THE WORD OF WISDOM I think this is a direct supernatural act of - TopicsExpress


THE WORD OF WISDOM I think this is a direct supernatural act of the Holy Spirit to grant wisdom to a specific believer at a specific time to deal with a specific situation. So there is that kind of general wisdom that we all have, but there are times when God grants unusual wisdom, it’s a spiritual thing, and the people around recognize that. They say, “Wow! Where did that thought come from? Where did that wisdom come from? Oh, it must have come from God!” So the example, perhaps, that is most well known in the Bible is of Solomon, when confronted by two women who were fighting over a baby, saying “No! This is MY baby!” And the other one saying, “No! It’s MY baby!” The whole point was they had two babies and one of them had died and there was a dispute about whose baby had died. Suddenly Solomon has a flash of insight, which I’m sure was from God, and he says this: “Take a sword and cut the baby in half.” So, just as a solider is unsheathing his sword, one of the women cries out, “No, no, no! Don’t cut it in half. Give it to the other lady!” And the other woman cries out, “If I can’t have the baby, no one shall. Yes! Cut it in half!” And in that moment Solomon knew the answer to whose baby it was, so the lady who was prepared to give up the baby got the baby. And that’s an example of a specific gift of wisdom. Often there are conflicting principles. One of the reasons why we have pastors who we look to is because of this gift. Sometimes you come to the Bible and you find a direction in here that talks about, let’s say for example, patience and faithful waiting. Then maybe you have another verse that says that you’ve got to go; you got to do something; you’ve got to act. Don’t just sit there waiting. And you say, “Hang on! Which of these applies to me in my situation?” Perhaps you’ve got a problem at work and another option has come up, or another job. Do I stick it out where I’m at, or should I be bold and go for this other one? And we could argue both from the Scriptures. Sometimes you need that word of wisdom from someone where God just comes and directs and says, “This is what you should do.” As a result, you will then, in your heart, say, “Ah yes, I’ll go with this.” I’m not talking about pastors leading you in a very direct descriptive way, but sometimes God will give a word of wisdom that unlocks the situation, makes it suddenly very clear and very plain what the right course of action actually is. In a sense, wisdom is knowing how to act, and it cuts through a dilemma.
Posted on: Tue, 30 Jul 2013 12:51:14 +0000

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