THERE ARE BENEFITS FROM TURBULENT WINDS: “AMID EVERY CHALLENGE QUIETLY LIES THE WAY OUT OF IT” ANCHOR TEXT: “Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds” James 1:2. In 1960, when John F. Kennedy was a senator campaigning for the presidency, he gave a successful speech to a crowd at the Alamo in San Antonio, Texas, site of the historic battle where small group of American heroes were defeated by the Mexican army. When Kennedy finished, he wanted to make a quick exit, so he said to Maury Mathers, a local politician. ‘Maury, let’s get out of here. Where is the back door?’ ‘Senator,’ Maury replied, ‘if there had been a back door to the Alamo, there would not have been any heroes’. A problem is not really a problem unless you allow it to be a problem. It is really an opportunity. If you can see it that way, then every time you face a problem, you will realize that you are really faced with an opportunity. At the least, more if you pursue solving it with the right attitude. But appreciating a challenge, seeing it from the angle of opportunity is what majority of people still struggle with, and have not been able to come to terms with. The way an eagle meets and handle the challenge of wind, brings to mind the benefits you can derive from a challenge. Let’s examine them briefly: * Turbulent wind causes the eagle to fly higher: This is tremendous lifting power in the thermal updrafts of turbulent winds. * Turbulent wind gives the eagle a large view: The higher the eagle flies, the larger will be his perspective of the land below it. * It lifts the eagle above harassment: At lower elevations the eagle is often harassed by suspicious crows: as it soars higher, it leaves behind all these distractions. * Turbulent winds allow the eagle to use less effort. * It allows the eagle to stay up longer, and it helps the eagle to fly faster. Can you see how marvelous and beneficial turbulent winds of life could be? So if want to gain the full benefit from every challenge of life, stop looking for the back door and face the difficulty with the determination to gain something from it. The longer you stay and face such challenge, the clearer your view of the potential benefits therein. Do that, and you will become a hero in life. You are lifted!
Posted on: Tue, 23 Sep 2014 17:42:21 +0000

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