THERE ARE NO DEPTHS RUSH LIMBAUGH WONT PLUMB I believe you can tell much about a person by how they respond to tragic news. Most people, for instance, had a compassionate reaction to the news that Robin Williams had taken his own life. Most of us felt sorrow for his family and especially for him. We were saddened that he was unable to fight off his demons, particularly depression, and that a man who brought such joy himself had a tortured existence. Thats a healthy, humanitarian response. On the other hand, you have Rush Limbaugh. Limbaugh today said Williams killed himself because he was a liberal. He blamed it on the comics leftist world view. It’s one of pessimism, and darkness, sadness. They’re never happy, are they?” he said. It is sickening that Rush would display such a striking lack of sympathy for a fellow entertainer and human being and would make up something as ridiculous as what he spewed on his show today. But Limbaugh is probably factually wrong, too, per usual. A study of the year 1996 found a significantly higher rate of suicide in states which voted Republican that in states which voted Democrat in the presidential election of that year. Using Limbaughs logic, if being liberal makes us want to kill ourselves, being conservative must make the urge stronger. Rushs vile attempt to make disgusting and fact-free politics out of a familys tragedy says more about him than his words ever will about Robin Williams. Williams suicide is simply a sad end to a brilliant life and a testament to the power of what depression can do to us. Thats true whether you are liberal, conservative, moderate or radical. Except for Rush.
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 22:31:14 +0000

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