnomer because the connotation is translated by various parties -political book at the launch Jakarta - Papua Dialogue “A Perspective Papua and during the public consultation and dialogue was limited , he said . But after a public consultation on dialogue in Papua, City and some counties , especially in Wamena , Manokwari , Merauke , Fak -Fak , Sorong , Timika , Paniai , and Nabire and final public consultation in Jayapura , the Papuans reject dialogue was accepted as way out of conflict and violence in Papua . Thus also in Jakarta receives level dialogue as the best path and means for creating Papua Land of Peace. We formed the Papua Peace Network “JDP “from 5-7 July 2011 . In the declaration of peace, has formed a team of negotiators as a representation of Papua by 5 people fit the criteria JDP. In the Peace Conference, has attended about 500 people from various cities and counties in Papua. During the conference, Pastor Neles as a committee and explain the importance of dialogue for peace in the land of Papua is not a military approach or approaches violence and conflict in Papua. Then JDP embrace people become members of various backgrounds and religions as well as women to succeed in the dialogue between Jakarta and Papua. Then the members play an important role in explaining what it is dialogue and objectives and targets to be achieved in the dialogue. Now the dialog is no longer taboo or forbidden discussed in public but shared agenda to discuss and seek resolution of conflicts and violence in Papua for peace in Papua. In a roundtable discussion, a member of Mrs. Miriam Ambalom JDP, explaining dialogue female perspective. Papuan women are very supportive dialogue championed by JDP. On the grounds that women are always the victims in the country of Papua. The first victims of the conflict and violence in Papua over the years. Therefore, we support the dialogue so that our women and children to live in peace and security without experiencing stress and trauma as in the past since 1963 until now. In addition , a mother Iren Waromi , he was a member of the JDP convey that we encourage dialogue because our women and mothers of children become victims of violence and conflict even our mothers and children victims of injustice system both from the perspective of culture , education , health , and politics in Papua. Furthermore Doctor Raflus Dorang , MH explained about health issues and HIV / AIDS in Papua . Health issues and HIV / AIDS is also a dominant problem in Papua because the Papuans and non- Papuans are both experiencing the same and suffer the same without finding solution for 5major problems of Slow-Genocide Process in the aspects of health such as 1, HIV / AIDS,2. Malaria, 3. Respiration Infection, 4. TBC, 5. Child Mortality in Papua. Autonomy in the past is increasingly adding to the problem when we think that the existence of Autonomy would be resolving the problem in the health sector in Papua. And always the victims were mother and child health. Human development index numbers (HDI) shows that the growth of the human index was minimal in Papua even the order of 33 of the 33 provinces of Indonesia since 2012. When we analyzed the decline in numbers such as the government does not focus on the human development index pertumbuah even minimal attention to by the government in Papua before and after the enactment of the Special Autonomy Autonomy in Papua since 2001 till now 2013. WEST PAPUA INTERNATION HUANITARIAN PEACE NEGOTIANTION Dialog Become Public – International Issues Problems between Jakarta - Papua dialogue to be good for the public issue of conflict resolution and violence in Papua in Jakarta so we are very supportive of all efforts made by JDP, Ding said Samsudin ( Muhammadiyah chairman of Indonesia in Jakarta ) . Inditernasional party is always concerned with the issue of dialogue so that we in Jakarta , always willing to provide support so that the issue of Papua resolved through dialogue , not to approach conflict and violence and its not a military approach in Papua . Dialogue is a good step to resolve the Papuan problem. Norwegian ambassador Mr. Stig Traavik said that he was pleased to meet with you all in Papua. Papuan religious leaders as a peace instrumentals in the problems in Papua, especially in conflict resolution and violence through the path of dialogue for peace in Papua. Because we are in Norway have always cooperation between the government and religious leaders. Then we are always looking for a way out of the problems that we experienced together in Norway. Now we are also present in the State of Indonesia to run the forest protection program in Indonesia, then we have a big job to protect and environment in Papua. We only transparent on what we do in Indonesia without hidden. Without hesitation and wavering we build friendship with the Indonesian government and Indonesian civilians. Last message we will return one day to contribute to Papua. What is the ultimate message of the limited discussion? Thus the limited discussion between Bishop Oslo Norway , President Religions for Peace : European Council of Religious Leaders , Mr Stig Traavik Norwegian Ambassador and Kebadabii Father Neles Tebay , Pr Papua Peace Network Coordinator after explaining about the importance of dialogue and what meaning dialogue between Jakarta and Papua for peace of Papua . Finally roundtable discussion was closed to the last message by the Bishop of Oslo Norway that our International support for dialogue and what made you – our brothers in Papua for peace in Papua. In the fight for the dialogue must show a different faith but action too. Therefore, we emphasize the action must go together in all aspects not just the dialogue alone. We believe that what you do is a combination of faith and action for peace on this earth. IV. Finally closed with the phrase greetings of friendship - gladness or happy and thanks giving from the Central Highland of West New Guinea of Melanesia” …wa …wa…wa… wa…” For furthermore you might be interested to see the video YouTube as picture of this core prime West Papua Human Rights abuse and democracy-peace-freedom-justice revolution movement through Exploration Geneva Brainstorming Mediation Humanitarian Peace Dialogue-Talks September 1th to 9th September 2013. V. Genocide in West Papua by General Prabowo Subianto – part 1( VI. New Evidence of Torture in West Papua …( VII. ... (Mari Dialog Sudah...) VIII. ... ( Diskusi Buku Angkat Pena Demi Dialog Papua –Jakarta) IX. ... (List Konflik Papua Lewat Dialog) X. Damai Papua 1 …( ) XI. Damai Papua 2…( ) XII. Damai Papua 3 …( ) XIII. The land of Morning Star …( ) XIV. ACT OF NO CHOICE ( -) UN officials admitted in private that 95 per cent of Papuans supported independence. But as UN Representative Ortiz Sanz told Australian journalist Hugh Lunn, West [Papua] is like a cancerous growth on the side of the UN and my job is to surgically remove it. And remove it he did. In 1969, Sanz reported the votes outcome to the UN General Assembly, noting only that Indonesian and not international voting practice was adopted. West Papua formally became a province of Indonesia. - Jennifer Robinson. XV. West Papua document part 1…( youtube/watch?v=QHZ_fXTva9I&feature=share&list=PLRnDKjjPl94UGsxfOXZILR9E-1J3t6n5k XVI. New Guinea island exploitation …( ( PEACE OPM-INTERNATIONAL FORUM FOR WEST PAPUA - THANKS.
Posted on: Mon, 10 Mar 2014 11:24:32 +0000

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